I know I'm going to catch heat for saying that, but I'm not going to argue my point any further, it's just my opinion The fish are under enough stress from everything else, why stress them further during spawn?
Honestly, I DON'T think this is going to help much, but it's a step in the right direction. I was in a rush when I posted this and didn't get my points explained, so it sounds a little... harsh, so I apologize for that.
You guys should see all the campers and other anglers along the river where I live. You see them pulling stringers out all the time. There's almost no presents of the commission in that area though, so even if they do extend it to my area, it probably won't be enforced. I know I haven't been catching the numbers I used to. Yet, when I went on a recent trip further up the river (a less populated area), I was amazed at the numbers of fish I saw. Could it be that the sparse population is simply polluting less? Maybe... Or it could be because the fish are being harvested less... I guess we will see how this helps.
Robby, I'll agree with you on the cattle run off, it really hits the trout hard and I'm sure the bass are effected also (isn't our area the #1 polluter of the Chesapeake?). I don't think C&R is the only answer, but again, maybe it will get the wheel's turning... Anyway, ramble on, that's why I started this thread, I was curious what everyone else thinks about this. I know a lot of you (most of you probably) know more details about this than I do, so the more you ramble, the more I'll learn I shouldn't have been so quick to take a side on this issue.