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Everything posted by Dink2

  1. Every Fall we head back to the Piney Woods with life-long friends for our annual fishing/camping trip. We went to back to Rayburn for the first time since 2009. Since we live north of Dallas, we have to "pre-fish" using Texas Fishing Forum and BassResource.com, and always appreciate the tips and recommendations received. We spent Tuesday-Friday (Nov. 1-4) on the lake, so I thought I would return the favor and post how our trip went. LODGING/BOAT RAMP/RESTAURANTS: We stayed at Dixon Cabins just outside of Harvey Creek Park (3 minute truck ride from the boat ramp). We stayed at Dixon Cabins over the years and recommend it if you are looking for a cabin and fishing mid-lake -- and especially if you are putting in at Harvey Creek. Clean, spacious cabin with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath and fairly easy access with your boat. Old man Dixon passed away and now it's his son that runs it. I think there is only a couple of cabins that are used to rent out. Harvey Creek boat ramp has really deteriorated over the years (been putting in there since the mid-90's when I was at SFA). However, it is still a usable 1 lane ramp -- but really dark, which makes it hard to launch before daylight or after the sun goes down. I have always loved that little road thru the forest and into Harvey Creek Park. We were disappointed to hear that Catfish Junction and the Mexican food restaurants (both in Broaddus) went out of business since our last trip in 2009. We ended up eating at Bear's Country Diner, which was very good - especially the catfish and had great service. FISHING: Lake was down 3'. Water clarity was average most places, except the actual Harvey Creek cove which was very stained. Water temps were 75-77 (a little warmer than we expected). Overall the bass fishing was very good. Our boat (2 people) averaged about 30-35 fish per day. Most fish were *** pounds with a few in the 4-6 pound range. Our Top 5 would have been 17-20 pounds each day. We love throwing TX-rigged worms, but we just couldn't get on that bite. The hydrilla wasn't near what its been over the years, so we struggled a little there. Where we found hydrilla, we found fish. I got a lot of pre-trip reports about the fish relating to the hay grass (which was new in the lake since we've been), but we either don't know how to fish it properly or the fish just weren't there. If there was hydrilla next to the hay grass, then game on. Same for the lily pads. No fish unless there was hydrilla near them. We primarily fished the Harvey Creek area, which for us is defined as Indian, Hog Branch, Harvey Creek, Bird Islands, and 147 Bridge. The best advice I ever got for Fall fishing was this.... break the cove down into 3 sections (top/main lake, middle, and back/mouth of creek... then determine where the shad are, as the fish will follow the shad to the back of the cove, then back out to the main lake when it gets colder. Being the first week of November, we thought we would find the shad and bass in the back of the coves. However, we caught 90% of our fish in the middle of the coves. That helped a lot, as each time we fished a different area, we just eliminated 2/3's of the cove and focused on the middle third. We would drive the boat about 30% into the cove and start fishing at the first point we could find. The fish were either on these secondary points or just on the backside of them -- fish those areas really hard. In the morning, we did really well on Yellow Magics. The bass were destroying that thing. By the end of Day 2, they knocked off all the paint on one side of my lure, but they kept hitting it - so I kept throwing it If it stayed cloudy midday, or even when the sun dipped behind a big cloud, they would hit the Yellow Magic all day long. If the sun came out, you had to go down a little. Our best lures midday were a rouge (we were using chrome/blue back and gold/black back and they hit them the same, so not sure color mattered) and also a watermelon or pumpkin seed fluke and sinko with a small split shot weight. All fish on the Yellow Magic, fluke and sinkos were caught throwing up tight to the bank and working it out 15-20 feet from the back. Again, focus on points and anywhere with hydrilla. For some reason, the better fishing side of every cove we hit was on left side. Most likely because it had deeper water nearby. On the last day, we got into a crankbait bite behind Bird Island. There are several humps back there and the fish were stacked in there. Most fish were caught on the side of the humps in approx. 10 foot of water using crankbaits that swam about 5-6 feet down. I side-hooked 2 really nice size catfish in there as well that I thought were HUGE bass before I finally fought them to the boat. Got my heart racing...lol. Fish the crankbait slow. Crank it really hard 6 or 7 turns to get it down, then fish really slow. Most of these fish were 1-2.5 pounds, but there were a lot of them in there. I wish we would have found this spot earlier in the trip, as it was a great midday place to stop. We also caught fish on the corners of the 147 bridge on the crankbait. Alright, my fingers are hurting from all the typing. While I gave some details that will help, I didn't give all the exact specifics. If you are headed to Rayburn and want more info, shoot me a PM with your cell number. I'm glad to help out. Tight lines, Alan
  2. Fished Sunday pm and all day Monday. Water temp is 66-68 degrees and water is extremely clear. Afternoon bite Sunday was decent. Caught 8 and my Dad broke off about a 7 lb'er in Hausen Flats fishing edge of hydrilla in 15 ft. on Tx. Rig worm. The other 8 were all under 2 lbs. Monday was one of our worst days ever. Fished all day and only boated 4 fish. We have friends fishing with us and they did the same. The early morning bite was awful - should have slept in Threw Yellow Magic and white spinner baits early, then Tx-rigged worms, jig-n-craw, and rattle traps during day. Never could find a consistent pattern or bite. Fishing Hausen Flats, mouth of Hurricane, mouth of Six Mile, and smaller coves near Fox's Lodge. We are staying at Fin-N-Feather. One of our better fish was messing around next to the boat ramp....lol. Fishing pre-front Tuesday morning before heading back to Dallas. Hopefully we will find some fish, but if not, it's still good times at the Bend with my Dad and friends.
