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Everything posted by NateFollmer

  1. I'm not spinnerbait expert... But wouldn't it make more sense to have the blades on separate clevises? I'd think they would get stuck on each other before they got a chance to spin? Could be dead wrong though
  2. Either a Pinto or a Gremlin... Gremlin Pinto How awesome would I look rolling in one of these! I'd get it lifted with some neons under it.
  3. Sweeeeeeeet! Congrats! Shouldn't be a surprise to you though, you have skills
  4. Yeah both have their pros and cons. Crytek was still very new when we were shopping haha. If I had to do it all again (and actually finish the game ) it would be all Crytek.
  5. Lol well played sir, well played.
  6. I used that editor before, even messed around with the game engine (Crytek) before we decided on the Unreal Engine. That editor is awesome, especially if you have 0 technical knowledge. You pretty much can drag and drop things and make a level. This was obviously done by someone with skill because it didn't look like the thousands of other levels ha ha I actually never played Crysis though...
  7. Like dating skills?
  8. I've been on the Ravens and Bears since the playoffs started. Where have you been? Sorry I don't like to fluff my post count in EVERY football thread I kid, I kid! Since the Ravens are out, I hope somebody besides Steelers or Pats win it. Ray Lewis is still the best!
  9. That's awesome! Did he try to get in the boat? Lol
  10. Hey where were all you guys when I said I liked the ravens and took some guff? Get off my bandwagon! Go ravens!
  11. Where the heck was that? I start sweating when they are 100 yards out, I would have crapped my pants...
  12. It's going to be close. I think the Ravens might have the edge with Heap back. It was close last game without him...
  13. Good stuff! Great to see some new people! This shot is pretty boring and was shot with my phone, but I think it's pretty cool how a small creek had enough power to flip an island... It was probably 12 foot high (the root system)
  14. nice birds socc!
  15. Great tutorial J! That's a lot of freakin work, but so worth it I'm sure it's easier after you do it a few times.
  16. Links dead! Fix it!
  17. I'll send you a message when I'm ready to start haha. In Pa, you can collect any native species as long as you have a fishing license (still have to follow creel and size limits) and they aren't endangered. I think there are special regulations on Pike, but I'm not going for them. There are also regulations on the nets you can use (size and type limits). I hear NY is much more strict on obtaining fish. I did my collecting in the NJ Pine Barrons. I'm surprised NJ has live fish I kid, I kid! I was fishing in the Juniata a few months ago and walked through a tiny mountain runoff that went into the river... Sitting right in front of that run off, half of it's body out of the water, was a 6" bowfin. I almost touched the darn thing and could have probably caught it if I wanted... They probably get too big for what I want to build though...
  18. x2... Great shot!
  19. I'll send you a message when I'm ready to start haha. In Pa, you can collect any native species as long as you have a fishing license (still have to follow creel and size limits) and they aren't endangered. I think there are special regulations on Pike, but I'm not going for them. There are also regulations on the nets you can use (size and type limits). I hear NY is much more strict on obtaining fish.
  20. It was originally just a standard 3:4 shot. I got too much of the hill I was standing on and it looked boring. It's amazing how much a little cropping can make the shot. I have a few pano's of that same shot though.
  21. That's what I thought too, but it looks like it's only certain species. How awesome would it be though, to have a mini Muskie...
  22. Thank you sir! I need to get some snow shots this weekend.
  23. Thanks all. I don't have much time to work on this now, but I'll let you know how I do! I never realized Pa had so many species of minnow and bait fish until I started looking into this.
  24. I have had all kinds of fish, but never any natives... Just tropical fish and the basics pet store varieties. I'm not going to mess with the trout, I'll keep them simple and see how it goes. After looking at that site you can have some pretty cool set ups, even with tiny fish... I think I'll have more fun setting it up and looking at it than I will with the fish haha
  25. Cant....let....thread....die!
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