I used to have a boat very similar, slightly heavier than the Pelican 10E. I presume you're going transom mount. I've never seen a foot control mount on one of these little pond boats - don't mean it can't happen, just means I 've never seen it, and at that point you're getting way over $220.
Anyway, on my boat I ran a 36 lb thrust trolling motor for a couple of seasons - then it broke (my fault) and I used that opportunity to upgrade. I got a 55 lb thrust variable speed motor, and that's what I'd recommend. I don't think the brand makes much difference, but I got a Minn Kota, because of the Maximizer they advertised at that time. With the 55 I could get from point A to point B quicker and that was a plus, but the coolest part of that motor was how slow you could go. With the other 5 speed motor, sometimes back in a cove with light variable winds, speed 1 was too fast. I thought then, and I still do, that a very slow constant speed didn't spook fish as much as the on & off does.
You might want to get more battery. I started out with 2 of the biggest deep cycle batteries I could find at the time (wired parallel to stay 12 volts ) and after a while went to 3. The 3 batteries helped to balance out the load a little bit better also, because I was closer to the other end, with the hand controlled trolling motor.
You'll find that getting the boat balanced it pretty important so that it sits right in the water. I knew other guys, who only ran 1 battery, who kept a cooler in the back & filled it with water to help with the weight balance.
I'm pretty sure that boat can be comfortable to fish out of, but what with you being 300 lbs, there will be a learning curve to getting the balance right. Either way, to answer your question, I'd go with the biggest 12 volt trolling motor you can find that has the variable speed and 2 big deep cycle batteries wired parallel and don't forget a 2 bank charger so you can keep the 2 batteries charged the same. At this point you're over $220, but there isn't any substitute for trolling motor power on the water and more is almost always better.
BPS 2020 Master catalog suggests a price tag of $289 for the Endura Max 55 lb thrust, 12 volt, variable speed, 36" motor shaft.