I never had the unreal expectation that we could eliminate the snakehead from the S. Florida waterways, but it has been alot of fun trying.
I participated in a snakhead tournament this past weekend (video at bottom). I can tell you that the snakehead population is takeing a beating thanks to all the bad press they have been getting. Between the FWC shock boats, the tournament killers, and the recreational anglers, I have seen a dramatic decline in the numbers of snakeheads in the canals. The areas I have been targeting are not produceing near the size I once caught. However if you can find off the beaten path water...your chances of hooking into a world record is good. At the end of video you will see the pending I.G.F.A world record snakehead angler, Corey Noakowski, talking about his fish.
On a side note....Over the past few weeks the FWC has documented snakehead catches in both Loxahatchee Preserve and Holiday Park. This means that there is no doubt that the snakehead is here to stay....or I would say the the Genie is out of the bottle.