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Everything posted by NateFollmer

  1. Ok, the more I looked at that lipless crank, the more I hated it New design, I wanted to give the front a more tight and defined face, I felt the last one was too rounded and smooth. I also used a new shader on this one (it's called Gorilla skin haha but it has nothing to do with the final lure, it's only for screenshots):
  2. I'd say the obvious ones (like Heap getting nailed on Sunday by Merriweather) should be punishable. The close calls, like DeSean's, should be left alone. People are going to get hurt, they know that, it's going to be impossible to stop.
  3. Oh come on guys, this is 2 against 1 now Flacco would like wonderful with long hair... I might even ask him out on a date :-*
  4. Think you would be used to it by now. A W is a W! Go PATS! Well played sir... Touche... If the ravens wouldn't pull that conservative play crap after the first half, they woulda had it. Oh and Brady looks like a scruffy girl.
  5. Raven's were robbed! I freakin' hate the Pats and to win by a field goal in OT doesn't count! They shouldn't allow field goals in OT...
  6. Yeah, they focused their efforts in the populated areas first, then moved out into the country. I thought you were talking about quality of service, not actually GETTING service Sorry!
  7. Could be, but that may have the reverse effect. Could have too many people in that area and not enough coverage to handle the traffic and you'll get a slowdown. Think of a cell tower like a network in a building. The cell phones are the computers and the tower is the 1 internet connection you have coming into the building. The more people you in the building using the internet, the more that 1 connection needs to split, thus slowing everyone else down. Same thing is happening with the network. You'd think the companies would have enough towers to handle the traffic, but when the cell infrastructure was first built, it was built for range, not volume. They are finally starting to work on getting more towers in heavily populated areas, but they aren't as far ahead as they should be.
  8. Yeah, if the towers are getting a lot of traffic, the speeds are going to be slower. Ping times will always be higher on a cellular device, theres almost no way around that.
  9. Do you think they are worth it? Don't answer that...
  10. Send me those files and I'll keep them safe for you... HAHA just kidding! No, but I haven't really looked into that though. I was going to suggest Vaulty HA. Forgot to add... Glenn wins! I think my phone would melt if it saw those speeds. I just ran it again and got a similar result as last time.
  11. My Cherokee is nice for towing my little 14' V bottom, but I wouldn't get one for the size of boat you're talking. It gets the job done, but you need more weight or you'll be sliding down the boat launch
  12. I would just like to add, Angry Birds has to be one of the best games on the market... And it's free! I love physics based games
  13. Use the demo. Zbrush is better, but mudbox is easier to learn. Zbrush has a clunky user interface but once you get the hang of it, its awesome (fyi they used zbrush to make Davey Jones and all his guys in pirates of the caribbean). Learn to model first. You'll get frustrated if you try to sculpt without a good base mesh. Plus, if your mesh does something odd during sculpting, you'll know how to fix it so it sculpts more cleanly.
  14. Yeah, I don't mind at all. Thanks for the kind words everyone Vodka I hate spline modeling, I like to box model because I feel like I can see results more quickly. I control my surface tension by selecting edges and giving them a crease value. The higher the crease, the closet the subdivided mesh will be to the original edge. The only thing you really have to watch (especially if you are sculpting in zbrush or mudbox) is keeping all your polygons the same size and keeping them square. BassClary blender has sculpting tools, but they aren't as good as zbrush or mudbox.
  15. Better PM them so people don't complain about you posting Feel free to ask away! I don't mind.
  16. Never used Solidworks, but once you learn how to model, learning other modeling packages is easy. I know how to use 3ds Max (my primary modeling tool), Maya, Zbrush and Blender (Blender is awesome for a free program... heck its awesome even if it wasn't free haha). Check out tutorialized.com, they have tutorials for everything. Even if the tutorial is for a different package, you can still follow it if you know the tools. Learn to "box model" first, until you get a sense of working in 3d space, then you can get into more advanced modeling like spline/patch modeling. I box modeled all these lures so far (start with a cube and cut faces and extrude until you get the basic shape, then smooth and subdivide your shape). I could go on forever so ill stop there
  17. Nice one mod! Just took my son to a pumpkin patch, but got a tractor shot instead ha (i miss my camera already! Fix it fast sony!)
  18. That's essentially how I'm going to cut mine BassClary. Are you allowed to use the printer? I can send you the .stl file of the first crank I posted if you want to mess around with it. You can get a desktop 3d printer for around 1000 dollars from MakeBot. They have desktop CNC machines for $600 (kind of the same as a 3d printer).
  19. I wish everything I modeled was drawn out as well as what Dwain sent, he did the hard part Im going to experiment with different materials so we will see how much detail is kept. Dwains getting his made and I won't be making that body, that's his baby I try to keep my details thick since ill probably end up using wood or PVC. I may look into resin though, but it seems a little out of my budget.
  20. Ok, finished the project with Dwain (and I must say, it turned out great), I'll let him share the results Anyway, Lipless crank I did this morning. I find I model better if I listen to George Harrison
  21. Here's what mine came back with.....I could test it an hour from now and get something completely different, though. Sprint 3G Ping: 287 ms Download: 2.28 Mbps Upload: .42 Mbps I'm going to try again at like 3 am and see how much faster it is Could you imagine trying to play any online games with a ping time like ours? HEADSHOT!
  22. Thanks! Maybe I'll give it a try again...
  23. I could play the first level over and over and over.... Great beginning to a game, still hasn't been topped
  24. You know whats sad... I remember more calculus than I do algebra. I forgot how to do that until TrippyJai answered the question The more advanced I get in math, the less of the old stuff I remember
  25. You are correct. And what I'm saying is that in head-to-head real-world tests, using tools like the one mentioned by Nate above, T-Mobile's speed was 3x faster than Sprint's "4g" network. Of course actual speeds weren't the "maximum possible" as listed in the marketing hype, but the ratio was still the same. And of course, you'll need a new phone that can take advantage of the new technology, regardless of carrier. 10-4, and I can't wait to get a 4G android device... and 4G, but Verizon promises it will all happen quicker than 3G did! I really wish Sprint and T-Mobile had better service in my area, their prices are a lot lower
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