Last time I was out fishing, I was at the ramp, I had gotten my boat out of the water and was putting stuff away and taking my time about it. A couple of guys and a young child drive up. They are pulling an older 80's model multi-species boat. Heavy fiberglass, front casting deck with 4 chairs behind the wind shield.
They get lined up on the ramp, about a quarter of the way down and then decide to unstrap the boat, put in the drain plug, all the usual stuff you do a quarter of the way down the ramp.
Then, they put a life jacket on the child and put him in the boat - to keep him out of the way I guess. It is a drive on trailer, but the guy doesn't get into the boat, they take a rope with a snap on it and take the winch hook out of the bow eye. The driver tells the guy holding the rope - "Here's the deal, I'm going to back the boat down fairly quickly, once the trailer gets completely submerged I'm going to stomp on the brakes and the boat will just float right off. Hang on to the rope."
A good plan - apparently.. The guy backs down, submerges the trailer, stomps on the brakes and the boat floats off the trailer - good so far - As I mentioned, it is a heavy boat and I guess the rope guy wasn't set properly or didn't allow for the soft gravel he was standing on next to the concrete ramp. Anyway the boat floats off the trailer, inertia takes over and continues floating away from the ramp. The rope guy is trying to brace himself in the soft gravel - isn't working - he's being pulled toward the water - so he hops on to the ramp - it is concrete right, so the footing should be better. Not so, the ramp was very recently moistened by a guy putting his trailer in too deep, then stomping on the brakes and then quickly pulling up.
Anyway, boat kept going backwards - kid started screaming (probably because he was in a boat that was drifting away with no adult in the boat, but how am I to know) Guy got dragged in past his waist before he got control of the boat. He's in the water up to his waist, still hanging on to the rope, boat has stopped drifting, but the rope is taut between the guy and the bow eye. He gives a mighty tug and the rope snapped. Fortunately the wind was blowing kind of in and the boat blew in to bank - sideways 78 or 80 feet down wind from the ramp.
I had trouble keeping a straight face. If the wind had been blowing from the other direction the boat would have floated to the other side of the cove - a distance of a quarter mile or so and it would have hung up on stumps 20 yards or so from the bank.
Anyway, when they finally got the boat recovered and nose in to the bank, the guy who was wet anyway waded out and got in the boat (why he didn't jump in at the bow, I don't know.) After ascertaining that the prop was in deep enough water, he started the motor and drove the boat over to the dock, where it drifted away again as he looked through boat bins looking for more rope. Finally found some and got tied up to the dock. Oh, did I point out that the child never quit screaming once the rope broke. That child had a powerful set of lungs.
I'll never know why he didn't just get in the boat and start up the big motor once the boat drifted off the trailer. It wasn't cold out, but it wasn't hot either and water temp was around 60 degrees. I think that he had a chilly evening of fishing that was unnecessary. Oh, did I mention that he was wearing high top leather work boots - those got soaked and everyone knows how comfortable those are when they get soaked.
Anyway, that's the most humorous thing I've seen recently while fishing. For the record, I would have helped if they had asked, but they didn't ask. I was a hundred or so feet away, just watching. I had a hard time keeping a straight face.