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About rowyourboat

  • Birthday 05/29/1982

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  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. I’m looking for a smaller size hard body swimbait (specifically for spotted bass and smallmouth lakes) i was looking at catch co baby bull shad (3.75”) or spro bbz 1 baby shad (2.5”). which do you all prefer? Any others out there under 4” ?
  2. I’m looking for an orange colored swimbait. Preferably 3-4 inch size to use as chatterbait/spinnerbait trailer. Not having any luck finding one on TW , eBay, or another site. Anyone know of any?
  3. What size is that if you don’t mind me asking
  4. I forgot to add - post some pics of you can!!! Would love to see some of these
  5. Just curious- what’s the most expensive lure you have. Mine would have to just be some 20-25 dollar ranger jerkbaits. Any of you boys and girls high rollers? Maybe chucking a Roman mother or something? Haha
  6. Hey guys. I’m young and enjoy traveling to lakes for the weekend. Money is tight for me. So I usually try to just sleep in my truck on Saturday nights. My question is - where can you charge your batteries doing this? I’m thought about paying for a spot at a campground. Any other ideas?
  7. I saw one is having some heath issues so taking a week off.
  8. Red/ Craw colored traps chatterbait basstrix swimbait 6” - Chart shad color missile baits destroyer - super bug color. Smith wick super rogue in later craw color thoae are the 5 lures I’d be sure to have.
  9. Does anyone have a list of anglers who are fish By the BASS opens in hopes of qualifying for elite series? so far I know Scott Martin and B-Lat
  10. Wow. I watched several of the vids. Very eye opening. Thanks for the Info.
  11. Dude - just don’t comment. What good does that do? You don’t know what problems anyone has or doesn’t have. I just like to see the kid get the shot that he deserves. I hope he has nothing but success
  12. Who is Luke and what did he say.
  13. The more I think about it - still kinda upsets me. They said TBF prez contacted the kid and told him what was going on. Which makes me think MLF was not going to do it. Then he posts on social media and gets some coverage. And boom.
  14. I literally just read this and came here to post. Seems like the right thing has been done maybe I jumped the gun in getting upset. Not giving it time to play out. I just want to see the young man get a fair shot- he deserves it.
  15. Will do! Thanks
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