What do you mean - other accessories? Put in anything you can think of that you might need. I've got a digital scale - left over from a past life of herbal recreational pursuits. I use it every so often because I want to know how much something weighs. Also if you spill a large box of weights, it makes sorting them somewhat easier. I've got a fly tying vise - I don't tie flies or stuff like that but it works if I need a 3rd hand to adjust a spinnerbait skirt or replace the rubber band with wire or something like that. I have a Dremel Moto tool with all the necessary cutting and polishing, sanding and etching bits. That is a handy tool that I use from time to time. It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I've got a medium sized air compressor - that is handy, as it makes checking the tires on the tow vehicle and boat trailer simpler.
A reel spooling kit is handy - it is really handy to have a few of them, one set up to handle service spools, one for reel fill spools and another for medium sized 800 to 1000 yard spools. A beer fridge might be nice, but I make do with a cooler.
A bottle opener mounted to some surface saves time looking for a church key or a pair of pliers. ( I very seldom buy canned beer or twist off bottles) I've got a nice boom box that handles CDs and cassette tapes and AM & FM radio so I can have tunes or ball game as necessary. 4 large plastic ammo cans currently hold the CD collection. I'll get another one as soon as I go on another CD buying binge.
I have shelves on nearly every wall plus several free standing shelving units, because I am a great fan of horizontal storage, where I can see where I put stuff.
I have a 30' by 50' fishing shed and I've found that it isn't hard to fill it up. Now, storage that is organized and well thought out - that is a challenge and one that I haven't mastered yet at all. I frequently make plans to have everything orderly and tidy in my fishing shed, but more often than not I've got stuff strewn all around it in no particular order.
So, does this answer your question? Basically just fill whatever space you got up with stuff that you think you might need from time to time. Oh yeah, don't forget a few decent, comfortable chairs. Sometimes, in you space you will just want to sit and chill. A decent chair helps out with that goal.