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Everything posted by NateFollmer

  1. Ah, thanks. I thought I was missing something because I never heard of it until I saw those weights. Maybe I should go buy the lot and hope it really takes off They had 1/8 and 1/16 oz. I didn't rip any heads, but I could see how you would if you used a large weight.
  2. That's a fish silly! And holding that fish is one odd looking gentleman... I think the real question here is: Would you get it mounted?
  3. No Idea haha. I was thinking maybe 8am? That will give some of you people that have to drive pretty far a decent sleep
  4. That's what I like about them! Also, the painted ones (don't know if you used them), hold up a lot longer than any other painted ones I have used (the finish that is). That may not matter to some people, but it does to me I never tried the Eco-Tungsten ones (the site sponsor) so I cannot speak for those.
  5. Sort of off topic, but do you guys use those weights with the twist locks on the end? I think they call it Florida rigging? I bought some a Dick's because they were on clearance for like $.40 for 6 (1/8 oz ones). I don't really see why they changed the name to Florida rigging because it looks like Texas rigging (unless I'm missing something). Anyway, what I'm getting at is, I 'pegged' my weight by just using these weights and it seemed to work out pretty well. Any disadvantage to these vs. pegging a weight with a rubber band or toothpick?
  6. Another nail biter poll I haven't found any tournaments yet so, we should be ok on James. I don't care where I fish, as long as it isn't from Seven Points HA paangler- Sucks about the fishing, but it should be primetime by the time we get there!
  7. Crap now boatnik cant bring his magic grass... Just kidding. Haha he is going to kill me one of these days!
  8. No issues with Peg-Its, rubber bands, or even toothpicks kinking the line. Look at it this way, we peg beads to 4# fluoro for steelhead fishing. If it holds up to a 15 lb. steelhead in sub freezing, then it will be fine for bass. If your line is breaking, its the cover, not the rubber peg. I think they meant the line would kink when you pull the loops back through the small hole in the weight, not get kinked by the rubber band itself.
  9. Yeap haha nah, are you riding with me or are you bringing your boat? You can fit with chrisbass and I, we should be ok haha
  10. You could just put the rubber band on the line, then keep doubling over the rubber band until it creates a tight ball around the line? Then you wouldn't have to pull the line through the weight like that. It would probably take a lot of wraps, but could be done
  11. I want to learn this knot so bad, but it never comes out neat and tidy like it's supposed to. How many wraps are you using each way for say 10 lbs fluoro to 50 lb braid? I'd go with 6 or 7 up, and 6 or 7 down. With say 70# braid and 20# fluoro, 4-5 each direction is sufficient. x2. It's easier if you wrap once, then move your fingers up to pinch the wraps. Like this: Warp, move and pinch, wrap, move and pinch. Once you start going back down, hold the tag end of the leader and the leader itself (hold it from the opposite end) and just do the same thing again. It's easy once you do it a few times. I have done it enough that I can tie flouro to flouro (for my fly fishing tippet, which it 3 lb test.) It's harder with two flouro lines, because the wraps want to pop out and go straight again!
  12. What a bunch of crap. Any boob could follow a guide around a win... If I was that guy, I would just feel wrong (well I never would have done it to begin with). Would you want to be "the guy that won with a guide"? People don't care about self image anymore, it's all about the money! If I ever become a well known angler, I want to do it because I did it all myself, not because someone else held my hand! I think the self respect would be better than any fame or money you could make... But that's just me!
  13. Good advice River Rat... I never thought of it that way. I recant my previous post Guess I'm thinking too much into the 'job' aspect of it all.
  14. Honestly, I make it as long as I feel like pulling off of the spool Usually it's 3 to 6 foot long. I have never noticed any difference using either size (or any in between). All the waters I fish are stained, so I'm sure it would matter in gin clear water, but for stained, your lengths would be just fine.
  15. At the moment I am full also. I will have ChrisBass with me (are you still coming? ). I could also squeeze another person in, but only want to do that if we absolutely have too. Last time I had three people in my boat, I got a hook in the head... HA
  16. Boil them for 15 seconds then pull on the tails. Lay them flat for a good 20 minutes afterward.
  17. If you want good cheap line, get xps, spiderwire or berkley trilene. I found 12 lb. trilene at wally world on clearance for 5 bucks.
