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Everything posted by NateFollmer

  1. Ah, I meant knowing where the line tie actually goes to get it to dive or not. I can't believe that tiny amount of offset can give you 6 foot of depth I guess I didn't mean tune
  2. Very sensitive jigs... Worth the money IMO, but it SUCKS when you lose them
  3. geez, that small amount of placement can make that much difference in action... That's nuts! Cool though, but nuts... I bet it's a pain to tune and figure out where these things go
  4. Yeap, they are getting aggressive and competing for food... That's always a good sign. You're into the prime time for smallies so keep fishing
  5. It comes on right before the show does. It should have gotten it. My DVR starts recording 1 minute before the show starts and it usually starts right at the beginning of the recap.
  6. Looks great as always! What's up with the dual line ties on the one?
  7. Your right J, but what do you do when some of us cannot practice responsible angling? We can't just turn the other way. I'm not trying to say harvesting fish is killing the population, but some people are taking it to extremes. Example, there's a string of camp sites along what used to be a productive stretch of river. Every year the same people get these sites and we would constantly see them pulling out bass and keeping them. Last year I didn't see these people at these sites and guess what else wasn't there... the fish... This season I see that they have moved up river and a few times I have seen them taking fish yet again... I'm not saying it's completely their fault, but they aren't a small group either and even if they all just took their limit, that's still a lot of fish that could be reproducing.
  8. I know I'm going to catch heat for saying that, but I'm not going to argue my point any further, it's just my opinion The fish are under enough stress from everything else, why stress them further during spawn? Honestly, I DON'T think this is going to help much, but it's a step in the right direction. I was in a rush when I posted this and didn't get my points explained, so it sounds a little... harsh, so I apologize for that. You guys should see all the campers and other anglers along the river where I live. You see them pulling stringers out all the time. There's almost no presents of the commission in that area though, so even if they do extend it to my area, it probably won't be enforced. I know I haven't been catching the numbers I used to. Yet, when I went on a recent trip further up the river (a less populated area), I was amazed at the numbers of fish I saw. Could it be that the sparse population is simply polluting less? Maybe... Or it could be because the fish are being harvested less... I guess we will see how this helps. Robby, I'll agree with you on the cattle run off, it really hits the trout hard and I'm sure the bass are effected also (isn't our area the #1 polluter of the Chesapeake?). I don't think C&R is the only answer, but again, maybe it will get the wheel's turning... Anyway, ramble on, that's why I started this thread, I was curious what everyone else thinks about this. I know a lot of you (most of you probably) know more details about this than I do, so the more you ramble, the more I'll learn I shouldn't have been so quick to take a side on this issue.
  9. I moved into a new house last year and found this crazy chess set in the attic: King and Queen by nate.follmer, on Flickr
  10. I hope your dvr got the recap too. It's good at keeping you in the loop (you'll be lost without it). Last weeks BBT was good too. Sheldon turned himself into a "robot". I loved when they went into the er too "there's no code for that"
  11. I haven't seen RW here for awhile... Maybe he finally snapped? We miss you RW! :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
  12. http://www.fishandboat.com/newsreleases/2010press/bass_cr.htm I hope this passes. We need to give these fish a break and let them grow their numbers! What do you guys think? I'd like to see it extended further up the Juniata. I'd even go as far to say they should close the season during spawn...
  13. 10 but DDH was there after we left... If you count him - 11
  14. DT series (6 and 10) Shallow and regular shad raps X-raps (amazing) X-rap Shad Shallow X-rap Shad The silver, olive and glass ghost xraps are the only baits you need in late fall/early winter fishing... Actually, the only Rapala's I won't buy are the Clankin' Raps... They are great baits don't get me wrong, but they are over priced!
  15. I don't think this new House will last very long. He will go back to being a jerk in no time Forgot one show, Big Bang Theory. Sheldon is hilarious.... BAZINGA!
  16. I thought I'd give it a chance... The first 2 episodes were ok, nothing great about them. This weeks episode really got me hooked though. It's getting better every week. Anyone else watching this? I have to watch this, 'House' and 'Fringe' every week or I'm not a happy panda! I'm addicted to my DVR... Sad I know...
  17. Inside The 12th and 44th New York Infantry Regiments Monument by nate.follmer, on Flickr
  18. Nice! What are those red ones in the background?
  19. You can get them through the major school loan providers like sallie mae, wells fargo, etc... You can also get them from local banks but they aren't as forgiving I'd wait until he finished and lump all his loans into 1. I worked with a guy once that went to Penn State. He consolidated and his monthly payments went down almost half. Sallie Mae has been buying my loans from other lenders a lot lately. They do tsy from time to time and usually its a better interest rate. You'll get letters in the mail and a new MPN if that happens.
  20. Well, like I said before Slone - Take a look at how much longer your son has to finish school. Is he doing anything to improve his credit right now? If he is, he may want to look into consolidation of all his loans (I know a have a ton of different loans and will be consolidating so I don't have to pay 8 different people). When he does that, he may be able to get that loan himself and then all of your co-signing will be gone. As far as this other topic goes, that's just paternal instinct. No matter how much you think or want to treat them equally, it's human nature to care for your own first... Nothing wrong with that, it's just the way we are wired.
  21. Nice pics! Congrats! You (and your bride ) looked pretty spiffy.
  22. I've had a few painted soft plastics with just paint on them. The paint cracks and flakes off due to the plastics movement. I had a bunch of grubs painted like craws and went through 10 in about 2 hours. Buzz my buddy quit painting. Just go to lure craft, bears baits or del mart and get some SOFT plastic (medium or heavy will kill the action), paint your paints with the soft plastic paint, microwave the liquid plastic in a pyrex cup, dip the fluke and hang it to dry. I would just get a tiny trout hook and tie it to a piece of line to dry it.
  23. This is kinda small and doesn't give you the 'full effect' but here is a Pano from Devil's Den: Devil's Den Panorama by nate.follmer, on Flickr
  24. Ah forgot about them. They have some cool ones that I haven't seen anywhere else!
  25. Peach fuzz is pretty tough huh? Ah I'm just messing I hate those kinds of electric razors. Get one with the straight cutters. They don't irritate my face and I have super sensitive skin. Get a decent after shave lotion too (lotion, not that burning alcohol crap!). Here this style: http://www.somethingyoushouldread.com/images/haikus/electric_razor.jpg
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