  3. Catt or whoever can help I'm headed to Toledo 2nd weekend of November to fish with my Dad. We are looking forward to the trip and can't wait to put some information from this thread to good use. We are staying at Fin-n-Feather (which will be our first time there) and fishing the Hausen Bay area. Anyway, I am online shopping for some lures, which will mostly be soft plastics as that's my Dad's favorite. However, I am also going to get a few of the chrome/black back/orange belly Rat-L-Traps. However, I'm struggling to find the exact one. Is it Model # RT26?
  4. We were fishing at the bridge, along with 12 other boats Crazy how the boats stack in there. Ring fry --- would love a fishing report on your Falcon trip. Good luck!!
  5. I finally learned how to resize pictures so I can post them on here. So, here are two pictures from Lake Monticello a couple of weeks back. The larger one is 7.4lbs (my 3rd largest bass) and the smaller one is 5.8lbs. The cool part is that I caught them 5 minutes apart. Although, I lived in north and east texas my whole life, I've never fished Monticello before this year. I've obviously been missing out My next lake to go try is Falcon. Let the research begin. Alan
  6. Good luck Jack and I hope the neck gets to feeling better.
  7. Jack, I provided a lot of detail -- but not all the little details ;D Either give me a call (972-989-7412) or email me (alanmachost@dewolffboberg.com) with your email address, so I can give you a few more techniques that should help. Thanks, Alan
  8. I'm back from our Rayburn trip and had an AWESOME time. The weather was perfect -- low 50's at night and high 70's in the day with little to no wind. I miss seeing all the wildlife in East Texas. We saw lots of deer, ducks, and even a bald eagle that soared right over our heads. Before I get into the fishing report, a couple of quick hits: (1) Thanks again to Jack for your help -- we fished a couple of your recommended spots, as well as, some of my old spots from the early 90's when I was in college down there. (2) We stayed in Dixon Cabins in Harvey Creek -- nice setup and spacious cabins. (3) We ate in Broaddus all 3 nights -- 2x at the catfish restaurant and once at the mexican food restuarant -- both places were off HWY 147 and were very good. Fishing Update: Water temp was 68-70 degrees -- perfect!! Water was clear down to 5-6 feet south of the 147 bridge, but pretty murky north of the 147 bridge. As a result, we stayed below 147 The best water depth to catch fish was between 8-12 feet and near the hydrilla (which is completely submerged due to the extra 3.5 feet of water in the last 2 weeks). The submerged hydrilla made fishing a little tougher. Thursday: After 4.5 hour drive, got to the boat ramp at 4pm. My dad and I fished until dark and caught 11 bass - up to 3 pounds. We fished inside the 2 islands outside of Hog Branch (Harvey Creek area). We caught our fish on texas-rigged worms (motor oil and black/blue tail) and Yellow Magic topwaters at sundown. Another boat with us caught a 7 pounder on a Yellow Magic - beautiful fish. Friday: We were on the water before the sun was up -- wow, was the fog thick. We started on Jack's recommended point and creek behind "deer" point (halfway back into Harvey Creek). Unfortunately, we didn't get one hit on topwaters. We left and fished the 2 islands again in Hog Branch and caught 10-12 fish on chrome/blue rattletraps and worms (same as on Thursday) in 10-12 feet of water on the outside grass lines. At 11:00am, we went back into the creek in "deer" point and fished it again. I remember Jack saying that the rising water may have the bass in the back of the creek, so we did just that. Wow, was he right. The fish were stacked in that little creek, especially on the backside of the "S" in the creek (it's tight back there with little room to maneuver the boat). We caught 8 bass up to 4 pounds in about 1.5 hours. We fished the 2 islands again picking up a few more fish on rattletraps. Then, we went into the back of Hog Branch and fished the same pattern as deer creek. We caught a few more fish there -- a couple of 2.5 pounders and some smaller fish on worms. The day ended back inside the smaller of the two islands catching a couple of more fish on