Something about the original post makes me say , "Huh?" If you want the same feel through all your rods, then , buy all the same rods. Get a dozen, or two of the exact same rod. A decade or so ago, didn't Rick Clunn allegedly do this? And didn't he tell other people through Bassmaster magazine that this was a good idea? I seem to recall reading something about this in Bassmaster, again around a decade or so ago. By my reckoning, that decision ( to use the same rod for all different baits ) coincided with one of the longer losing droughts of his career. Coincidence? Beats me.
You want the "same feel" through all your rods, do you really want your ned rig to feel like your frogging rod? Do you want your shakey head rig to feel like your Carolina rig? Why would you want your spinner bait rig to feel exactly like your worm rod? I could go on. Do you want the same sensitivity in your cranking rod as you do for your football jig rod? This thinking seems out of wack to me.
You want your rods to all have a similar "look", like lots of guys do with their golf clubs? I kinda get that. This makes a little more sense and the previous page and a half of posters have offered lots of options, I really can't add anything in this vein.
My advice is to find rods you like that do what you want within your price range. I think that warranty does make a difference. Fenwick has been good to me, their higher end rods, the HMG & Aetos series have lifetime warranties and I've broken some rods doing some ignorant stuff and Fenwick has replaced them. I know their policy has changed slightly over the years and it has been a few years since I've broken one, so I'm not up to date on their current version of their lifetime warranty. All Star Rods, ( back in the day when they were made in Texas ) used to have a GREAT warranty. Can't speak to their current warranties, they are now exclusively distributed by Academy Sports, I've bought a few on close outs, their actions are very similar to the old All Stars. I haven't broken any yet and fishing season is nearly over. Maybe next year . .