  18. X2 Goes through guides like butter!
  19. I try and pick up as much trash as possible while fishing. You know what else I hate... People dumping their deer hides and bones in the freakin' river! That stuff gets stuck on the bridges and stinks like you wouldn't believe (I counted 20 one day just at the bridge alone... that's PA for ya!). I realize most people aren't fishing in the middle of winter but I still do so keep your deers out of the water, put them in the hide bins along the roads or make a coat! HA Sorry, I hate litter....
  20. And launch poll is up BOATNIK: MULTIPLES ARE ALLOWED! The only objection I would have to James is if there is a tournament. I'll troll the web and look at the area clubs but I don't think there is one that weekend.
  21. Yeah, I'll get this poll made now... Everyone, post if your riding or bringing a boat. If you're bringing a boat, list if you have any spots open. I will def. be bringing the v bottom, but I may bring the canoe also if anyone wants to use it. Heck, I might have my second v bottom titled and ready to go by Sept. so maybe I could bring it also HA.
  22. I am sure some will disagree but I throw all my jigs on braid. If I need to add a floro leader for picky fish I use an Alberto knot to join the leader to the braid. You also need to be an excellent line watcher. If you hold the braid with your fingers while the bait falls on a slack line many times you can feel the fish pick it up. A bass will spit a jig much faster than a plastic. I do not wait with a jig I set the hook right away. A good sensitive rod makes a huge difference also. x2 I love braid. I fish braid probably 95% of the time. It also usually has the flouro leader and it's tied on with an Alberto knot. I have never had an Alberto knot fail, just have to make sure the twists don't jump each other or it will cut the line when there's tension on it.
  23. Ok Gentlemen, Saturday Sept. 25th wins! It was a close race, but that date took it. Now, I guess I should make 1 more poll to pick a launch. Anyone have any we should ABSOLUTELY avoid? I was thinking Snyder's Run, Aitch, James Creek or Shy Beaver would be ok for us to use. I'll get ya all a map in a second... Snyder's Run: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=Raystown+Snyders+Run+Launch&sll=40.443224,-78.035631&sspn=0.021523,0.045447&ie=UTF8&t=h&split=1&filter=0&rq=1&ev=zo&radius=1.43&hq=Raystown+Snyders+Run+Launch&hnear=&ll=40.438129,-78.035245&spn=0.021525,0.045447&z=15 Aitch: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Raystown+Aitch+Launch&sll=40.438129,-78.035245&sspn=0.021525,0.045447&ie=UTF8&hq=Raystown+Aitch+Launch&hnear=&ll=40.373097,-78.15691&spn=0.021546,0.045447&t=h&z=15 James Creek (Bottom Left of the map): http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Raystown+James+Creek+Launch&sll=40.373097,-78.15691&sspn=0.021546,0.045447&ie=UTF8&hq=Raystown+James+Creek+Launch&hnear=&ll=40.367016,-78.157468&spn=0.02073,0.045447&t=h&z=15 Shy Beaver (I've never been there, but I'm almost positive its off Logging Rd 31025... Sounds like it's out in the sticks): http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Shy+Beaver+Raystown+Pa&sll=40.582671,-78.894196&sspn=0.687311,1.454315&ie=UTF8&hq=Shy+Beaver&hnear=Bedford,+Pennsylvania&ll=40.301834,-78.208408&spn=0.010375,0.022724&t=h&z=16 EDIT: let me put it this way... If you want Stripers, launch at Snyder's and head toward the dam, everything else, use any other launch
  24. For half a 750 of Captain 100 at 1am, I'm proud of myself, lol. Took them down. Sorry for being an .. HAHA, Darn drunks I know it's hard to keep the cool sometimes, but I know how it is to be a kid and get all excited about stuff so I cut 'em some slack
  25. I have 3 rods (well 4 if you count the fly rod) 1. 6'6" M Baitcaster (I use this for probably 90% of my fishing) 2. 7'6" MH Spinning rod (this is a beast, I only use it when I need to throw HEAVY lures). 3. 5' Ultra Light (I use this for small lures and finesse fishing). I bet I only use the big spinning rod once or twice a season. The only reason that I hate not having multiple rods is because I go through a lot of line changing lures I think Dave Mercer puts it best. Fishing rods are like golf clubs, yes, you can putt with a driver, but it's a lot easier with a putter. A lot of things ARE easier with a specific rod, but you'll still get it done with ANY rod.
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