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About NorCalFishinguru

  • Birthday 11/02/1993

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    North Bay

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  1. Probably flipping/ punching a beaver, hopping and dragging a t-rigged brush hog and third may be a senko because they work at all lakes all year in all types of vegetation. I'd guess that the secret d-shot bait that they're talking about mimicks a goby and wouldn't have the same effect in most of the country where, unlike Erie, the lakes aren't loaded with gobies. I could be wrong but that's what I'd guess
  2. You could probably sell them but I definately wouldnt use the "hardhead name" that gene larew got to first. Maybe call them swivel shakey or something like that
  3. I have an excel and absolutely love it. Great sensitivity, looks, and proper action. The main drawback on these rods are the guides. Basically, they suck. Lamiglas went with American Tackle instead of Fuji to keep price down, which I don't really mind. 3 different inserts have popped out of my rod already and I've had to pop them back into place. But still happy with the rod overall
  4. Guys around here that fish clear lake, ca hate them because the algae get caught up in them and is impossible to pick out. Even worse when it dries in the hot summer sun when the blooms are at their strongest
  5. Randy McAbee hucks Norman dd22s and the like as far as he can with an 8 foot rod and cranks as fast as he can with a 7:1 ratio reel
  6. I don't live on the Delta but up in the Santa Rosa area. Ive got a couple of semi private man made ponds that only residents of the neighborhood can fish with guests but like i said, nothing on the delta.
  7. "Yee ta deeee" Ive been watching to much rippnlipps on you tube. Theyre actually pretty good
  8. It's just a reaction. If you touch the fish around the crusher plates or back of the throat theyll try to swallow. They dont want whatevers there clogging their throat and being irritating, its not because theyre hungry. I hooked a small bass on a frog and oe of the points was hooked well into the hard white ridges of the gills. I frantically looked at the side of the fish hoping i didnt bleed it and was elated to see it was fine. I striggled to unhook it with my needle noses because his mouth was so small and the frog was all bunched up and he kept trying to swalow everything. When i finally popped the hook point out and was carefully trying to remove the point from hif gills he shook super violently and shot blood all over my face, sweatshirt and the boat. I felt sorry for that little guy, not much more i could have done :'(
  9. A pro gave me a pack of sweet beavers like 6 or 7 years ago and i never used them. Now flipping and pitching are my favorite techniques and beavers are my go-to baits. One i bought and didnt expect to actually catch anything on was a castaic catch 22 trout swimbait. I acccidentally deadsticked it since i casted from shore and got my line tangled in a branch of a tree right above me. I was working on that for a minute then looked out and saw my kine getting tighter and tighter lol. I scrambled to set the hook as best i could and finally got it untangled. Luckyly the fish was small
  10. What he claims to be using. A white duckett micro magic rod. http://tackletog.com/cal/2010/03/21/velvicks-magic-wand-the-duckett-fishing-micro-magic/ Duckett Rods doesn't produce a true big swimbait rod so byron went with some other one seen below. I can't find a duckett rod that looks like this full grip . Not saying it doesnt exist but I can't find one. Either way it's certainly not the rod he claimed to be using and promoted as an essential part of his win.
  11. One thing i didnt notice before on the sourpuss is that the little ridges i the body face backards unlike a reaction innovations beaver. Im not crazy about that. Probably put out a little less vibration but slip in and out of cover easier. Not that the regular beavers ridges get in the way anyhow
  12. On some of the super high pressured public bass ponds i fish all the time here there are dozens and dozens of people throwing everything that walmart has to offer in the water every day. You definately have to make a difficult, quiet cast to a hard to reach area to really get em unles your the extremely lucky guy that happens to hook up. A couple summers ago one of the ponds thats completely surrounded by tules besides a few open areas had its wate level way down and the fish were sitting underneath the downed tules about 70-100 feet on the far bank. If you didnt cast within three feet of the tule edge, you didnt hook up but as soon as you made that perfect cast, bingo. Presentation was everything in that situation
  13. Cool little knot and I'll probably use if for flies but I'll be stubborn and still take the few extra seconds to tie a proven knot to everything else that i know can withstand some abuse with little risk
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