Terminal Tackle - you mean hooks & weights & swivels & stuff? You just got 4 boxes? There is probably some overlap between the four boxes. I have I don't know how many,but there is more than 4. The more you break down and label different aspects of terminal tackle, the easier it is to find what you need/want that instant. The down side is that there is more boxes/bags that you have to tote around.
Anyway, for terminal tackle here's how I am currently trying to stay organized. Weights - separate boxes for drop shot weights - worm weights - mojo weights - Carolina Rig weights - tube insert rig weights - florida style pegged worm weights (different boxes for goop weights and spring style weights), plus another box for "specialty weights", like nail weights and stick on weights, stuff like that.
I've got a couple different boxes for jika rigs one for heavier ones and another for lighter ones. Swivels and beads get sorted in with the weights. The Carolina rig box gets some and the worm weights box gets some beads and the rest go in the specialty weights box.
Hooks are treated a little differently. Last year at Walmart I found some clear heavy plastic pencil bags (with zippers) in the school supplies section. I bought some. Worm hooks, finesse hooks, drop shot hooks, wacky drop shot hooks, weighted weedless senko hooks, texas rig senko hooks, sling blade flutter hooks are all stored in separate clear plastic zipper bags. I'm sure that there are a couple of different styles of hooks that I'm forgetting right now, but they have their own plastic zipper bag also.
Tools are another part of terminal tackle. Scissors, knives , fishing pliers, regular pliers, vise grips, side cutters, mini bolt cutters, church key (I prefer bottled beer if given a choice) are all necessary from time to time. I had problems not being able to find the took I needed instantly. So I got a took box. At the start of the trip, 4 pairs of fishing pliers are scattered around the boat, so that they are always close. Church key and whistle are on a lanyard and hung on the boat throttle.
The rest of the tools stay in the box which goes under the console. At the end of the trip, I make a sincere effort to re-pack the tool box.
So that is my current set up - as much as I remember it right now. It is winter, so I'm pretty sure that the set up will change somewhat by springtime, and I will have thought up some "better" way to stay organized. Hope this helps. Maybe it will frighten you so much that you'll condense all your gear down to one box, just stuff you'll need. Good luck with that. In my defense, I'd point out that this is just my boat stuff, and when I'm being a co-angler I carry less.
Does a push pole count as terminal tackle - I always carry a push pole. How about lure retrievers ? I generally carry both kinds. Net? Fish grippers? Scale ? I generally don't bother with a scale, although I do have a compact one that is in my co-angler kit. I'm not being anal - I'm being prepared - I keep telling myself that there is a significant difference. Anyway - hope this helps.