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Everything posted by HuntFishAK

  1. Yea, I'll never forget when I told you I was going to try it on our trip and you said "I don't know about you but I'm throwing the sammy." Changed your mind after I brought one in on the second cast! Lost a good one with it on Sat messing with my drag. I love that technique and am going to try so many different things with it. LOL! Yeah, and we slayed 'em that day. Matter of fact, it was about this time last year, wasn't it?
  2. Nice fish! I never forget the DS. Matter of fact, I'm going to try it for monster trout up here in Alaska. I bet very few, or nobody, have tried it. We'll see how it goes. Again, congrats!!!
  3. Well I've taken 2 trips fishing since arriving here in AK. Caught 5 'bows with one pretty nice one.
  4. You're partially right Glenn. That is one of the lakes just north of the border.
  5. Made the drive up the ALCAN last week for our move up here to Alaska. Saw some amazing country. We are in awe of all the scenery around Anchorage. I still can't believe we live here now. Been here less than a week and I've seen 3 bull moose and a fox. There were some moose outside my new shop this morning. Here are a few of the 500+ pics we took on the way up. [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/362NThomspon3.jpg [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/389EnteringJasperPark.jpg [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/398.jpg [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/402.jpg [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/IMG_2690.jpg [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/IMG_2694.jpg [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/IMG_2720.jpg [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/IMG_2748.jpg [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/IMG_2763.jpg [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/IMG_2797.jpg [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/IMG_2836.jpg [img width=700 height=525]http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p245/rocker_dude77/IMG_2864.jpg
  6. It's all relative man. 51 degrees felt a little chilly to me. ;D
  7. Went out this morning one last time before heading up to Alaska. I ended up catching 4 smallies, but nothing really big. It was a good trip anyway though. I sure am going to miss bass fishing, but I'm sure I'll make up for it with all the other species up there.
  8. X2 I take them hunting with me and never have problems with bugs.
  9. I use them alot, but not neccessarily the Senko. I really like the SK Ocho's. Lately, I've been using them after working an area that I've worked with another technique just to make sure. This produced a nice 3 lb'er the other night. I also use them as a follow up bait to a missed strike, particularly with topwater.
  10. No problem. There's quite a few lakes and stretches of river that fall under those rules. You need a law degree to decipher our river regs sometimes.
  11. My club is pretty much the same as J's. We have a $10 entry fee that everybody pays. Then there's Big Fish and Mystery Angler which is basically a raffle. Those are $5 each. If you want to be in the running for the money, it's $30 and we pay out to the top 5 who put in for that pot.
  12. I apologize, I should've explained in a little more detail. This lake is regulated by what is called "selective gear rules" for trophy brown and rainbow trout. This means artificial lures and flies with a single barbless hook. I did the guy a favor by explaining the rules to him as it would be a hefty fine if he got caught.
  13. So, kind of a San Diego Jam/Trilene knot hybrid? Interesting.
  14. I've had a bit of a run of bad luck losing fish at one of my local lakes. This lake is barbless hooks only and I just haven't been able to keep fish on. Well, that changed tonight. Fisrt spot I went to, I was basically standing on a huge boulder that mad a 5-6 foot drop off before the bottom flattened out again. I was about ready to move, but I made one more cast with a SK Ocho in junebug. Meanwhile, a man with his daughter showed up and were about to throw some nightcrawlers and a bobber. This is a no-no on this lake. So while I was explaining this to him, I felt a solid bump. I told him to hold on a sec, and proceeded to set the hook on and land a decent largemouth. Even a guy in a float tube gave me the thumbs up. I thought the whole situation was amusing. I decided to move to a spot where I usually get at least strikes. I was walking along the sidewalk that goes along the bank throwing a frog and after thoroughly working that lure, switched to the Ocho. A couple dudes were just walking up on me when I get a strike. I thought I had missed it, and probably had, so I lowered my rod tip when the fish struck again. After a short battle, I landed this fat, healthy largemouth. Not bad for about 2 1/2 hours of fishing. Every bass I catch now is bittersweet. I'm moving to bassless Alaska in 2 weeks, and each bass could be my last for a long time.
  15. http://www.netknots.com/html/trilene_knot.html
  16. OMG, it's the opera singer from The Fifth Element!
  17. Sounds like, and this is just a guess from what you described, the improved clinch knot. I use the San Diego Jam Knot on everything but braid. Very easy to tie and very reliable. The Palomar gets the nod when tying straight to braid, which is rare for me now due to most of the lakes around here are very clear.
  18. To piggyback on RW's post, if they do miss, kill it and let it flutter down like the frog was stunned. The fish may come back and drill it. Or cast right back to that spot and make a slower retrieve. This worked for me on a farmpond. The were stiking about 6-8" behind the lure through the slop on top. I would recast, retrieve at normal speed until it go to the edge of the matted moss, and slowly "hop" the frog the rest of the way. I had the same fish strike 3 times before I got the hook in him.
  19. I recently spooled one of my baitcasters with 12 lb P-Line CCX. I really like the line, but I'm having issues when casting. It seems that when I apply thumb pressure on the spool, it really slows down and I'm losing quite a bit of distance. This only happens when the line is dry. Once the line is wet, it casts fine. Now this is ok when using lures that are sub-surface, but I was throwing a Ribbit last night and the line never really touches the water. Any suggestions?
  20. I like the San Diego Jam Knot. Easy to tie and I haven't had one fail yet, http://www.netknots.com/html/san_diego_jam_knot.html
  21. - Top Gun (can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet) - Full Metal Jacket - Tombstone - We Were Soldiers - Rockstar
  22. After a bit of searching, I found some more info. Looks like the price will be around $11.99. It comes with an extra set of legs. More legs can be purchased. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewicast10luresriver2sea.html
  23. Yes, I have. I was throwing the trout/panfish sized Chatterbaits. I've caught many different species on them. Trout, largies, smallies, crappie, walleye, etc.
  24. We also have an Inspiron, and it is awesome. I really like Windows 7. I swear that they came out with Vista just so they could release 7 as the Holy Grail of operating systems. Definitely get as much RAM as possible. Ours has 4GB and it screams. I keep most of my music and pictures on an external hard drive, so that keeps alot of the internal drive space free.
  25. I've been using a baitcaster for about a year now, and have been using braid on all my rigs with a flouro leader since it was suggested that braid is easier to learn on. I've had great success in casting and now get minimal backlashes. I feel I am ready to switch to a different type of line. What type is easier to cast? I'll be using it for cranks, spinnerbaits, and for pitching. I have 3 rigs that I wan't to eventually switch out, but will start with one to get the feel for it. Thanks.
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