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Everything posted by bwell

  1. Got this guy at about 250 yards at a dead run...
  2. Have you ever thought about a mosin nagant? They shoot a 7.62x54r which is VERY cheap to buy. They shoot very straight and are very powerful. The best thing is they go for about 79-129 bucks.
  3. Took it up huh??? How many times did you get sick before you were able to keep on in? lol
  4. I guess I would, its not nearly as fun but at least I would be out fishing. I have 6 misc setups of spincast reels at home for guest that want to fish our pond so I am good to go! 8-) I have all those setups because my wife thought that her and her friends could figure out how to use my baitcasters.... When I found out I had to respool 3 reels :'(... Wife doesn't touch MY poles anymore and she has her setup to entertain her friends and family when they come over lol.
  5. I guess I would, its not nearly as fun but at least I would be out fishing. I have 6 misc setups of spincast reels at home for guest that want to fish our pond so I am good to go! 8-) I have all those setups because my wife thought that her and her friends could figure out how to use my baitcasters.... When I found out I had to respool 3 reels :'(... Wife doesn't touch MY poles anymore and she has her setup to entertain her friends and family when they come over lol.
  6. I guess I would, its not nearly as fun but at least I would be out fishing. I have 6 misc setups of spincast reels at home for guest that want to fish our pond so I am good to go! 8-) I have all those setups because my wife thought that her and her friends could figure out how to use my baitcasters.... When I found out I had to respool 3 reels :'(... Wife doesn't touch MY poles anymore and she has her setup to entertain her friends and family when they come over lol.
  7. Nightcrawler or red worms and bobber...
  8. I might have to go pick one up, I love my PQ... Maybe there will be another sale before Chirstmas.
  9. I'm with ghoti on this one... Whats wrong with coffee? Energy drinks (except 5 hour energy) are full of calories and sugar and taste like crap. My buddy which weighs 120 chugged a full throttle and sat down right away while grabbing his heart (i crap you not). I dont think taking in that much sugar, or calories are good for you... The only thing it will do for you is make you wired and fat...
  10. bwell


    You never know. I never thought I'd own a handgun unless I moved out of the city. Now I own 2 handguns. Also, not to be political but it's well known that Mayor Daley has been one of the biggest opponents of guns and concealed carry. It's possible with him leaving Chicago that concealed carry could be a reality. Boy I sure hope so! I dont see a single reason why its a problem... I live by the University here and work there, and I see emails all the time of women and men getting beat up and robbed. I bet if they knew they knew anyone of those people could be carrying a gun for protection they would think twice about robbing them.
  11. bwell


    My gun yes... We had someone break in our house and I found it very easy to convince him to sit down and stay still till the cops came with my M&P pointed at him!
  12. bwell


    I wish we had CC here in IL, I don't see that happening anytime soon lol. I do have a holster for it but it doesn't hide it for CC...
  13. Nice! I cant wait to take my daughter fishing, I have a little while though as she is only 3 weeks old lol.
  14. bwell


    Most of my guns are in my closet up high, but I keep my M&P under the bed. Soon I will have to look into getting a safe that reads thumb prints so our little one cant get into it...
  15. bwell


    The XDM has interchangeable backstraps as well. I might have to look into one... I have been thinking about buying another handgun...
  16. bwell


    I dont think they are bad guns, it just didnt fit my hands very well... I like the adjustable grips that he MP provides...
  17. Why are the English Setters high maintenance? I'm not trying to be smart, I just want to know so when it comes time to get another dog I know which ones to get. Is it because their hair is long and can get covered in cockaburs? I am either looking at English Setters or pointer. I like that the English setter doesn't get to far ahead while hunting and are a little calmer than a pointer but I guess it doesn't really matter because both point...
  18. bwell


    You might change your mind after you shoot one (talking about any gun)... I almost bought a Springfield XD without shooting one, and I am glad I popped a few rounds off before I dropped the coin one one. I thought it felt unbalanced, and not to comfortable... A gun will feel totally different with a loaded mag... The added weight will give you the true feeling of a gun, I think anyway...
  19. Hey Nibbles where in Walnut Point are you talking about? Is there a smaller separate pond from the main lake? I have fished a tourney at Springfield and did alright... If you want a smaller lake that has a HP restriction try Lake Sangchris in Springfield... I think it has a 20hp restriction...
  20. Have you ever thought about English Setters? That will be my next dog... Calm, smart, and are amazing to see them work. My buddy has a awesome lab that we bird hunt with. We can hunt doves in/near standing corn without having to worry about losing a single bird because of that dogs hunting ability.
  21. bwell


    Have you ever shot a glock or held one? Or do you just like them because you think they look cool?
  22. bwell


    ?????????????????????????????????? I stopped questioning lol... I just ignore most post now lol.
  23. Sam Adams Octoberfest is great stuff, but I have found Becks Octoberfest to taste a little better... If you havent tried it yet give it a shot. Bud Light any mexican beer Bush/Bush Light Anything from Two Brother Brewing Fat Tire Magic Hat #9 Plenty more but I am having a brain fat...
  24. Sam Adams Octoberfest is great stuff, but I have found Becks Octoberfest to taste a little better... If you havent tried it yet give it a shot. Bud Light any mexican beer Bush/Bush Light Anything from Two Brother Brewing Fat Tire Plenty more but I am having a brain fat...
  25. A guy I work with will buy a gun about every other month it seems. He probably has 100 total, and at least a 1000 rounds (and counting) for each caliber... Its crazy...
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