way2slow...I have almost 14.6VDC at the battery while charging and 12.9VDC on the battery after sitting about 4 hrs.
I will wait until tomorrow morning to re-measure if better.
My chargers never go lower than maybe 3A, even after charging overnight. (12VDC, 10A charger)
The batteries start out strong but do not last into the day.
If you recall, I was the person corrected here for giving some bad info on treatment of DC batteries. As it turns out, my original advise from yrs ago was wrong. I have taken the advise of those here who know.
I use 2-type 31, both are in their 4th season...and they have been mistreated, ie, I ran them down severely before charging.
I am thinking that I may have 1 or more reduced capacity cells in each battery due to my miscare.
My thought is to go purchase 2 new batteries and start again, knowing what I know now.
Any input will help.
Tim J
(edit...chastised was a bit harsh, sorry)