Number of rigs depend on several things. Where do you fish? How do you like to fish? Do you fish out of your own boat or are you more often than not fishing with a buddy out of his boat? When you're fishing out of some one else's boat, hospitality only extends so far, you can't be taking lots of rigs along with you.
Truth be told, I fish alone MUCH more often than I fish with a partner and 95% of the time I fish out of my boat.
Here's what I carry in an attempt to maximize my fishing time and to avoid wasting time.
Bubba Drop Shot Rig
Top Water Rig _ ( Handles poppers, spooks, buzz baits in a pinch )
Jika Rig A - I really like fishing my home made jika rigs
Jika rig B - I experiment with different baits quite a big. (both of these rods are also good for throwing jigs in the 5/16
to half ounce range should I decide I want to do that. If I
want to go bubba shakey head, these rods throw a 3/8 oz
shakey head great)
Pitching rig A - ( for throwing smaller, compact baits like craws & beavers & tail weighted stick baits)
Pitching rig B - ( for throwing larger baits, mostly 5" & 6" stick worms & magnum trick worms)
Dedicated Slider rig - I throw quarter ounce Brewer Slider heads with paddle tail worms & straight tail worms quite a bit
Dedicated wacky senko rig ( spinning gear so I can skip up underneath hanging branches easier
Dedicated plastic minnow rig ( spinning gear for throwing flukes, smaller boot tail swim baits, stuff like that)
Ned Rig
Dedicated 10 " worm rig - post spawn through fall, I've always got to check out if fish are suspended in the trees. A 10"
worm works best for me.
Dedicated Biffle Bug rig - On lakes with stumps & a variety of rocks with little vegetation I like throwing the Biffle Bug.
better than jigs & better than my home made jika rigs. On lakes with plenty of vegetation
this rig stays in the truck or stays home.
Finesse Shakey head rig - 3/16 & quarter ounce jighead/soft plastic combos
Dedicated lipless crank rig
Spinner bait rig
Chatter bait rig
Square bill rig
Deep diving crank rig
Medium diving crank rig
Dedicated A-rig. - I can also throw medium to big swim baits with this rig
Dedicated magnum square bill rig (I've caught too many keepers on the big square bills to not keep this on the deck)
Dedicate frog rod
Finesse frogging rod
Alternate crank rod - ( for throwing shallow diving square bills like a Minus 1)
That's all I can think of right now. word of caution - DO NOT try to buy all these rigs at once (unless you win the lottery, then squander as much money as you want on JDM bait casters. I would.
Please note, when I have a co-angler in the boat ( like I do during the Fishing for Freedom events, stuff like that) I cut down to less than a dozen rods, just to avoid tripping over stuff when another guy is in the boat.
When I'm by myself in my boat, if I trip over stuff & break stuff, that's on me and I'm ok with that.