topwaters as the sun went down. We finished with 37 fish on the day. Saturday: Wanting a change, we trailored over to Caney Creek and put Jack's recommendations to use once again. Your directions were perfect Jack. We fished the main point on the north side of the cove, then turned the boat due south and fished the humps that were out there. We also fished the back of the creek on the north side of Caney. We couldn't fish the south creek in Caney as there were 2 duck hunters over there and apparantely, there were a lot of ducks flying...lol. Between gunshots, we were able to catch several bass, but no size (largest was about 1.5 - 2 pounds). The fish were caught on worms and rattletraps. About 10am, we headed back to Harvey Creek and fished the same spots -- back of deer creek and the 2 small islands outside of Hog Branch. Both spots picked up more fish -- same size range. The only change is that I ran out of motor oil worms and started fishing a Zoom Worm -- watermellon with red flake, then dipped the tail in chartruese. We finished the day with 27 bass. The only disappointment of the day was that the topwater bite was none existent Saturday night -- not sure what happened. Sunday: Fished from sun-up to 10:00am. We moved spots and fished the back-end of Indian Creek. I have never fished that far back there and have been missing out. That is some fishy water in the back of Indian -- every cast looks like it will hold fish We caught a lot of fish (up to 3 pounds) on Yellow Magic topwaters. The fish were not holding to structure, but rather were in the middle of the creek in the mouth of Indian (we didn't catch any back further into the creek). After the sun came up, switched to a Fat Free Shad crankbait (runs at 5-6 ft.). We then fished the "brushy" point on the east side of Indian (about half-way point in Indian cove). It was holding large schools of 12-16 inch bass -- caught 10 or so on worms (watermellon with red flake, chartreuse tail) in about 1.5 hours before having to leave for home. My apologies for the long post, but I wanted to provide back my findings. Hopefully, someone finds it helpful and can use it to catch some more bass. We are definitely coming back next November
  9. Just checking to see if anyone was on Rayburn this week -- (Harvey, Caney, Veach area)? I'm headed down at noon Thursday and will fish thru Sunday am. I will provide a detailed update upon my return home. Jack -- thanks for all your help. I printed everything and will put it to use. Alan cell 972-989-7412
  10. Thanks for the information Jack. Good luck if you make it out mid-week. I am leaving for Rayburn Thursday at noon, so I will not be online after that. If you (or anybody) has any hot fishing reports, please feel free to call my cell phone on Thursday, Friday or Saturday -- my Dad and I would appreciate any extra assistance we can get. The weather is going to be really nice, so I am looking forward to getting back on Rayburn Thanks, Alan cell: 972-989-7412
  11. Wow, it's been a long time since I've been back on Sam Rayburn -- I can't wait I use to fish the lake a lot back in the 90's, but have only been back 1x since (moved to Dallas, started family, etc). Me and my dad are doing a 3 day fishing/camping trip at Rayburn next weekend (leaving Thursday, Nov. 5). I'm hoping this forum can help us find some bass while we are there. We are staying near Harvey Creek and putting in at that boat ramp. Since I have a smaller boat, I usually don't venture too far from there (147 bridge down to Veach or Caney is usually my limit - and that's weather pending). In the past, I spent 90% of my time in Harvey Creek -- either fishing the 2 small islands by Hog Branch or the creek bed in the left side of Harvey. I would like to branch out and fish other places (Veach, Caney, Black Forest, etc.), but just not sure where to go and what to fish with there. I read Jack's post a few weeks back about Caney, but wasn't sure if early November would still hold true for that advice. Any help that you can provide with places, patterns, lures, etc. is absolutely appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help that this forum can provide. Alan Cell 972-989-7412 amachost@tx.rr.com
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