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Everything posted by RAMBLER

  1. The closest one to me is at least 80 miles from saltwater and that is just about all the fishing gear that they stocked. Only went in there a couple of times and see no reason to ever go back or be concerned if they close up.
  2. Wear a bikini, come up to my room and see my plastic bullfrog???????????????????????????????
  3. Fantastic.
  4. PowerPro Braided Spectra Fiber Micro Filament Line - 100-150 Yards. Bass Pro has this in 5lb.
  5. New line.
  6. For the Zoom Horny Toad I like a 5/0 EWG t-rigged and skin hooked.
  7. When this came up one time a while back, I made the comment that I don't play music when I'm fishing and I don't want to hear yours. Some guy raked me over the coals for having a bad attitude. But, I still stand by my earlier comment.
  8. I bought some of the floating "traps". Two of them sink. I e-mailed the company and they asked a few questions (don't remember the entire conversation). After all was said they asked me to send them back and they would replace them and refund shipping costs. They wanted to find out why the lures sank. But, I played with them in a bucket of water and watched how they sank. I had no line tied to them so that may make a difference. They sank slowly, nose down, with a little "shimmy" and when they hit the bottom they remained standing nose on the bottom and the tail end straight up. I weighed them and found that the floaters weighted 11 grams, the sinking floaters weighted 13 grams. The more I played with them, the more I thought of those (bluegill colored) standing nose down in a bed and I wonder what a bass would do about that. Twitched slowly and standing on their nose might be more than a bass could stand. I don't normally fish beds, but this might be fun. I have not had a chance to get out and try them, but I wonder if they will stand on top of weeds.
  9. Of course. In my eclectic collection of tackle I have spinning reels, and matching rods, in sizes 200, 300, 400 and 500. I can cast crank baits in any size from 1/8 oz to strike King number 8's. I have the 500 on a 7' MH with 50 lb braid. I can flip and pitch with it. I can also cast a weightless t-rig trick worm with a bait caster. There has never been a fishing reel warden arrest me yet.
  10. Wal Mart is closing the neighborhood store in our little berg. They took all the fishing tackle (there was very little to start with) out of the store before they marked things down. It will be closed in 5 days. Only been there 9 month. I've got no use for that store. The closest superstore is 14 miles away and never has a sale on tackle. They do put out some really cheap stuff that is just cheap knock offs and call it a price roll back.
  11. If I have the option of free shipping, I always select that choice. I have always gotten the product in only a day or two longer than paying for the shipping, sometimes I have gotten the product in same 3-5 business days that I could have paid for. I don't care why they do it. I just like it. I live in a rural area that is 35 miles from stores that will have some things I am looking for. I can get on line and order the items, have them shipped to my door for free, in less than a week and often tax free, too. It's also 45 miles to the closest GM and 120 miles to the closest BP. On line is about the only way for me to go.
  12. There was a woman that use to call and would not quit, no matter what I said. Until, one day I told her that I thought prostitution was a more honorable profession than telemarketing. She hung up and never did call back. That weenie from India called me, again, the other day. I asked him for his address. He wanted to know what I wanted his address for. I told him I would ship my computer to him so he could shove it ------------------------------. He hung up. Hasn't called back for a while, now.
  13. I watched a show that Shaw Grigsby was on. It might have been One More Cast. He was fishing out of a boat that had a trolling motor that had a feature called "anchor". At least that's how I remember it. That feature kept the boat in the position he wanted. They were fishing in some wind and that kept the boat in exactly that same position. When I looked up that kind of trolling motor that feature was included in some kind of electronic steering. Oh, by the way, he is on the Bass Fishing Elite Tour.
  14. That makes me wonder just what all you could put on that blade. A minnow stick bait, in-line spinner, I think I'm going to try some things that more than likely won't catch fish.
  15. In Wisconsin, we had them in our front yard. Found out that some red cellophane over the flashlight kept the light from scaring the crawlers so much. The hardest part was finding the red cellophane (that was in the 50s).
  16. I've looked at this posting several times and I could never think of a logical answer. Then, I finally realized there is no "logical" answer. I grew up having to be completely practical about what I did, so, to me the idea of only one lure would be in a matter of survival. For that I would use an 1/8 ounce white hair jig. If I were to be in a bass only contest of some kind where only one lure was allowed it would have to be a Zoom trick worm, watermelon/red, t-rig, weightless. It is what I have the most success with and I go through more of them than anything else.
  17. Rodman reservoir is drained down to the river channel and will be until April, for vegetation control. The fish are concentrated in pockets and people are catching some of those big girls. There is a temp landing on past Kenwood. It is on the canal that was going to be the cross Florida canal. There are people catching a lot of crappie and some big ones too.
  18. Get off your ***, grow up and stop your whining. That's life. It isn't going to get better by doing nothing.
  19. I was stationed at KI Sawyer AFB in 78. The base was closed down for 3 days. This morning, here, it's 70 and suppose to be sunny. Forecast is for 85. Every body involved in the bad weather. be careful and hope all goes well.
  20. Took my prescription to the vision center at wal-mart and got my tri-focals and they used the center and top lense to make amber, polarized bi-focals. Both pairs are in identical frames and fit so well that at times, I forget which pair I have on. They are great for fishing (tying knots) and driving. My wife liked them so much she has a pair of clear and sun glasses, also, in identical frames. Having both pair in identical frames makes them really comfortable to wear.
  21. Here, in Florida, it is almost impossible to have accurate maps of bodies of water. The weather changes so much. We have had a year or two that was so hot and dry that many of the small lakes got so low there was no (and I mean none) water at any access point. Then, it started raining and now the water on these lakes is waaaay out in the woods and up in peoples yards. Now, at what level was that map/chart made? There is no way of knowing. I use mine simply to show me where the deeper spots and contour lines are, not as an accurate depth. One lake in particular shows the deepest hole is 9'. Right now that hole is 13' deep. Now, I talked to a Lorwrance dealer and asked how any of these lakes could all be charted. Some of them were charted by him. He was provided with a recorder on his boat. It recorded the depth of every piece of water he fished and he fished a lot, as will any pro. Now, if he, by some chance missed a small, deep hole it just will not be shown. So be it. You have to understand that to make an accurate map of a lake you have to criss-cross that entire lake in a grid pattern. Who is going to pay the price for that. Be really glad you have what you have. You could go back to the old depth finders we had when I was a kid. You put the oar over the side of the boat and if you touched bottom, it was shallow, if you didn't, it was deep.
  22. I am so computer NOT savvy that when I read your description of the new changes, I don't understand a word you said. I will probably get use to the new site as I use it.
  23. Most challenging; Finding time to go out. Most exciting; Knowing exactly where a bass should be, making the perfect cast, pulling a bass out of that spot.
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