I have one also bought it when they came out ..... I was told back in the late 90's nobody has parts for the old Shimano Speed-Spools. Great reel and yes it was very well constructed.
just bought this .... http://www.histackleboxshop.com/Megabass-Orochi-Cyclone-Baitcasting-Rod-F4-66x4-p/megabass-casting-f4-66x4.htm love the fact it's two-piece & a very quality two piece the construction reminds me of the sage or loomis fly-rods my brother uses.
Daiwa Crazy Cranker is the BEST & I have used the older SpeedSpools until I discovered this reel I thought the Revo was kinda shoddy just by handling it/
still have one Lews 4:2 retrv. when Browning sold them and still use it ..... my fav. now is Daiwa Crazy Cranker the BEST reel I have ever owned @ 4:9 retrv.
I'm very picky on retrv. of my reels used the old speed-spools for yrs. and held back buying a new reel until I saw the Daiwa Crazy-Cranker at 4:9 gotta be the closest yet to the 4:3 on speed-spool so got two.
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