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Everything posted by salmicropterus

  1. Great day and great report. BTW, those Bay and Lakes are sweet. I've seen a few and I have a severe case of boat ***. They look like they could run through any kind of water
  2. Ditto on what everybody said. We fished the Alley out west and the Miami Canal north of the Alley. Lot's of current and very high water. Current was so strong I had a tough time making headway with my TM going through one of the weirs. I know they've been catching some good one's at night so the fish are there-just not active during the day i guess even at day-break
  3. You make a lot of good points and your idea in the last paragraph is a definite yes!. I guess I just don't see the peacocks in the same category of threat as the snakes and I think FWC has a good handle on the balancing act that peacocks represent (eating forage vs eating other invasives) Definitely agree that the P's should never have been transported north-that was a serious violation of the regs related to the P's. Anyway, it's a please to have a thoughtful conversation with a fellow South Florida angler, even if we may not agree 100%-that's the reason this forum is my only forum
  4. Is there any science or data to support your contentions about Peacock Bass and Snakeheads? I can see where you are coming from on the Snakeheads and FWC's response on them is pretty much "they're here, let's try and limit the spread (usually futile) but with the eco-system so diverse and with so many same- tier predators, they are not a threat and besides there is nothing that can be done anyway to single out the species" With the Peacocks, they were specifically introduced by FWC to predate on dumped invasive fish usually introduced by an aquarium and they would contend that this one of the most successful targeted interventions in fish management history. Are you aware of a scientifically based study to the contrary?
  5. I would say Steve Daniel. When he did the Day on the Lake on ESPN, Tommy Saunders called him "the Teacher" and he is. When we fish together, sometimes I just stop what I am doing and watch and absorb. He is so willing to share his knowledge. He is a guide at Roland's now at Clewiston @ Okeechobee and if you want to catch fish and learn something in the process look him up there.
  6. That plan looks good. What I like is the proposed cooperation between the FWC who I have a lot of confidence in and the Water Management People (not so much on the confidence thing) and the Corps who have had their own agenda. I think we are seeing some of this already the way the water level is being managed at the Lake this past year. 2 years ago they woulda drained the Lake down to 11 or less during the storm season.
  7. The section of the Miami Canal talked about here is accessible from the ramps on the west side of the rest area on I-75 (Alligator Alley) heading to Naples. It's like mile marker 34/35 or so. From the ramp you can go south about 2 miles to a water control structure and north you go under the bridges and go maybe 10-15 north. It is a great canal area to fish especially when the water level is low. The length of the canal is accessible only by boat although there is some bank fishing by the ramps
  8. Haven't been out much-going to Clewiston in the AM and I haven't been up there for awhile either. Did go to the Miami Canal a few weeks ago on the HP side and expecting nothing but had a pleasant surprise with 40 or so ranging up to 3-1/2.
  9. Depends on whether it is a tournament or not and even then whether of not it was due to a "controllable" like an equipment failure or a failure in technique. Then I can get a slow burn going for awhile. This is better though then when I played golf and broke some clubs or when I raced and someone would take me out and I would do the same for revenge LOL.
  10. Haha I resemble that remark!. Actually I'm over this one and am just down the banana thing
  11. So where's that thread "What's the matter with KVD this Year" from a few months ago. Guess it doesn't matter what the score is in the 4th inning. A great feat as he just ground away the second half of the year. Mental toughness, not to say that Skeet doesn't have it too, it's just KVD has so much.
  12. Well said! Wish your thinking would work in politics but you are way too balanced and thoughtful to have that happen
  13. That is so true. A guide friend of mine who I fun fish with acquired a Gheenoe (not sure I'm spelling this right) but it's essentially a cross between a canoe and a john boat has a good flat stern for a small motor. It can pretty much be launched anywhere and can pretty much go anywhere. We have gone into some areas in the Glades where no bass boat could ever go and have just beat up on dumb fish who may have never seen a lure. It's been a blast.
  14. Good point. I would like to know that too. By the way, how are you feeling? Did your surgery go OK? Doing well-thanks for asking. I now have 20/25 in both eyes so my vision has vastly improved-it was 20/200 in the left eye. I have to wear those old man goggle glasses for a couple weeks LOL but that's ok cause I am old. Can't wait to get back on the water again. Had to go down to BPS today just to gawk around
  15. Awesome post!. I would like to learn more about what grows best in certain bottom conditions ie hard v sandy v muddy/mucky
  16. Have to agree with J Francho on this one. You do seem to have issues with "glitzy tournament bass boats" and maybe that colors your overall impression of a situation. There was a similar thread a month or so ago. I agree with nearly everybody here in that docks are fair game and I do get my dander up and fish them extra hard if an owner comes out and starts claiming the water and fish are theirs. All that said, nothing excuses bad fishing manners and if the situation was as presented, the guys in the glitzy boats were seriously guilty of piggish behavior. Not all people in glitzy tournament bass boats are that way and in my experience your tournament people tend to be the most knowledgeable about manners and fishing etiquette.
  17. Have fun y'all. Wish I could be there but I am looking forward to the pictures and an in-depth fishing report LOL.
  18. Work all levels of the water column: something on top like a walking bait or something fast moving that makes a commotion like a speedworm retrieved on top, something in the middle depths like a swim jig or a crankbait and something to work the bottom like a jig or T-Rigged worm with a weight (BTW you will learn what the bottom is by paying attention to what the rig feels like when it is dragging)-try to find the harder bottoms like rock, gravel or shells. Bass don't much care for soft or mucky bottoms even in non-spawn times. The most adept fisherman "attack" the lake/water, not just in geographic terms (points, coves, bluffs) but also spatially as far as depth. Most times the fish are concentrated at a certain depth and they are there for a reason (water temp, oxygen levels etc). Also, a lot of your text is aggressive in terms of "attack" etc. A lot of good fishing is passive in that you have to take in and absorb the conditions and react. KVD may be able to catch fish through pure will but most of the rest of us have to observe and be somewhat reactive. Good luck though-I think we'd all like to have your persistence and dedication
  19. I can't be there unfortunately but I hope you all have a great day. Word of caution, I would avoid anything that looks like a tournament out there. They run by a separate set of rules with very limited permits and the rangers are always on the lookout for an unauthorized, non-permitted tournament.
  20. Look at that belly!. Reminds me of me! Nice fish and well done. Going up to Belle Glade in the AM to poke around a bit. I'd take 2 half that size
  21. Everglades Pro Bass is on the south side of Griffin between Pine Island and University. It is an old school bait and tackle place that carries a lot of small run lures from small manufacturers that BPS doesn't carry, the Pro-Trap being a prime example.
  22. Meant to put this in above so pardon the double post. The most effective day in day out lure for me is a gold or silver Rapala Original Floater in size 9 or 11 worked as aggressively as possible. It is not possible to work it TOO aggressively or erratically
  23. You are right-they are called Pro-Traps and Judy at Everglades on Griffin is about the only place that carries them. Another very effective presentation with this lure is as a pitch/flip to a bedding peacock or largemouth for that matter. Looks just like a sunfish divebombing a nest
  24. Not a big fan of catching a fish on the first cast of the day-I've had some pretty awful days after that although it beats not catching any fish at all BTW, the banana superstition comes from the days when the Spanish ruled the Central and South America areas. They would load the boat with bananas-well some of those boats sank but the bananas floated and floating bananas was always a marker for a sunk ship
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