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Everything posted by TimJ

  1. let's see...first build a waterway from LkMichigan to the Illinois R..."no, we won't open it nor divert any water"...then open it and divert enough water to lightly affect water levels through the 4 lakes after Michigan (lsc)...then "no, we can't close the waterway, even if it will save the great lakes from the asian carp"...the powers that be are now fighting about what to do to try to keep the as.carp out of the great lakes, even as they probably swim into LkMich! pretty sure the info is close anyways. what a bunch of crap! TJ
  2. plain old lead has worked fine for me under mats but I like to soak my bullets in drano before using to add a flat dark grey/almost black look. I'll have to try shining a few up and give them a shot. when the up-in-the-air vertical launch doesn't work, I will pull my bait up tight and poke the rod/bait through the hole. usually, we're hanging out and fishing slow, sometimes with rattles to let the bass come find the bait. I was a bit frustrated one day. I let a bunch of line out on the deck, picked up my bait and threw it through the mat...like a baseball! lmao...it worked! TJ
  3. if the SM are on, braid direct to tube is ok with me. if its slow or Im dropping, I use a flouro leader with a small swivel...small enough to go through the tiptop guide. flouro leader for the c-rig too.
  4. Falcon...gotta love fishing flukes along the shallow weeds along the StClair river. dynamite schools with the current turning and breaking. TJ
  5. TimJ


    welcome to the home of snow...errrrr....bass
  6. nine miler...home of the big white landmark (or near it...lol). welcome to the site from a fellow LSC angler. TJ
  7. Im not arguing legalities or morals...but, a flyover, especially in a helicopter, would be way more detailed than google earth. with clear water and a high sun, weedbeds, sandbars, etc would just jump out at you. hovering the chopper would grab some nice waypoints.
  8. I dont fish jigs often. my choice is most often a 6" producto worm, usually starting with black grape...but my FLA trip will incl some rage baits...gotta learn.
  9. its not so much supertuning but maybe updating is the right word. I have 4-4600CBs that I want to replace bearings, maybe add bearings instead of bushings (if possible) and replace the drag washers. I have had someone cleaning my stuff but I'm going to learn to do it myself. my other reels are bps j.morris, older shimano and bps qualifiers. hmong-that was the first site I checked out on google...lol. delaware-thanks. I'll be in touch. TJ
  10. may not be all the way to Haliburton, but if your area is wide enough, I have fished Sparrow many times. if you want more info let me know. TJ
  11. I was hoping there was a link here to be found that I had missed. I did search google and found lots of info though. thanks David. TJ
  12. I looked in the "fishing articles" above and searched the forum but could not find anything with hints on cleaning and/or supertuning reels. I would appreciate a link or 2 related to this please. thanks TJ
  13. summer 2008, on StClair. my sons and I put 3 SM in the boat over 5 but nothing else bigger than 3, even though we bagged a ton of fish that day. can't remember #s but we used to clean up on Erie in the fall many years ago. many, many over 4 in a day, fishing sunup to sundown. I'd have to say 4 or 5 LM over 4, multiple times up here, in several different locations in southern Ontario.
  14. triton mentioned a trailer hook...try a larger treble when fishing more open water, ie-smallies TJ
  15. hey leo...don't forget the yellow highlight over the bold letters!
  16. we occasionally vertical jig up a goby or 10 when fishing walleye in the Detroit River in March/April. usually, this is not in the shallowest water we fish (about 6-8 ft) but in the 12-16 ft range, if I recall. Erie seems to have some darn big fish, as evidenced by Mr. Hottle and his pair of beauties in this forum. the early Michigan C&R season has allowed us to catch many SM and some toads to boot, but you are out earlier than that! my active baits don't grab any gobies on StClair in the early season. we can't fish our side of the lake until late June and by then, the little #@*% are everywhere! TJ
  17. thanks Adam
  18. welcome fellow smallie lover! gotta love those great lakes. TJ
  19. welcome to the site Phil. getting the same deep freeze down here in Windsor right now...although Toho will be fun in March! TJ
  20. I don't do this enough, but thanks for your service. Being Canadian, we're on the same "team", so to speak. Enjoy your recreation time. You've earned it. TJ
  21. electronics technologist...but my earlier gigs as a touring sound company technician and working with a company who worked with the NHL were much more fun. TJ
  22. smallmouth41...yeah, you want to try a silver buddy (or the binsky) on the St.Clair smallies. anywhere you fish a hopkins (you do fish a hopkins, right?) you can fish the SB. TJ
  23. keep an eye on the flw walleye event on Detroit River Apr 8-10 and maybe pre-fishing articles. I think that the huge bags of the past have had a lot of trolling on Erie as a big part. the Detroit River is a walleye paradise in spring. we vertical jig with mucho success. lots of fish and, early on, lots of big sows. the guys with handlines do well in adverse conditions when the jigs aren't doing it.
  24. I have been using tri-wing normans for quite awhile, even going as far as transplanting the blades to new baits, swapping out the 2-blade. I will try the cavitron because if my success actually gets better, I'm in for some big time fun. I tend to use lighter colours but would like to know, are people using black to get a better silhouette? thanks TJ
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