Francho we don't want you New Yorkians ruining our time... Ha just kidding. I'll PM when we figure something out (or just keep watching).
Is Raystown too far for you guys? I know it's BIG but if we launch from Synder's Run or James Creek we can stay back in the no wake areas. There's some big old fish in the coves.,-78.039343&sspn=0.010354,0.030899&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Raystown+Lake&ll=40.399379,-78.073311&spn=0.172299,0.363579&t=h&z=12
I dropped Lat/Long markers at the access's.
Edit: The markers didn't stick, here is Snyder Run,-78.039343&sspn=0.010354,0.030899&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Raystown+Lake&t=h&ll=40.442505,-78.035588&spn=0.021524,0.045447&z=15
and here is James Creek:,-78.039343&sspn=0.010354,0.030899&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Raystown+Lake&t=h&ll=40.366885,-78.151159&spn=0.021548,0.045447&z=15