All I got to say is research the group/club you are going to be fishing with. In the past, fishing BFL as a co angler, I've drawn boaters who were under-equipped and not really prepared to compete, compared to the rest of the field. I drew a guy at a Pickwick wild card event who towed a light aluminum rig from West Virginia to Florence, Alabama, primarily for cost reasons. Once he got there, he realized that he had the boat, but didn't have the skills to successfully fish the tail race area. (An aluminum boat, which can bounce off rocks, is the perfect boat to fish this area) The boat (17' with a 50 hp engine & 6 gal portable tank) literally didn't have the range to go very far on Pickwick. I drew him for the second day. I'd caught a few fish the first day, and was in outside contention for the top 6 (which is all that matters in the Wild Card format)
This guy did very little research on PIckwick prior to showing up. He inadvertently shows up in a boat that is perfectly suited to fish the tail race AND the tail race is the only decent fishing area within his range.
Then he busts out with (fishing that tail race is scary and I'm not going to do it) I was a little steamed.
It is one thing to enter a tournament under-equipped - under powered - under informed, whatever, should you be fishing solo or as part of a team. Fishing in a blind draw format, you are putting a co-angler into a non-competitive situation. In my opinion, that ain't cool.
The rest of the story for the tournament, we ran a mile or so to a diversion canal and then ran another quarter mile to the back of the canal, where we stayed all day, rotating between pitching at barges and pilings. There weren't any fish in the canal that day. Never saw a shad flip or any evidence of food in the area, BUT there wasn't any current and it was safe boating and it was within his range. For the record, 4 of the 6 boater spots came out of the tail race. All of the co-angler spots came out of the tail race.
If this would have happened during a regular BFL event, I would have registered a protest, but as it happened during the wild card (last tournament of the year) tournament director mentioned, after the fact, that it was unfortunate.
The conclusion to this rant, if you are going to enter tournament competition under-equipped and under powered, do it in a solo or team format, with a team mate who is aware of what he/she is getting into.
Just my opinion, which is formed (or tainted if you will) by my own experiences.