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Everything posted by salmicropterus

  1. LOL, maybe thats why the Lake keeps going up. These and this post are spot on. The areas where the fish are concentrated are so small it's kind of scary. You really have to comb through an area to find the sweet spots. They can be as small as 10-15 ft. On Friday, I found a 10X10 hole in the kissimee grass which yielded 8 keepers in about 10 minutes. Not the greatest fish but keepers. Within 500 yds diameter of that place...nada. Best advice would be that if you find a fish, put the pole down and fish it hard.
  2. Like most any fish, peacock are attracted to structure and differences. Look for culverts, drains, brush along edges, bridges, seawalls, docks or decks, corners, rip-rap etc.
  3. No they don't-think fast moving slashing baits like Rap Original Floaters, Shad Raps, X-Raps etc. For topwater think Torpedos, Spooks etc. All should be worked at a much faster pace than for LMB. If you think you are working it fast enough, then step it up a notch. If a bait moves slowly the peacock lose all interest
  4. Alan Zaremba is the man for peacock and he works in that area extensively. He can accomodate 3 people but probably not more than that. www.floridapeacocks.com. He is great with kids too
  5. LOL, now we got to get your spots!
  6. Can certainly confirm Steve Daniels as a great guide and a teacher on all things Lake. I spoke to him night before last and he said he was blasting them offshore, similarly as when he did the show with Shaw-typical summer pattern-follow the birds or search for a shad school and follow.
  7. Good for you and happy for you. Hope you have many great times on the Lake
  8. I have seem some boats with basketballs wedged between the jackplate and the transom. I think they deflate the ball to get it in there and then pump it up as much as possible. You wouldn't think that would be a difference maker but then again, I don't understand how a 24# floatation vest can keep a 225#er like me afloat either.
  9. Thanks Milepost. I had sent an email to Navionics but hadn't received a reply.
  10. Does anybody know what the baseline is for the depths shown on the Navionic PC app, particularly for Lake Okeechobee. For example, if the chart shows "7", is that based off of 12', 12.5', 15' or what.
  11. Nice boat!. If I knew then what I know now, I would have bought a boat I could have used for both inshore and fresh.
  12. Ditto on both these posts. Had the same ro*** when I tried to download the free version...since bought the premium one and it far beyond the other.
  13. Club T..we meet at the turnaround, then you are free to launch at any ramp on the Alley but we meet back at the turnaround for weigh-in.
  14. Me too! I've been sentenced to a day of hard and futile labor on the Alley this Saturday. What did I do wrong?
  15. Great job and glad it was up at the Lake instead of pounding 12"ers down here in the Glades.
  16. I'm probably going out to 41 on Sunday unless the KOTG classic is there. I'd go up to the Lake as I agree with Evergladesbasser but I have a T out on the Alley next weekend and need to poke around a bit. Piscicidal, good luck in the Classic
  17. Yep, I know about those dams. My club tournament meets at the rest stop then you can put in anywhere on the Alley just be back to the weigh in at the rest stop by the allotted time. So the question was more whether to put in at the Miami Canal ramp and go west.
  18. Follow up question: can you make your way east past the weirs so that you could get to the Miami Canal if you wanted to?
  19. Sorry, wrong forum..meant to post in Southeast
  20. Anybody been out there recently and, if so, how was it?
  21. Is that the long shaft MinnKota Riptide 101? If so, you'll love it. Great looking boat that I know you'll enjoy
  22. The utility value of something can far exceed the financial value. My truck, for example, is not pretty. But it runs great, gets done what I need to get done and I don't ever care what other people think about it. Your boat sounds like my truck and from the sound of it, yoet an iu take care of what needs to be taken care of and most importantly, you know your boat. Buying another boat adds a whole new level of complication (and potential expense) to your life. Stick with what you have...a second before this guy ever appeared, you were happy with what you had, right? Don't let an idiot with a checkboat control your thinking
  23. Wow, I don't know but the reports I get and the tournament results I see, show a huge fall-off in catch rates from last year The water levels entered the dry season high, didn't fall off all that much and are back up again, plus SFWMD is moving watger around like crazy.The rainy season has started...NWS pegged the start day as May 8.
  24. This is an attempt by the motor companies to develop some economy of scale. The differences in HP for each block or motor family lies in the mapping of the computer.
  25. Another good product to consider is the StayNCharge system. www.stayncharge.com. They also have an attachment that plugs into the plug from your truck which charges your entire system when you are towing.
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