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Everything posted by NateFollmer

  1. Winco's Creek Wacky Worm: http://www.wincoscustomlures.com/Yesterday/html/creek_wacky_worms.html
  2. I had an idea for a dipping rod that may make the strains while being dipped, but never had any time to make it... What if you made the rod have big 'fans' of thin metal along the bottom so it automagically made slits for the strains? Say you wanted a 2 inch tube with 1/2 inch strains. You'd start the metal sheets 2 inches from the bottom of the rod and then dip the rod only 2 1/2 inches into the plastic...I don't know how to explain what I mean any better but does that make any sense at all?
  3. A guy here at work was there last Tues. and showed me photos of the lake. I thought it was odd that you guys were having a tourney with the levels that low, but I thought maybe they'd close the spillway and let it fill up... Guess they didn't! I'm wondering about Black Mo myself... I might make that the first lake I hit this season.
  4. People still play that game? I figured it's coolness would have faded by now Did you know most people actually make MORE money on free apps over paid apps because of people clicking on the ads by accident? Anyway, New awesome games: -AirAttack HD -Casino Crime -Gun Bros -Shark or Die -Speedx 3D (I get terrible motion sickness from this) -Super Dynamite Fishing -WorldWars
  5. http://www.engadget.com/2011/03/22/amazon-appstore-for-android-goes-live-welcomes-newcomers-with-f/ Check it out! Amazon allows you to test the apps before you buy them (Do the same Google!) AND they are giving a paid app away from free everyday! AT&T users (myself included) are SOL due to the fact that they won't allow you to install non market apps without rooting OR you can try using a sideloading program that can be found on the net...
  6. Muahahaha.... its back! Did this photo entirely with my Inspire (flipping awesome phone, basically the Desire...) anyway, may do a version of this and cut out all the vehicles and people, make it look more Civil War era like... http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg288/nfollmer/IMAG0090-1.jpg Photos too big to post inline, so click the link!
  7. Lightworks can use after effects and premiere plug ins too... makes it all the more awesome.
  8. http://www.lightworksbeta.com/ Kind of hard to learn if you haven't edited video much, but I've used Adobe premiere for at least 6 years now (off and on... don't think I'm a pro ha) and I find this to be better. Ignore the "beta" this software works just fine and has actually been around awhile.
  9. NateFollmer

    2010 Fish

    Random Fish from 2010
  10. NateFollmer

    Faylor LMB 2

    From the album: 2010 Fish

  11. NateFollmer

    Coyler Dink

    From the album: 2010 Fish

  12. NateFollmer

    Canal LMB 2

    From the album: 2010 Fish

  13. NateFollmer

    Canal LMB

    From the album: 2010 Fish

  14. Didn't even notice this thread had replies... Sorry guys Vodka - looks awesome, keep it coming! I haven't really had much time to get anything done (Jigfishn called it lol). The router replicator doesn't do a very good job of replicating things that small, so I'm going to have to get some serious CNC time and cut a bunch at once. I still want to complete these, just on hold right now
  15. It will get better! just not this weekend because its gonna be COLD!
  16. What's a swimbait?
  17. I'll be surprised if this is allowed to go through. The FCC is going to shut this down. Not only do you have to think about Telecommunication competition, this is going to make only 1 GSM provider in the US and I don't think they will allow that. Dish Network and Directv tried to merge a few years ago and the FCC stopped that late into the deal.
  18. Are the few launch points at Raystown still closed due to the vandalism? I think it was Aitch, Shy Beaver and James Creek that got hit and they said in the paper that they aren't opening them until they find the people who did it? Anyway that's not the point of this thread I checked out Walker and Faylor the other day... Looks like the ice is gone, but I'm sure they are blown out and muddy right now. Haven't had a chance to check Colyer, but it was still solid last I saw.
  19. Those are some great lures! I have seen some injected stuff that doesn't even look half that good. I like the second and third pics the most.
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