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Everything posted by salmicropterus

  1. That was pretty much our day too. Ran up to shoal and northshore from Clewiston and caught them pretty good. Then that NE wind came up and blew up our areas. Made a not-so-fun run back down south and added a few punching mats
  2. 21# won our club T out of Harney last Saturday, with second at 18. Some good fish. As mentioned, lots of veggies on Northshore, Bird and the Box, some alive and some sprayed. Water temp still in the low 80s. Green water on the shoal as you work down toward Cochran's. I don't think anybody in our group went much north of Horse
  3. Interesting how the Lake chatter dies as we get closer to the T this weekend. I hear 149 boats, cutting to 29-30. That could change depending no-shows and late entries.What's everyone's over/under on the cut line. I say 17#
  4. Sorry I couldn't make it. too many things to do over the weekend and had a prior tournament comittment on Sunday. Free beer for big fish? Maybe I should rethink my priorities.
  5. Gar, I didn't know you live in Cooper City. I got some good spots in Rock Creek. Come over and fish sometime
  6. Hope you show up Saturday for the meet and greet..I'm gonna follow from a distance LOL. Seriously I wouldn't do that but I suck at Lox
  7. I've heard those rumors too-don't know how credible they are but it does seem like the knothead males are started to stage outside some of the cuts going back in to traditional spawn areas. Unfortunately, that's been pretty much all I'm catching recently
  8. I should be good to go. I'll be at Lox Rd ramp
  9. Sunday was tough. I had found some good fish in the last hour of Bass Busters on Saturday but the area had 3' rollers coming in Sunday morning and the water was all dirty. Not many boats running the Lake on Sunday. The water coming up so fast and now going down about 6" has the scattered fish scattered even more. Friend of mine caught 19+ on Sat in Bass Busters and finished 3rd and said they caught 100+ fish so it can be done
  10. I can't speak to Crystal River but nearby around Inverness, you have a decent looking chain of small lakes, the Withalocoochee River (not sure about the spelling) and Lake Panasofskee (sp?). I know FLW angler Glenn Browne caught a 12+ in the river last year. Some of those struggle with water levels but that shouldn't be a problem this year
  11. We installed some of these. on bass boat trailers last year. Our customers were not happy with the overall experience. We had some scratched bottoms and the overall slippery nature worried people. We did exactly what J Francho said to solve the issue.
  12. Most of my fishing is either tournaments or pre-fish for tournaments so I feel I need to use lures for bass, even when fun fishing. I've mellowed on this subject quite a bit as I used to be a purist. As long as the angler is law-biding and having fun and upping participation in the sport, I don't care. I'm probably in the same position as Gar-bass/artificials anything else-whatever works best
  13. We do a lot of insurance work so from my perspective, it comes down to how well claims are handled and processed. We see a lot of Progressive, Seaworthy (Geico), Allstate and State Farm. They have all been good to work with and the claims have been processed to our customers satisfaction. Many use the same private adjusters. I think the recommendation to use a broker is a good one because, as pointed out, coverages can vary widely and you want to be sure you have what you think you have if a problem arises
  14. Wow, I'm in there all the time and see nothing but 4.8-5.5 ft on my sonar right now. Must have hit some random chunk rock
  15. This high water is bad for my lower unit business!!!
  16. Couldn't agree more. It takes about 1 month to drain a foot of water out of the Lake. I spoke with a person at SFWMD last week and they believe that with normal summer rain and a soaker or two there is a high probability of the Lake going to 17.5. They don't control the Lake, the Corps does but there are a lot of competing constituencies that have to be satisfied. As mentioned, the coastal estuaries are under extreme pressure from the outflows. If you throw in a srong tropical event or two into this mix, the results could be disasterous in every meaning of word.
  17. I thought the genetics of the Butterfly Peacock, which is the strain in Florida, topped out at 7-8# with the record of 9 being an outlier
  18. We are doing the Silver on Saturday. White, Green and Silver Triton with Etec250HO. OHPM decals on each side.
  19. my mistake, meant to say EMMs. Typing fingers weren't connected to the brain
  20. I have a couple boats in my shop with pre-BRP Fichts. Surprise, Surprise but the EEMs need to be replaced or at best reflashed. BRP no longer supports these EEMs. I have heard of a company in Alabama named DFI Technologies. Has anybody had any experience with them?
  21. I don't understand all the negativity like the Lake "being out of commission". When the Lake went up a year ago, the fishing was crazy good.
  22. Judging by the water levels north of the Lake, it is going to go a lot higher before it comes down anytime soon, I wouldn't be surprised to see 15.5 before long. The Kissimmee basin and Fisheating Creek area saw a tremendous amount of rain during June and a lot of that still needs to work its way down. Throw in a soaker depression and a wet couple of weeks and it could be a lot more. I'm sure the Corps doesn't want to see it at 16 but there is only so much that can be let out.
  23. Good question but I visually verified that recircs worked in each. First thing I thought of too.
  24. Brown's Farm is about 40 miles from the area you described
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