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Everything posted by RyneB

  1. Get stuck on a sand bar I warned him about. Then we had to get out and push and push and push
  2. I dont think he knew what was going on. Not sure if he got excited and just seen me using a baitcaster and just figured he had to chuck it. no clue. The other time I had my good buddy as my non boater for a 2 day tourney. I had caught a few fish off a small rocky area underneath a overhang. I drew him day 2. I told him about the rock pile and to just wait to cast at it till I get situated and make a few casts at it. I was leading after day 1. He didnt listen, first cast he chucks a double digit price squarebill into the tree and tells me to go get it. Which would make me go right into my little rocky area. I made him cut it so we can get it later.
  3. I needed to stock up on a couple packs of Big Ezs for an upcoming tournament. $260 later I got my 2 packs of Big EZs lol
  4. I need some help. I had the top eye insert disappear on my punch rod. I have no recollection of seeing it fall off, but I noticed my braid fraying and just checked my guides and the top insert was eyeless. It is my punch rod, so I need it to hold up to the abuse, so how do I go about fixing this?
  5. pink. Some of my club members swear by a pink wacky worm and pink chatterbait. I cant seem to get bit on it.
  6. slow steady retrieve has been best for me. I have had spotty success with it, but that's typical of a bait like that. My favorite time to throw it is in the rain, I work it just under the surface.
  7. hudd 68 and S Waver for mass produced baits. My confidence swimbait in the fall is a Fish30Acre dirty shad, but they arent something easily attainable.
  8. cant go wrong with Loon and Bone as a starting point. You will also get some guys that say color does not matter on a bait like the plopper, you will also have guys who believe a custom paint job is the ticket. Day in and day out, loon and bone will do more than get the job done.
  9. my best days on the Plopper are when it's a bit windy. If it's dead calm, I seem to do better on a buzzbait, spook, or popper if I'm targeting fish on top. I can assure you the 130 isnt too big. The only thing it may be too big for is if you are limited to light equipment. I gave caught my fair share of 12 inch bass on it.
  10. stay in the main channel when running and you will be just fine from the carp. I have a glass boat, but in my 15+ years of fishing the river I have only had 4 enter my boat. And 3 of those were at the same time. So only 2 separate incidents and both were when I was on the trolling motor and fishing. If you idle in shallow water, they will jump. Luckily I know my way around my pool, so I troll out of shallow areas where I cant get on pad. If I can get on pad, I hammer down and get out of the shallower water asap. The white bass are biting, and been picking up some smallies randomly.
  11. I kindly told him that he shouldn't go up on the front deck and grab someones tackle without permission, and that I'm a fairly laid back dude but I know some guys who would have dropped him off at the nearest piece of land. This one just popped into my head. I drew a co angler who was a long time member of the club. He is a good guy, but he tells the same exact stories everytime I'm around him. Well, I was working a spook and a biggun hits the spook and knocks it 2 feet out of the water. The line wrapped around the hook and I brought it back to fix, as I did he casted a wacky worm on where I got my hit. Ended up being 5.5lbs and big bass of the tourney. I came in with a big fat zero. And he still brags to me how he beat me out of the back of my boat. lol
  12. I recently had a back boater that I did not know. He had joined the club to learn about fishing. I understand everyone has to start somewhere, and am always willing to help and willing to learn. From the get go, I could tell this gentleman didnt have anything organized and was kind of childish from the get go. About 20 minutes into the morning I get blown up on topwater. As I make a few cranks on the reel, this dude runs up on my front deck and picks up my Loomis IMX with a MGX reel and rifles it out and blows up the whole spool of Tatsu with a backlash. And then drops the rod and reel on the deck and walks to the back of the boat. What's the worst thing a back boaters done to you? let's hear em
  13. yeah, Abu. It's a nice reel, but it's way overpriced. I have never paid full price for one. I have some daiwas,abus,lews, and shimanos. I personally like them all, and am not brand loyal. My favorite reels are my MGXs, but I think that's partially because they fit my hands the best and are comfortable. But as far as actual "performance," I dont see a drop off between my MGX and say my Curado I. Just a bit lighter and more comfortable.
  14. I dont mind the weight so much, as I dislike the bulk of my Curado Ks. I have small hands and have an assortment of MGX and ALX reels, then I pick up my rod with a curado k on it and it feels massive. It is one smoooooooooth reel though.
  15. I have a question for you michigan guys. Me and the old lady and 5 year old are heading to Holland this weekend. I was wondering if it's worth it to bring the spinning rod and try for smallies off the pier? Also, I heard I cant drop shot it if I do, is this true? I would pry only get to fish for an hour, so I wouldnt bring much more than a couple tubes and drop shot if I can. Thanks
  16. I love mine, I was looking for a light reel but didnt wanna splurge on another MGX. Found a lightly used one for cheap, and its been flawless so far. I received the reel in March, and have put it to the test. Its had braid and fluoro on it and handled both well. when I put it down and pick up a rod with my MGXs, I really cant tell much of a difference. If I find another good deal, I wont hesitate to buy a couple more. I did put a Carbon handle on mine, I felt it needed it.
  17. Lobina Rico are great poppers and walk nicely. My best producing popper is a Lake Fork Magic popper. I believe they are discontinued, but I have found a few on ebay. The stock hooks are complete trash, so it isnt tun having to put new hooks on such a pricey bait, but it flat out catches fish.
  18. I also agree with this. Conditions play a huge factor. I can jack a 6 lb largie in a mat and it's just a heavy resistance. I can also hook into a 2 lb smallie with 6lb line on spinning tackle and have it jump several times and take drag. We can all agree both are a lot of fun and I'm lucky enough to live within a 6 hour drive of Traverse city and 1 hour drive of the Mississippi river.
  19. I have Zolos and Ikos. The main difference to me is weight, the zolo rods are overall a lighter rod. I love my Ikos Promise, I would say it is my favorite rod. The zolo is a bit more sensitive, but not by much. The build quality are the same for all of ALX rods. The last Ikos I bought had a glued up eye, contracted ALX and problem solved. I can assure you that you will not be disappointed in either rod. The Zolo may not be as sensitive as a $300-$400 rod (I wouldnt know), but it is more than sensitive enough for me.
  20. This is the setup I use for a tube. A 3/16-1/4 oz tungsten, Trokar tube hook, and a 3.5 inch tube of your favorite color. I sometimes like to insert a rattle. I use 3 main colors. A shad type color, green pumpkin, and junebug. Sometimes a black neon tube is the ticket, but one of the 3 mentioned above usually gets the job done. If I move up to a 4 inch tube, I adjust the weight to the cover I'm fishing, but same hook.
  21. Save your kidney for when it's time to purchase an Enox series.
  22. I love Invizx, never had any issues. It handles everything I throw at it.
  23. I have used my Promise with braid and a fluoro leader. No problems at all.
  24. Traverse City in the spring. If the Bay is rough, you have several inland lakes to choose from. Hopefully you dont get tired of catching 2.5-3.5 lb smallies on topwater, with an occasional 4 or 5.
  25. When I spend a week in traverse city every spring, a Evergreen Shower Blows is by far my best producing topwater. Runner up would be a little popper.
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