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Everything posted by NateFollmer

  1. I don't have much to add here (already been said). Hair jigs would a lot better in cold water because of the action they can provide over a cold rubber/plastic jig. Hair jigs are awesome for smallies, walleye, muskie, pike and perch. I don't understand why more people don't use them. They seem like one of those old lures that people have no confidence with!
  2. Thanks but the wife gets credit for that. She has a photography business on the side. My girl is only 5 months and my wife has already taken thousands of pics, her camera is always on the table ready to go. Nice! I'd love to take photos and make money, but I'm not good enough for that yet (need to work on my composition and shooting). Our camera is also filled with kid shots 8 gigs worth almost!
  3. ^ He also spies on the neighbors... There's a tree right beside the bathroom window....
  4. Nice looking bait. I'll be watching this one. Dave, vid worked for me too, but it won't play in the thread (like GTrombly said). You have to go to photobucket to watch.
  5. I would just get a cheap tripod for only that reason (don't use it if it's windy). I have a tripod I got at Target for like $20 and I use it for crappy conditions (river, mud, stuff like that). Gets the job done. If I'm fishing myself though, I usually just lay the fish in about an inch of water, put the rod beside it, and shoot the pic. I don't like laying them on the dry ground.
  6. Nice shots everyone! GTrombly - that's a really good expression you got there. "Ya'll can't take my pumpkins!"
  7. Spinnerbaits, jerkbaits, crankbaits (suspending), jigs, flukes, tubes.... All these work in the fall... Heck, anything works in the fall. Pre-spawn and fall (late fall, right before it gets REALLY cold) are my favorite times to fish because they usually hit anything. If you aren't catching, slow down, keep the colors dark, unless it's a really clear water, then go lighter and more natural.
  8. I love playing golf. Well, I like going to the driving range... I suck at ACTUALLY playing golf
  9. . you J and your crafty . moderation skills. Kiss my B*.
  10. Nice guns J - do you have that photo in a larger format? That would make me a sweet background (if you don't mind). I will probably be hitting a trib with bassnleo (Eric) this November for some steelies. I hope we can hook up because I have been wanting to fish for steelheads since the beginning of time Took my son to the Rockhill Trolley Museum this weekend. It's a pretty neat place. They let all the kids under 12 take a free pumpkin home: Griff's Pumpkin Patch by nate.follmer, on Flickr
  11. Crazy... wonder if everyone here is really swearing in every post, but the forum changes it to fishing words and we all look smart?
  12. Am I missing some kind of censor feature? For example, look at the FREE thread that is stickied. It says turning off your . is a... like it was censoring a word. Also when you try and type F T W as a word, it turns into a period. ha
  13. My biggest is a 22 lb. hen. Good Luck! My biggest trout is probably that rainbow LOL I've only been fishing for trout since last season. I've got a LOT of learning to do!
  14. Nice brown! I'm going to find some this year to match/top that one... That's my goal. I finally learned to present my fly without scaring everything away
  15. Clackin' Rap was awesome, but I hated paying $8 for them... X-raps are the best jerkbait available, so combine the two and you have a deadly combo.
  16. My cuz shot that. I just sharpened it a bit
  17. Nice Rack! Oh that joke never gets old... Just caught this yesterday... Almost became lunch, but she recovered! It was the most colorful rainbow I have ever seen, the photo doesn't do it justice! Rainbow Trout by nate.follmer, on Flickr I broke my own rule, but I like this one. My cousin and I were fishing the same creek, within a few hundred yards of each other and didn't even know it. I just like the fall look of this photo: Fall Brown by nate.follmer, on Flickr
  18. I can hear the tear of your arteries from all the heavy cream fat... 8-) I'm a fruity pebbles kinda guy... wanna fight about it? Doesn't make me any different than the rest of you! :'( I can't eat Boo Berry anymore. I used to eat it a lot when I was a kid and got sick one year and threw up a ton of it... Boo Berry tastes horrible coming back up!
  19. I'm speechless... You all know that never happens! Great stuff, absolutely flawless.
  20. Looks like a kindergartener finger painted these.... ...a VERY talented kindergartner! Nice stuff, my favorites are the last two.
  21. I'm 23 minus 10. No seriously, very generous of you. Hope this turns out well.
  22. Boatnik lives! I bet that one photo of the back of "ray" cresting the surface is a big old catfish, maybe even a stray sturgeon...they claim they once lived in the river before it was dammed. I've never seen any proof though... Who knows what's in that lake!
  23. That sucks... That's a wild eye color. Hopefully they are still making them.
  24. I feel that contrast is more important than color in most situations. Light colors in clearer water, dark colors in muddy water. Favorite light shades - Sexy shad, chartreuse and purple, clear and white Favorite dark shades - Blues, blacks, browns and reds. Perch and bluegill are great dark colors also.
  25. Great colors! Those eyes are awesome too, did you make those yourself?
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