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Everything posted by FIAB

  1. There is nothing more painful than fishing with someone who is..........adamant, balky, bullheaded, cantankerous, contumacious, cussed, dogged, firm, fixed, hardheaded, headstrong, inexorable, inflexible, insubordinate, intractable, mulish, obdurate, opinionated, ornery, persevering, persistent, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, rigid, self-willed, set in one's ways, single-minded, steadfast, stiff-necked, tenacious, unbending, unmanageable, unreasonable, untoward, brainless, dazed, deficient, dense, dim, doltish, dopey, dull, dumb, foolish, futile, half-baked, half-witted, idiotic, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, indiscreet, insensate, irrelevant, laughable, loser, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, obtuse, out to lunch, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, shortsighted, simple, simpleminded, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupefied, thick, thick-headed, trivial, unintelligent, unthinking AND witless But it still is better than doing yard work and honey do's
  2. YEP......I think I like the first one the best too. They both look great. That is very close to one that I did for a swim jig. Shad patterns on swim jigs and football heads have been doing very well this year. Once again very nice job.
  3. FL_Sharpshooter, I have tied a ton of jigs similar to that this year. It has been a very hot lure for me this spring. I used a picasso (now out of buis.) shake-e head standup football head jigs. They have a wire keeper instead of lead that can be moved out of the way while tying. Take a look at the spot remover shakey head too they stand up pretty well too. The skirt I was tying on is more of a finesse skirt than a full jig skirt. I did not worry about a weed guard because I was rigging them texas (or shakey) style. The other reason I liked picasso is that they are the only shakey jigs made in 1oz.
  4. I think you are nailing the baitfish patterns........How about a threadfin shad next....... ;D ;D ;D
  5. Rain or shine.....right Kent........
  6. Jiggin_it, If you want the best maps try getting...... Navionics HotMaps Explorer Powered by Fugawi (Windows 7/Vista/XP). It cost $20 and you get to pick one free detailed map. You can buy other maps for other lake too. I think that each map is about $20. This has great detail and will give you the exact GPS locations of any waypoints you create. You can then enter them into a gps and go right to your spot. You can also print sections of the map. I plan on going to Pickwick next Sat. and drive thru Ramer coming and going. Let me know if you want to meet up and I can show ya what I have.
  7. Backwater4, download a simple program for basic pic edits..... www.irfanview.com The first thing I think you need is to make the picture larger. This program will do it.....very easy. As far as taking good pics Nate and JFranco could help with that......but first we need to get it big enough to tell if it is bad or not. Give me a call if you need some help with it. If you don't have my number anymore send me a pm and I'll send it to ya again.
  8. Fuzzy Grub is dead on........Cadman's jig heads could catch fish with nothing on them. I just might start using them for catfishing......How do think they would look with a big chunk of liver hangin off the hook.
  9. I like the long tail you put on some of those......the ones with the long tails would you add a trailer to those or is that take the place of using a trailer.
  10. That's a good looking color combo.
  11. FIAB

    A few jigs

    Very nice....I like those living image skirts too....
  12. First and Last are my favorite ones.........but they all look great.
  13. Great looking plastics......love the Bullfrog color.
  14. FIAB

    Not Hair Jigs

    Thanks all, Jigfish10......I agree caught a 5+ pounder on that jig yesterday. Nate....I like that matte finish too. That is the paint from fishingskirts.com. their crustation colors..
  15. FIAB

    Hair Jigs

    Thanks all, And Backwater is not joking....... Cadman's paint job on his jig heads is sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Nate, Check out this site and try them on your streamers......you'll love them. www.flylipps.com
  17. FIAB

    Not Hair Jigs

    Jigfishn10, On the swim jigs I have not used more than 4 tabs......most of the ones I've done I use 3 to 3 1/2 tabs on the swims. On the football heads it usually depends on the size of the head. On 1/2 oz to 1oz I will use as many as 6 tabs but usually 4 1/2 to 5 tabs. I thinks most all of the tabs I've used are 22 to 25 strands.
  18. FIAB

    Not Hair Jigs

    A Few More.......
  19. Decided to put down the hair for a little while and give a try to tying up some silicone jigs. I will say they are a little easier to tie than hair jigs, but I think I have put too many strands on these. Some of you pros let me know what you think.
  20. Those look great.......you never cease to amaze!!!!
  21. Looks great.....is that the back to basic skirt and Boss Armor paint.
  22. Way to go!!!!!!!
  23. Very nice.
  24. Great fish.....are you in your new boat now?
  25. Lynyrdsky1, If you are wanting to learn how to tie in general and great resource would be Bass Pro in Memphis. Like Jigfishn10 said learning to tie flies will really help. Bass Pro in Memphis offers a free fly tying class the first Monday of every month. They provide all the equipment and materials. If you want to get started without dumping a bunch of money into equipment this may be something that you could do. It has nothing really to do with making silicone skirts for spinnerbaits but can offer you some insight into lure making and give you some ideas. Just don't let them know that you do not use a fly rod........you know how those purist fly fisherman can be ;D ;D ;D
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