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Shane Procell

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Everything posted by Shane Procell

  1. I will be launching from the Loxahatchee rd. ramp. Lets go fellas...c'mon out and lets meet each other.
  2. Mike you have 5 days and nights to get it done
  3. LanzBass I did take this photo from my boat. The places I fish are loaded with em.
  4. Purty fish Steve!
  5. I invite friends whenever I get an opportunity to go fishing for myself. I like having a fresh face in the boat. I also like to share the South Florida fishing experience. But most of all......I do not like to fish alone.
  6. I took the host "Showtime" Eric Young snakehead fishing in this particular episode (the south Florida episode with the offshore tube fishing). I thoroughly enjoyed his company.
  7. Robert unfortunately I rarely get to target them. I usually don't fish with the client. This was the exception. My boat took a 7 pounder last week and a 6 1/2 pounder last year. The client was pretty excited.
  8. I have enjoyed Roland for many years. Congratulations!
  9. It has been several years since we got together to fish. Would anybody be interested in a Loxahatchee get together on Saturday, September 14th? Fishing should be good and it would be cool to see everyone. Maybe a sunup to early afternoon thing. We could even throw a couple dollars in the kitty for big fish or something. Who would be interested? Shane
  10. The bigger fish were hanging on drops off ledges.
  11. Already edited! Gonna hold onto this video for as long as possible before uploading to the Tube. Got the snook doing slow motion acrobatics. I think it is one of the best yet.
  12. Tyler Rahmer (Bass Resource Forum member) from Maryland got his wish fulfilled this week. He wanted to fish while on vacation and catch a trophy fish. Mission Accomplished! Both of these beautiful fish were taken on top water plugs. The 18# fresh water snook took 7 minutes to land and the 7# peacock bass hit like a freight train. We fished a bout 6 hours and caught about 20 peacock and the snook. What a day! The video now appears on page two of this thread. From earlier in the week. My personal best 5 1/2# peacock.
  13. That's a handful beautiful fish. Congratulations~
  14. Jason from JD'sCustomBaits told me that they had 29 teams bring in over 1000 lbs. of snakeheads. That a lot of fish.
  15. Steve those are some lovely ladies!
  16. Fellas I hope someone can help me find a guide for Lake Mead next week. I do not care what is biting, just someone who is fun. Any recommendations would be appreciated. BTW I did a Google search for guides on Lake Mead and the list seemed small.
  17. That's a fat bass!
  18. That is about as cool as it gets!
  19. Awesome looking fish! Congratulations
  20. Great catch Steve!
  21. Lake Okeechobee was good to me today. After a lifetime of close calls I finally broke the glass ceiling with my personal best bass weighing in at close to 10 3/4#'s. The bite was red hot in the Kissimmee grass near Kramer Island. My client got a fish close to 7 #'s and before this big girl exploded on my top water swim bait(Gambler Big EZ). I was using a Chronarch 200e7 with a Hawg Handle on a Fitzgerald Rod and 50# Tuff Line.
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