A little late, but I live in Terre Haute although fairly new to the area. Waveland is supposed to be one of the best lakes for bass in the state, it is small but everyone seems to have luck there. I have been there a couple of times, and did ok. Racoon can be ok, this is supposed to be the place for striped bass in IN - about the top ten stripers in the state have been caught here. Cataract is ok(very good crappie fishing). I have had some luck at Mill creek in IL, and West Boggs lake further south. That's about all the places I have been since I've lived here. I have heard Geist and brookville are pretty good, brookville is supposed to have smallies, but I've not been to either. They say that Patoka can be decent, not been there either. Most people around here will tell you the best fishing is in the small private pits around here. If you have a small john boat or something you really should go down to Greene-Sullivan sometime, there are about 150 reclaimed strip pits that have a little of everything in them.