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Everything posted by ODgreen

  1. I'm using 30# ez braid. Because that was the heaviest wal mart had when i went through there at 1 am. I didn't put too much on there because it started bunching up on the right side to the point that it looked full on one side and barely on the other. But I use it for frogin as well.
  2. Gonna put 30lb braid on my pro qualifier. So how much can I put on it?
  3. my mistake, didn't see this forum.
  4. and here's the rest
  5. This is just one, the largest one. Didn't have a scale so no Idea how big he is, but I was fishing from atop a sleep slop, and when I tried to pull him up to me, my line kept pulling out even though I had the star drag set as far as it would go.
  6. I live over by Fort Dodge, I usually fish my inlaws farm pond down around Tama, and I have hit the river there too. Soon as the flooding decides its done I'm gonna hit Brushy, the river in fort dodge, and some Badger lake or another north of Fort DOdge.
  7. I'm pretty sure I was using mono, as I've never bought braid. I'll have to check on the brand of mono. I can cast without backlashing. Maybe I have the tension knob too tight. Either way the knot works fine on other lines.
  8. I went down to the river today to do a little fishing. I didn't have much hope of catching anything, and I didn't. I did however launch two of my best spinnerbaits in to the river. I had strung my pro qualifier with 10 lb spiderwire. Initially I had just used the standard improved clinch knot. Well after my Strike King Spinner went across the river, I tried again. I sent a cheaper one after it about 5 casts later. I switched to the trilene knot, and launched a swimbait into the drink. Are there known problems with this line? I know its not my knots, i used the same ones on two other rods with eagle claw and zebco line.
  9. Thanks for the great help guys. I'll keep all this in mind.
  10. THanks for the help guys, but this is what I'm working with. I have $125 to work with. $25 of which is a BPS gift card. I'm looking for a flipping/pitching combo that fits in that, and thats even inlcuding at least 10 bucks for shipping and 6 bucks for a 1 piece rod if neccesary.
  11. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_91862_100002005_100000000_100002000?cmCat=CROSSSELL_CART was wondering, Gonna pair it with a http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10151&catalogId=10001&itemnober=38-354-478-00&partNumber=10204200 its an abu garcia bcx 5601 just trying to find a cheaper rod for the purpose.
  12. Looking to buy a fly fishing combo and thought about this starter set: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_103317_175001003_175000000_175001000_175-1-3 any thoughts.
  13. What size reel is it? not sure, its a BPS Stampede that can hold up to 12# according to whats on the side of the reel.
  14. I haven't tried it, but is it possible and if so how do I know what test I can use?
  15. Welcome. Looks like we're up to what, 3 iowans now? Guess I'm the only one that fishes the central part anyway. Again welcome.
  16. Welcome! Where in Iowa did you fish?
  17. I only own two rod/reels. My 7' Stampede and my Pro Qualifier on a 6' Ugli stick. I hope I can pitch/flip with them.
  18. Um Sure? We have plenty of cover on some of the lakes around where I grew up, and the Farm Pond I usually fish has quite a bit.
  19. I found one on monkey see, it makes a lot more sense now. At least pitching, still working on flipping.
  20. I don't get it. I have an old in fisherman that kinda shows how its done, but it doesn't make sense. Any help?
  21. whats with the wierd side cast KVD uses? Does that help?
  22. Yup - better advice than mine. You could start with 4 centrifugals, see how it goes, then go to 3 centrifugals (every other one), then if things are going well - go to 2. Remember, the centrifugals come into play more at the beginning of the cast, the magnetic coming in more at the end of the cast. If at the beginning of the cast you don't see any overun on the spool, you can try fewer centrigual brakes. Take note of the instructions that came with the reel about setting the centrifugals - they must be balanced. So, you can set 6, 4, 3, 2, or 0 brakes. The instructions did cover the brakes a bit, but were mostly vague. Does the fishing world just assume you know how to use something if you bought it?
  23. Great - good start. You haven't said yet the weight of the object you're trying to cast - but a suggestion is to start with something about 3/8 oz. Now, using the instructions that came with the reel, take off the palm side plate and set 2 of the centrifugal brakes. Reinstall the sideplate and set the magnetic brake to about 8 or so. You should now have a pretty conservative, hopefully backlash free set-up for that weight of bait. When you cast, stop the spool with your thumb at the time the bait/weight hits the water (or ground if your practicing in your yard). With an "8" setting on the magnetic brake, you will probably be sacrificing some casting distance but hopefully you will have no backlash. You can experiment with reducing the magnetic back a click at a time to get more casting distance. At the time that you start to see, during the cast, the line on the reel start to loosen up as if it's getting ready to backlash, add back in a bit more magnetic. Adjusted properly, a dual-braking reel like your ProQualifier can literally be a "thumbs-free" reel except for stopping the spool at the end of the cast. Having said that, you should still have your thumb riding very lightly on the spool during the cast to stop the spool if your bait hits the water sooner than you expected or otherwise need to prevent a backlash. The reel CAN do most of the braking for you - but as you learn, you can also train your thumb to take over a bit if you want... Remember that if you change the weight of the bait, you will need to readjust your spool tension knob (on the handle side) and may need to adjust your magnetic braking as well. As mentioned previously, some bulky baits that can catch the wind may require more magnetic braking. If all of a sudden a wind comes up, you may want to add some magnetic. For most of the baits that you will likely use, you will probably not need to set more than 2 of the centrifugal brakes. Now, go fishing ! Thanks for the help. I'll try it out. I'm useing a 1/4 lure, but I think I have some 3/8 somewhere, I'll try that
  24. I have no idea. I did get it adjusted that when I drop the lure and it hits the floor, the spool moves little or not at all. But I took it out side and tried to cast it. I tried thumn breaking. First shot, too much stopped the lure dead ten feet away. 2nd attempt, got decent range but backlashed. I'm getting annoyed.
  25. Last night I was just trying to set it up, ie. letting the lure fall to the ground and see how many times the spool runs, and got some minor backlash, that I'm still trying to fix, and I'm not even sure I got the line on there good in the first place.
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