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Everything posted by fmoore

  1. Always wanted to fish there. Don't have any info beyond what you already know. Let me know how it goes if you don't mind
  2. Glass lenses are much more durable than plastic. Plastic scratches much, much easier if you don't take perfect care of the glasses.
  3. Don't worry about it. If the transom is sound and in good condition it won't matter. However, a heavier motor may expose a weak spot in the transom's armor if it is in fact weak.
  4. Hope everyone has a great weekend on the water! Here's what I've been doing all spring (pic is from Sat) - biggest all the way on the left at 20 pounds. 15 bass total with some blues mixed in.
  5. Sweet fish Shane. I was able to get out Saturday and Sunday this weekend, although I'm not home from school for another 2 1/2 weeks. I've been doing a ton of striper fishing down here on LI, catching some good fish up to 40". Just wish I knew a little more about that type of fishing. Anyway, only the 2nd and 3rd days on the water this year for the Skeeter. Two largemouth over 5 and three smallies that came real close. Very surprised at how good the fishing was considering the bright sun and lack of wind. Key baits for the weekend were swim jig and shaky head.The bass were overshadowed by my biggest pike ever though. 16 pounds on the swim jig Sunday morning.
  6. Remember, just because some of the bass may be "spawned out," doesn't mean they've actually set up beds and spawned. Absolutely nutty spring though.
  7. Newfound has some great smallies in it as does the CT River.
  8. Just bend the eye on the top of the bait a little bit to the opposite side it's running to. If you go too far, it'll run on it's other side. Keep adjusting until it runs true
  9. Educate Yourself!!! Courtesy of the American Bluefin Tuna Association
  10. Went ice fishing last Friday and again Monday before I had to head back to NY for school Tuesday. Definitely lost some ice over the weekend (cutting 3" in the thin spots), and the dog went through twice around the shoreline on Monday. Friday we caught about 20 pickerel and a half dozen perch for a half day. Nothing big, but it was great to be on the ice again. Monday was more of the same with a few little largemouth thrown in.
  11. Replica mount is the way to go. A bunch of pics, some measurements and you have a beautiful mount and fish that's still swimming. Most any decent bass fishery in NH will have some 5 pound largemouth kicking around. Fish a place that suits your fishing style well and pound it if you really want a big fish.
  12. If you have confidence in it, you're going to catch fish. I love buzzbaits
  13. Congrats! Nice looking fish. Smallies love the LC Sammy
  14. Good God. He's not trying to tow a 5th wheel here. He doesn't need a truck that can tow upwards of 12000 pounds. He wants something fuel efficient. And there's no such thing as a 7.3 in a 2011 Ford. Get a Tacoma with the towing package (or something equivalent). It's rated to tow 6300 pounds. Your boat, trailer and all your gear probably won't even top 2500 pounds. I get an average of 13.8 MPG all around with the Tundra with the 5.7. I love the truck, but I tow a bigger saltwater boat (In addition to the Skeeter) or I'd have no reason to own it. slonezp makes a good point about using more fuel with the smaller engine. Consider how much you'll be towing as well.
  15. The Cape has a much longer growing season than anywhere else around here. Some of the ponds won't even freeze over if we have a very mild winter.
  16. That's a pig smallie!! Let's see the pics!
  17. x2 InvizX and AbrazX are great lines.
  18. Don't fish in the past. You recognize that this year is different, so why are you trying to trying to fish as if it wasn't? You need to adapt to the conditions and change it up. I don't know where you're fishing/what type of water body you're fishing so I'm not sure about specific advice. Open your mind and try something new. I bet it'll benefit you.
  19. Spent Saturday afternoon at Spofford after troubleshooting some trolling motor problems in the morning. Redid some wiring inside the pedal and I was good to go. Caught two largemouth over 5 on the spinnerbait along with a pike that was pushing 10 pounds and at least a dozen more bass, a few of which were over 4. Just an awesome day. No pictures due to the rain, unfortunately. Sunday afternoon I took the girlfriend out for a few hours because she was dead set on catching a bass. The bedding smallmouth were fun for her; quick action. I fished some stuff that I don't normally fish and was pleasantly surprised to find fish in those areas. I meant to do some pike fishing, but it seemed like I just kept catching bass after bass and I couldn't pull myself away from the bass fishing. Good problem I guess. The bass are in various stages of prespawn and spawn and some of the smallmouth have actually moved off the beds already.
  20. Very cool video. No hot foot?
  21. Had a great afternoon yesterday. I stopped counting at 25 fish. Lots of smallmouth, a few largemouth and one pike right around 8 pounds. Several bass over 4. About half the smallmouth were on beds, which is like shooting fish in a barrel but still tons of fun. I caught one largemouth off a bed and the rest were prespawn still. The smallmouth were definitely fresh on the beds because none of them had hook marks so they're not being pounded yet. Can't wait to get back out there today
  22. The guides on the Mojos are sub par. I've had several inserts fall out, even with rod socks on when they're in the rod locker. They are tip heavy as well. As has been said, there are better choices in that price range.
  23. fmoore


    You'll never have to be bothered with them rubbing against the back of your neck. I love mine.
  24. Thanks guys. I caught her on a shaky head rigged up with a soft plastic crayfish.
  25. Been super busy the past week or so and haven't been on. The big fish are definitely feeding real good now. Watched someone catch an almost 7 1/2 largemouth last night. Caught my new PB 5 pound 5 oz smallie today. Huge gut on her. 4.4 largemouth from a week or so ago New PB smallie at 5 pounds 5 oz It's on now, for sure.
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