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Everything posted by NateFollmer

  1. I have the opposite problem. I rarely catch senko fish but always can get them on a tube. I fish tubes so slow, painfully slow. Just drag them across rocks and every once in awhile give it a quick twitch. This morning I had a smallie about take the rod out of my hand when my tube first hit the water. He took off but I ripped it out of his mouth I had the hook point into too much plastic and it didn't pop out when I set the hook.
  2. Which dicks are you going to? State college has a decent selection of colors but never has anything other than craws, eliminators, shads and anacondas... You can thank big O for the rage line
  3. five.bass.limit, Bass-Brat and Speed.... I don't like you guys anymore Honestly, I don't follow football as much as most of you probably do so maybe that's why I like em HA.
  4. AH COME ON! Someone else has to like the Ravens here??? Help me out here people
  5. Suspending cranks are about the best lure to use in the winter. I love cranking a crank or jerkbait to a certain depth, then just let it sit. Something will eventually come along and eat it. For any other time though, floating is the way to go. Smack it off something, let it float up a bit, and start cranking again. GREAT lure for clipping grass too.
  6. Thanks for the tip! I have some 6 inch and 4.5 inch Shadalicious swims (Sexy shad and Neon ghost minnow). I may get a few hard swims from TT before the trip, but I have to watch because my Jeep (which is my tow vehicle) is leaking gas out of the fuel filter and I need to save to fix that (shouldn't be more than $50 so IF I can do it myself ).
  7. I'm not here to battle over teams but...... GO RAVENS! yeah I like a purple team, wanna fight about it?
  8. They were afraid of his chin fist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6oJ1-k7XZA
  9. Ah man, thats a tough question.... I have several answers: Worm: Luck E Strike 4 inch ribbon tail (either blue or purple (the blue smell awesome!)). Fluke: Whatever fluke I have in my box HA Skippy Fish makes a great product that I have been loving so far! Shad: Tru-Tungsten Depth Shad (yeah, it's kind of like a fluke, but who cares HA). I always nose hook my drop shots with octopus hooks (usually a size 1 or 1/0). You get more action out of doing nothing when you nose hook. I really need to start drop shotting more though. I'll admit, it's one technique I don't do enough and I should!
  10. +2 on the Texas Rigging post. Learn to T-rig a soft plastic and fish it a few different ways (slow, fast, bounce it off the bottom, etc) and you'll be able to catch fish most of the time! Start there and work you way into different techniques (jigs, cranks, spinnerbaits, etc).
  11. Sweet! I love myself a good Birch Beer or Sarsaparilla Soda every once and awhile... but NOTHING beats Cheerwine for me I think it tastes best in the glass bottles, but I'll take the Cheer anyway I can get it haha
  12. Hha YES!!! Man now I want Taco Bell, but for me a nice glass of Birch Beer from PA. God if only close enough to get some. Oh let me not forget Hanks Vanilla Cream Soda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well well well, are you down South enough to get Cheerwine? I'll send you cases and cases of Birch Beer in exchange for Cheerwine! My aunt lives in Pinehurst NC and she brings me cases up every time she visits, my stash is running low...
  13. That is EXACTLY what I said when I saw the trailer on tv and it said "this movie has them all!". IT DOES NOT! Van Damme is missing! I'm sure it's still going to be awesome though... Maybe he is hiding and he IS in the movie after all?
  14. x2 Good info here. If you have smallmouth in your area, they LOVE Bitzy Bug's with a small craw trailer.
  15. I have a 14 ft. v bottom rowboat (well I have a TM and an outboard for it also, but I'm usually rowing!). I agree with J Francho on the kayak in some respect. I'd love to have a kayak, but I like being able to use the rowboat to take other people along. If you're going to be fishing any rivers or decent sized streams, I'd hands down get the kayak, rowing in current is almost impossible with a v bottom If you're just fishing lakes and ponds, either is going to do you just fine.
  16. Lol ya don't say! Which way is the best dangle Another good trailer are those shad baits that are kind of flat and plain looking. The jig head gives them a bigger profile and they are usually cheap too. these things: http://eatmelures.com/images/lures/swimbait1.jpg
  17. I use Shadalicious swimbaits on swim jigs all the time. I really like the 4.5 inch models for swimming jigs. If I'm imitating craws, I mainly use the paca craws from net baits or the rage craws, but I have used a dual tail grub from time to time. I like to use the dual tails in a black or really dark green when the water is stained (almost to the point I'd consider muddy). Dual tails will give a different vibration in the water and sometimes thats all the fish want.
  18. Lake Coyler is in need of a dam repair to fix a leak, and has consistently been dropping in volume for quite awhile. Completely off topic but the water level is below the crack now (so I was told anyway) so it stopped losing water. I actually think it's fishing a lot better now that it's lost some water than it has in years!
  19. That's about the time I get the fly rod out and whip the old bug at them. (are you fishing in a creek with smallies?) Smallies can be very picky at times and they may just be eating whiteflies or drakes or something (don't know what flies you have in your area). I've seen carp surface even after the spawn, so it may be carp still. Yes, they are bottom feeders, but they won't pass up a fly either. That doesn't really help, so here is something that may: If the fishing is that tough, revert to the tactics you used when you were a kid! Toss the good old in-line spinners! You may ****** a panfish or two with it, but who cares, you're catching fish!
  20. Yeah, I did read it's better to just manually clean it and not run cleaners through it. The cleaners can dislodge big chunks of gunk and get it stuck in important places and make things worse I didn't get a chance to look at it, but I found the engine schematics on the net and will probably get to it before the weekend.
  21. Wow, that question would take hours... even days to answer fully... I have an idea! Read through the 'Fishing Articles' link, start at 'For Beginning Angler', then move to 'Bass Lure Techniques' and then just read everything else In all seriousness, you could answer that question a million different ways. Read through some articles, then ask questions about what you read. Edit: YOU BEAT ME TO IT! ha
  22. x3 on the braid and flouro leader. I use anywhere from a 3 to 6 ft. leader depending on water clarity. Braid just lays on a reel better than any other line. You know, I don't like to use it, but co-polymer actually does a real nice job on reels too. I just don't like how soft it feels or I'd use it more (knots don't seem to stay at all in co-polymer).
  23. Great pics and nice report on the new baits! I've been itching to get my hands on these. Steve when did these things hit the market? I really thought that the SK facebook page said they weren't coming out until Fall. I'm going to go get some of those shrimps and thumper worms. The minute I saw those shrimp I thought "jig trailer!"
  24. oh come on, there's nothing wrong with spongebob ha. It involves water and fish so it's ok in my book...
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