Two things-their growth rate is somewhat faster than a largemouth and more importantly, many of them spawn more than once a year. The fishery can get restored pretty quickly. These fish were introduced by FWC to control the invasive tropicals that were in the water system done south. Over time, with warm winters, they migrated northward and westward but the intent, in picking the peacock to be the predator of choice was to be sure, through nature's temperature control, to never let them get into Lake Okeechobee. So, in a sad way, the theory worked. Someone else also posted about them not getting too big due to these kills-offs. That is because when they were introduced by FWC, they introduced the smallest subspecie of the 4 that exist. The grandes of Brazil are a different subspecie. These down here in SOFLA are called "butterfly" and they are the smallest, even staying somewhat small in comparison to the others down in Brazil