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Everything posted by NateFollmer

  1. Depends on the company, but field staffers usually just get a discount on stuff where as a pro staffer may get things for free in exchange for promoting the products. Either way, you're still getting a good deal...
  2. Like I said before, I'm up for the Bass Resource PA Lake Tour... LOL I'm up for multiple trips so I don't care what wins. I just want everyone to get a chance to go... Guess I'm just a people pleaser
  3. I thought about that. Is the grass really a big problem? I haven't been there yet and would like to fish it. I'll add it to the list. These last two lakes have a disadvantage being added late.
  4. I think ill let this poll open until monday then we will shut her down. We can pick a date after this poll.
  5. I like tru tungsten weights because the shape makes them harder to get stuck (it still can get stuck). I also feel that its easier to get unstuck if you catch a rock. I use flippin weights for everything. I like the shape and small profile plus it sits on top of baits easier.
  6. I don't know what I'm more mad about, him cheating or him killing the fish by shoving weights in their mouths... I'm just curious, did it say anywhere if he would have actually won WITHOUT putting the weights in the fish?
  7. Yeah, I was already down, but I'm coming back in Sept. Thanks for the info, I did get myself a DE license (just got a year license, it wasnt much more than the 3 day (i think it was 3 day?)). I'll probably end up renting a surf or jettie rod when I'm down (it was cheap). I'll let ya know how I do Thanks again!
  8. I forgot about Holman. I used to fish it a lot when I lived in Newport for a year. Never fished it from a boat though, always from shore. Back in the sloppy swamp area, you can destroy the bass with frogs!
  9. I finally got my X, this thing is awesome! love typing on it (i am right now). The only gripe i have is its kind of hard to hold and its slick. I can't wait for Otterbox to make a case for this. Hopefully they make a waterproof one like they do for the blackberries!
  10. I think Exxon needs to go clean up their old mess : That's good though! I hope they can get this contained soon before it completely wipes out the Gulf fishery.
  11. Ok, here is a poll. We can then poll on a month and date after we figure out where we are going. We can always do multiple meet ups too if we all cant make it. If we do pick Raystown though, I think we should wait until end of Sept. or the beginning of Oct. The LMB should be good AND the Stripers might be leaving the depths (plus the boats will be gone).
  12. ill create a poll with all the suggestions once I get to work around 11. I should have a spot in my boat Chris. Its a 14 ft. V bottom.
  13. How long is that shrimp? The more I look at that, the more I think it would make a good jig trailer.
  14. Way to toot your own horn Big-O... HA Just kidding, you toot that horn all you want because you are absolutely correct! Is there anything a Rage Tail can't do? Anaconda's make good snakes too
  15. +1, nothing is worse than rowing (or even running the TM at full speed) and taking 30 minutes+ to get to a spot. I would stay as close to the launch as you could. Heck, if there are docks, FISH the launch If you do decide to go too far from the launch, watch the weather. Nothing is worse than being stuck out in the middle of the lake and having to row for your life!
  16. Rage Products and Netbaits are now the ONLY two trailers I will use. Rage Craws are my number 1 t-rigged bait by far. I love how Rage products are simple, yet produce a ton of action. There isn't 23847 appendages coming off the body! Rage keeps it simple and wins!
  17. Actually the Susky near Shamokin Dam is so wide and slow it's like a lake, but I don't know if that's too far east for the group. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Blue+Marsh+Lake,+PA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=54.137829,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Blue+Marsh+Lake&ll=40.886849,-76.785936&spn=0.042761,0.090895&t=h&z=14 Maybe we should just do the "Bass Resource PA Lake Tour 2010 - 30 lakes in 30 days"
  18. Gotta watch fishing those small Reservoirs inside those state parks. Most of them are fed by mountain run off and are FREEZING and are only good for trout. They will say there's bass in them, but they are almost impossible to catch nor are they any size Edit: Marsburg looks nice, that would be a heck of a drive for Francho though HAHA.
  19. Super 8 here in Burnham would run you like $60 a night. I'll find you a room once we figure out where we're fishin'.
  20. Francho we don't want you New Yorkians ruining our time... Ha just kidding. I'll PM when we figure something out (or just keep watching). Is Raystown too far for you guys? I know it's BIG but if we launch from Synder's Run or James Creek we can stay back in the no wake areas. There's some big old fish in the coves. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=raystown+lake&sll=40.442407,-78.039343&sspn=0.010354,0.030899&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Raystown+Lake&ll=40.399379,-78.073311&spn=0.172299,0.363579&t=h&z=12 I dropped Lat/Long markers at the access's. Edit: The markers didn't stick, here is Snyder Run http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=raystown+lake&sll=40.442407,-78.039343&sspn=0.010354,0.030899&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Raystown+Lake&t=h&ll=40.442505,-78.035588&spn=0.021524,0.045447&z=15 and here is James Creek: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=raystown+lake&sll=40.442407,-78.039343&sspn=0.010354,0.030899&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Raystown+Lake&t=h&ll=40.366885,-78.151159&spn=0.021548,0.045447&z=15
  21. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=faylor+lake+pa&sll=41.440925,-74.96109&sspn=0.084803,0.181789&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Faylor+Lake&ll=40.786001,-77.188568&spn=0.085653,0.181789&z=13 Walker is a big bass lake. It just has a HUGE crappie die off but I'm going to fish it this weekend to see if the bass were effected at all. Faylor is just down the road but it's NO motors at all (Rowing only). It's a great lake to fish from shore though. They are both stocked with Northerns too
  22. Susky might be too swift for us electric guys I think boatnic mapped Redman and Williams both... I know he just did Walker too, but that would be a hike for you guys.
  23. Man you guys got STYYYYYYYYYLE... Looked like a fun trip. I don't think I could fish in suspenders though.
  24. We should all go fish on some private property, make a huge mess, take all the fish out of their pond and put signs up "BASS RESOURCE WAS HERE!" Pillage like pirates! No seriously, I'm glad to see so much interest in such a short amount of time. Oprcsr - do you have any other suggestions from that area? I don't know the southern part of the state too well. I don't care what size the lake is, as long as it has fish in it I'm forcing boatnic to come with us too!
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