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Everything posted by triton18

  1. yes, thats what I'm talking about. thanks I will see if I can find it.
  2. I if anybody has any good ideas how to mount a transducer for a side finder. I have it on the trasom right now and its been knocked off twice. I was thinking of puting it on the jackplate to keep it a little more out of the way. not sure how I'm going to do it yet. thought I would ask for some ideas as I'm not very creative. thanks
  3. I would use an ohm meter. you can use a long peice of scrap wire as a jumper to ohm between switch and light.
  4. 99 and newer vehicles have the 7 pin connector added on from the factory. usually all you have to do is put in a fuse for the charge wire. but you can put a 7 pin on an older truck and still use the stay n charge system. you just have to run a wire from the positive post of the battery or the charge wire from the alt. (depending on the truck) to the plug and a negative wire to the plug. (the negative wire could be hooked to the frame of the truck) just make sure to put a breaker on the hot wire as close as you can to the battery! I had to do this to mine. it took about 30 min. works great.
  5. I have ruined three of them. maybe I should just start taking it out of the dash and keeping it inside the house for the winter. my luck I would forget were it is and still have to buy a new one.
  6. ok, I have been through 3 pressure gauges. every year I freeze the gauge and break it. does anybody have any good ideas on what I can do to get all the water out of the gauge? I was thinking about puting in a small drain valve from an aquarium behind the gauge to drain the water out. but I don't know if it will work or not. any ideas?
  7. as far as the charging system on the motor, no it wouldn't hurt it at all. as a previous post said, the cranking battery will not last IF hooked directly to the trolling motor batterys with out some sort of isolater. deep cycle batterys can handle the discharge, cranking batterys can't. if you really want to charge off the motors alt. I would recomend using a stay-n-charge system. it isolates the cranking battery from the discharge of the trolling batterys, and only connects when the alternater is charging.
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