What an interesting topic. I am firmly in the more is better camp. Bass Fishing, I'm more or less into technique specific stuff. The last time I counted, bass specific rigs, I had less than 30, not counting "borrower rigs", which is stuff that I'm ok with lending out when someone is fishing with me. When I go fishing, I can carry 25 or so rigs in my truck, although I carry fewer than that more often than not. When you are talking different combo's, be sure and take different species into account. I don't go bank fishing for catfish very often, but when it is time to go, I've got 3 good, decent combos that I feel could handle any fish I'm likely to run into. Plus a catfish bag stuffed with hooks, weights, floats, etc. If you are going to throw slab spoons into dam tail races, you often need to be able to throw a hundred yards or so. I've got a rig that will do that. If you're going to crappie fish, you need different rigs for that. If you've ever seen guys that are into carp fishing, you can go way high tech in carp gear if you feel like it. If I ever got the chance to go muskie fishing, I've got gear that could cover that. I just like having lots of fishing equipment. Some days when I can't go fishing, for whatever reason and I've got a few hours to kill, I'll just spend it in my fishing shed, messing with gear in one way or another. Frequently the stereo is cranked. More often than not barley pop is involved.
I can respect anyone who wants to go "minimalist", as far as tackle goes, but I don't really get it. Why limit yourself in that way?
Fiscal responsibility isn't my strong suit. Pretty much any time I want a new fishing rig, I go buy it. I'm the guy who, when my garage got to small and I wanted a bigger boat, first I built a bigger fishing shed. Should the time come where I outgrow my current fishing barn, (not likely, but possible) I swear the next time I'm going to build 90'by 160'.
Back to what was the question, oh, yeah, how many rigs do I really need? That isn't a fair question. Define "really" Define "need"
The previous post wrote that half the fun is getting new gear. The argument could be made that it is more than half the fun. I'm not the guy to determine what that percentage is, though.
Thanks for putting up with this 4:39 AM rant. Who ever started this thread, if you need another rig or two, wander by my fishing shed on one of my days off, when, for whatever reason I'm not out fishing.. Bring some beer. I'll probably lend you a rig or two out of my borrowers collection. So far, we've just ranted about rods & reels. We haven't even started talking about how many "spare" baits we "need"