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About Naturalselector

  • Birthday 11/18/1978

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  1. Jag I was super impressed by that too. Then I read it and was like oh you figgin A**. lol I would like to see how fast the 15 will push that little jon with all the wood, people, and equipment.
  2. Stickling, if you do it please post pictures.
  3. Senko great detail, I cant wait to give it a try. I've been reading about the jig and pig for a while now.
  4. The worst thing about this thread is that I am going to try that cat fish scent with the hotdogs. :-/ anyone have more scent makins?
  5. LOL @ Snag!! I was thinking something along those lines too. I dont think I could in good conscience use WD-40 because it's not just about catching fish but the entire experience. Though I am not above koolaid! Maybe we need a "share your sent recipe thread" any takers. I think I am going to be banned from creating new threads soon.
  6. As long as the Preparation H is "fresh" out of the tube and not "seasoned". :-X Hehehehe
  7. Perfect!! This article makes me that much more excited about the project. Thank you Glenn, I didn't even think to look through your database for something like this.
  8. All, it is your very curious quick to ask questions new member. I am very interested in making a bass boat, this is inline with my cheep nature (man my wife would laugh at that one)! I have found one very impressively converted jon boat, that one can be found at http://www.sofnet.com/~robertg/boat.htm. Have any of you folks done this or something similar? Or do you know of any sites with other ideas for making your own bass boat other than those that convert a jon?
  9. What is the article being discussed here?
  10. J, that's wild I never thought of using simple house hold items as attractants. Makes you wonder if other all purpose house hold items will attract fish... Duct tape (??), it works for everything else. I've been wondering if people make their own scents, and if they are closley guarded or openly shared. J, I am trying to add to your question not take from it. Hope you dont mind that.
  11. HI new bass fisherman, and new bassresource member... The majority of my fishing experience is for catfish in my grandfathers pond and some idle poking around in lakes here in there. I have been doing some fishing in the Mediterranean with a friend of mine, but recently took a Navy sponsored trip to a lake. One with plenty of bass and lets just say "I" got hooked. Ill be leaving Naples Italy soon and moving to Ventura County California. Which is good because the lake here for fishing is privately owned and I cant just pick up and go when I want. It is like torture as I am sure you can understand. :-/ Well hope to be chatting with all of you soon. John
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