I'll agree to disagree. The MO DOC has managed the deer herd to the point to where there are more deer here now than there were when Lewis and Clark passed through here. Granted, there are many reasons for this, but their superior management skills are a primary reason.
All I'm saying is, take some responsibility boys, when one of your large managed resources happens to wander in front of a citizen driving, and crunches happen, help the citizen out some. Just cover my deductible. I know they have enough money in reserve to cover that, like I mentioned earlier, probably out of petty cash.
The MO DOC has received the 1/8 cent sales tax for 30+ years now. They have enough money in reserve, right now, to buy any piece of property they want, should it come up for sale, and they have guys that watch for that sort of stuff.
Mind you, I am totally opposed to politicians in general, and Republicans in particular, trying to tap the DOC funding source because is state is short of money in other areas. However, in the matter of the deer herd, I think that the DOC bears some responsibility, in that they have managed the deer herd so well that deer can walk out in traffic often, let cars smack into them and the total deer herd isn't appreciably compromised. I absolutely don't think that fronting a citizen 5 bills when they happen to smack into Bambi or Bambi's Dad, or Mother, or brother is going to unduly upset the budget of the MO DOC. When you strike a deer with your vehicle, it is a genuine pain in the butt and the wallet. I don't think that guys are going to go out of their way to smack into deer just to make $500.
There are some things that the MO DOC could do better. For instance, when I arrived home at roughly 4 AM this morning, I could hear coyotes helping a lot. I know guys who have livestock operations, and coyotes are an issue in livestock depredation. Restoring the coyote bounty wouldn't be a bad thing.
A post earlier, mentioned that the DOC didn't offer a 5 or 7 day out of state fishing license.( other than a daily license) A custom out of state license option would be nice, where you could get a license for as many days as you needed/wanted is a very good idea. For guys that have CRP land, ( like me) more funds for wildlife habitat management - native plant management - woodlot management , would be appreciated.
Edit Just re-read my post - sorry for the rant - kinda . . . . turns out that I am very smart during my 3rd IPA after work. I feel better now.