As someone who also has tackle storage issues all I can offer is " try harder ". Buy more plastic storage totes. Buy more shelves. Hang more stuff on walls. Subdivide your gear into more recognizable piles. I have 30 or 40 totes. Right now I'm not real sure One thing that helps me is trying to be accurate in labeling what is in the tubs and don't fill any one tote more than 1/3 full.
This helps when you are going through totes looking for that one thing that you don't remember which tote you put it in.
Back when I was a co-angler fishing tournaments, I tried assembling "kits". I had a kit full of jigs, jig heads, soft plastics, hard baits, etc, everything that I could think of that I might need for Table Rock.
I had another kit for Lake of the Ozark , another for Truman Lake and for Grand Lake. Basically one for each lake the tournament trail fished. There was quite a bit of overlap, but that is ok. How else are you going to justify buying 15 different Wiggle Warts in 3 different colors. (There was a time when I threw wiggle warts quite a bit and I tended to lose them. I think I've got 6 or 7 left from that organization try. In theory, it worked great - in practice, not all that well, but I tried.
When I outgrew my garage, i.e. I had to decide if I wanted to store my car & lawn mowers in the garage or fishing stuff in the garage, I was fortunate in that I had the space to build a 40 x 60 fishing shed. I like that I can pull my truck & boat into the shed and not have to unhook it, I just plug in the on board charger. It didn't take long though before the fishing shed got nearly as full as my garage was. There is space for me to pull the truck & boat into the shed and for me to walk around it - kinda. All the walls have stuff hanging from them, there are lots of shelves, never have enough shelving, and an assortment of stuff is strewn throughout the rest of the space. Organization is an ongoing battle and the best I can hope for is an occasional draw. I hope you can completely now and forever solve your organization woes, but in my case, I can't solve my organization woes for more than a few weeks.