I agree with everything you said Glenn. I'm not here to brag AT ALL but I hate the age I'm at right now. I hate being lumped into this generation. Most people my age DON'T want to work for anything. They want everything handed to them.
Everyone says I'm a 50 year old man in a 23 year olds body. I hate social networking (I don't do the myspace, facebook... this is about as close to social networking as I get), I feel my generation relies too much on technology and it's making them lazy (yeah that sounds funny coming from myself because I'm a programmer, but its true ).
When I approach companies, I don't expect to be put on the free ride list because I know I'll have to prove myself to them. Honestly, I'm happy with promoting the products I believe in and getting a discount in return (I don't care how small it is, it's still less than I would pay in stores for promoting something I use).
Everyone always asks me how I'm so mature (HA) for my age and where I got my work ethics from. All I can say is, I was brought up right and I worked for EVERYTHING I wanted. I'd feel like I was cheating a company if they handed me stuff and I didn't do anything in return. When you're on a companies staff, you're an employee for that company. If you don't work at your normal job, you don't get paid. Treat it as such for sponsorships too!
I know this sounds like I'm bragging and I don't mean to be bragging at all. I just need to defend the few of us youngster's that still have a work ethic!