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Everything posted by RAMBLER

  1. I've tried the UV blocking shirts, but they didn't let my body heat out. They felt almost like wearing plastic. I've gotten really sick from heat, wearing them. I went to a thrift store and bought white long sleeve dress shirts (usually have blue stripes) that have a lot of cotton in them. That wicks the moisture off my skin and a breeze will blow through them and I can feel a chill (even in 90 degrees). Being white, they reflect sun. I've gotten a couple of them for .50 a piece, too. Beats $30-$40. Still wear gloves, buff, wide brim hat and sun block on the little bit that's uncovered. I've had several pieces of my hide cut out that was cancer. I tend to be pretty careful.
  2. When I was fishing in Mich/Wis I never knew anything about fishing for anything with plastic worms, except for a white worm. That was in the 70's - 80's. I don't remember the brand (could have been zoom), I just saw them in a sport shop and bought a bag. I used them for trailers on spinner baits and silver minnows while fishing for northern pike. Really helped improve the bite. Since I've been in Florida and got caught up in all this plastic baits, I forgot about the white worm trailer. Glad some one mentioned it. I've got to try this again.
  3. I don't care if there is daylight savings time or not. Just have it one way or the other and quit changing it. If you want to do something early or late, do it, but don't make a law that says everybody has to live by your clock!
  4. Every time I read what people have to say on this subject, something pops into my little mind that really has nothing to do with the subject, but, it's there and when I say it, it will probably tick off a bunch of people: When you went cruising for women (in your younger days) did you start in a maternity ward?
  5. I have used all of the following types of lures in heavy weeds and mats with some success and no success. I may be using the wrong lure for the conditions at that time. What's your thoughts on how and when is the best of these to use: 1. Plastic solid body toads 2. Buzz/vibe/cut-tail worms 3. Plastic swim baits 4. Hollow body frogs 5. Plastic craw 6. Weedless spoon and trailer
  6. Had one that bad twice. Caught another rod in the boat and once caught the trolling motor. Had another rod to use so just laid that one down until I got home. Mounted the rod in a vice and used a crochet hook to start pulling out loops. Then started pulling the end of the line through loops. Ended up walking the end of the line out the garage door everytime, but did eventually get the back-lash out and saved the braided line.
  7. I read of one guy who was fishing a dock and the owner came busting out of his house and asked the fisherman, "who gave you permission to fish under my dock?' To which the fisherman answered, "who gave you permission to put a dock where I fish?" Sort of set the owner back on his heels and the fisherman left with the owner standing there with his mouth hanging open.
  8. Here, in Florida, the invasive species are a real problem. There is some kind of spraying going on all the time. I know people that spray for the Fish and Wildlife and they are very busy. The spraying I have seen does effect the bite. I don't know how long it takes for the effect to go away, if it ever does. I experienced about the worst incident of spraying I've ever seen, a couple of weeks ago. I was sitting in the cypress trees about 100 feet from the outside edge of the grass line when a guy came through spaying the edge of the grass line. I could smell the spray so I know the fish could. It gets really aggravating when they spray right where you're fishing.
  9. I like the Gander Outdoors that opened in the old Gander store, in Ocala. One of the clerks that works in the fishing dept. (knows his business) told me that Outdoors made all the tackle racks a foot and a half taller so they could put in more tackle. Now, I can hide from my wife in there. I think that they have a better selection of tackle than the small Bass Pro that went in in Gainesville. They have a lot of Lunkerhunt lures, a brand that I was never familiar with before.
  10. Thirty years ago, I had a 10' john boat with a trolling motor and a black and white, 4" depth/fish finder. I was trolling and saw a fish on the screen. At the right distance from that spot I caught a fish. I'm sure it was the fish I saw. That was the last and only fish I've seen on the screen and then caught. I know there are a lot more reasons to have the depth/fish finder. That one I had fastened to a board and c-clamped it to the boat. I used it more ice fishing than any other way. I had a battery that I carried in the boat or on a sled for ice fishing. I was ice fishing one time and watching the screen and saw a school of fish pass through. There were several of us in the same area and I made a comment that I had seen the school go through. One fool asked me which direction they were going. I had the screen positioned, just be chance so it was facing east, the fish went from from my right to left, on the screen, so I simply told him they were going south. He dug a new whole and tried to catch up to them.
  11. Thanks Fishing_FF. I'll map those and check them out.
  12. Wife's daughter and kids are coming to Universal/Orlando the first week in Jan. Does anyone know of any retention ponds or other fishing I can take the kids to? Prefer something pretty close to the motel (Double Tree at entrance to Universal).
  13. I'm not a biologist so I can not tell you about lactic acid or anything like that. I can tell you that I have killed fish, especially small northern pike (less than 30") when catching them on a light weight fly rod. Playing any fish too long will kill them. (I should add that my experience has been only freshwater) I also found this out by fishing with only ultralight tackle. It can be fun, but deadly for the fish.
  14. On the silver ones, I like to use a white Zoom trick worm.
  15. I went nuts trying to sign in. It's been so long since I signed in, I could not remember my password. Tried signing in through facebook. That was a ridiculous circus. Keeps telling my to finish my profile. I've put in all I'm going to put in it. If I can't just sign in once and stay signed in, I don't need this. It's not my bank account, it's just somebodies comments about fishing. How difficult does that have to be?
  16. We used to push an oar down in the water. If we hit bottom, it was shallow. If we didn't hit bottom, it was deep.
  17. Fly rod and small bluegill sized poppers. It's about the most fun you can have catching bass.
  18. I troll, once in a while, generally after a full day of casting/tossing lures, I'm tired but don't want to go home, yet. I'm also exploring the water while I'm trolling. I have caught more crappie, bluegill, and catfish while trolling and very few bass.
  19. I don't worry about "flippin or pitchin or cover or structure". I "toss" a worm in a "spot" where I think there might be a fish. The only one I'm communicating either of these "discriptive" terms with is me. Sometimes I even understand me.
  20. Down here, in northern Fl, I never call it spring until the whippoorwills sing and they only sing for a few nights.
  21. Normal is just a setting on your dryer. Go fishing. Buy more tackle. Let your wife worry about the settings on the dryer.
  22. The forecast for tonight is 29 degrees. I don't know how I'm going to protect the garden and all the plants. I didn't move to Florida for this. Went fishing for a little while, yesterday. The water was 10-15 degrees warmer than the air. Caught one mudfish and watched a guy catch a 4 lb 11 oz bass off of a bed. The wind was blasting but could find some protected places in the river.
  23. To just answer the question: Fishing
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