If you fish some, then you haven't worked all the time. As far as having "nothing" to show for the past 10 years, you're the only guy who can judge that fairly. If that's your honest judgement about the past 10 years - ok then - who am I to judge?
So, you're 30 years old and you haven't gotten your own boat yet? Think you're the only guy in that spot.
Have you given it any thought, that maybe it is currently your duty to go fishing with other guys, help them load their boat, help with expenses, etc. Have you considered how much you are learning through this activity? When you finally do get your boat, there will be many steps on the learning curve that you can skip, because you've witnessed buddies make the errors/decisions/ etc.
Currently, I have a semi-decent boat (2002 LOWE WF 180 with a 100 HP 4-stroke) I got that boat when I was 49, after I had secure employment for several years. It is paid for now - I am 62 - still working with no plans for retirement.
I guess what I'm saying is lighten up on yourself. If you are employed - you are re-engaged, so that means that there is one woman on the planet who is considering hanging out with you for the long term, and you get to go fishing occasionally - you are ahead of the game.
Sooner or later, if it is important enough to you, you will get your own boat - be mindful that life has a way of throwing curves at you from time to time and those are difficult to hit. If you've got buds who are tolerant enough to let you fish out of the back of the boat - then that's good enough right now.
A last aside - when I was in my late 20's - early 30's I was underemployed - down and out some of the time, semi-broke most of the time. What saved me then was I found a place, through a friend of a friend of a friend, that was a very private 40 acre lake, and the old lady who lived on the lake took pity on me and let me do odd jobs for her from time to time and in return I could fish her lake as much as I wanted to and keep all the fish I could catch. (The lake was semi-stunted with LOTS of 10 to 12 inch bass and taking them out was the best thing for the lake, over all)
Anyway, sorry you are currently bummed, but overall, it sounds like first world problems to me and stuff that you'll overcome, given a modest amount of effort. Thanks for letting me rant.