Lots of good advice. Practicing in the yard is some of the best advice. But, a baitcaster has it's limitations. For light weight lures, you need a spinning reel. No matter how good you get, trying to cast a lure/worm that is quite light will be next to impossible.
I started out with a baitcaster that had no drag or brake adjustments, 55 years ago. Back then my thumb was the only adjustment I had. Took a little while to be able to cast without a backlash but it can be done and is one of the best pieces of tackle you can use.
Now, I'm going to light a fuze. You can get a good spinning outfit at Wal-Mart. Get a Mitchell 300 and a 6'6" medium or mediumlight Ugly Stick and put 8 or 10 lb mono on it. I've caught everything from little bluegill to muskie on that rig. One of the most versatile rigs you will ever use and it is affordable.
I said I lit a fuze. Well, that is because an awful lot of people, on this forum, are going to tell you how bad the rig I described is. It isn't the best there is, but remember the word affordable and disregard the people that are so proud of their $150-$250 outfits.
Good luck and tight lines.