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Everything posted by ctbassnut

  1. My biggest fish i ever landed was a 9.5 foot blue shark that was close to 400 lbs...I lost a 10+ foot Mako that must of went 450 lbs. The biggest fish i ever landed and ate was a 13 ft Tresher shark that was 294lb..The body was 7ft and tail was 6 ft. Man that fish wore me out for 2 hrs.
  2. Look for structure in deeper water 15 to 30 ft and use 3" tubes on a 3/16 head. Just drag the tube and keep it in contact with the bottom at all times.
  3. Thanks guys....I'll let you know how i do and what i hit on the lake...lol
  4. Hi all, I'll be fishing Fork for the 1st time this coming week. Can anyone throw a dog a bone. I more then likely will be fishing alone unless I can find someone from my area to tag along. Just wanted to know where would be the best place to launch out of coming from Rockwell. I really don't want to have to run to far to get to good waters to fish so a launch that is close to weeds with deep water near by would be helpful. I'm not going to running hard seeing as i don't know the lake or its boating lanes. I'm not looking for anyone's honey hole. Just a place I'll have a good shot at not getting skunked. Don't want anyone's secret bait ,but won't turn it down either . Thanks for any and all help. If you know the lake and want to join me any of the days send me a PM. Plan on fishing monday through friday.
  5. Try ice fishing it next time it freezes. You'll get to know where the fish are on the lake and will have the same results when it starts to open up. Its also a good idea to start off where you left them last fall.
  6. You can also do really good with a in-line spinner, a grub( I like the slider grub best), and little george's which can be fished at any depth.
  7. Those are some nice smallies and a heck of a season you guys. I highly doubt the smallies in your area go dormant. You just have to go deep for them with small black hairjigs,bladebaits and evenspider grubs will all work. Find some deep structure(25 to 40ft) and you'll find active smallies. In fact where you find one you'll find a bunch of them on that same spot all day long.This is my favortie time of yr to go smallie hunting. Its nothing to put 20+ fish days together. Then GPS the area you find them and jig them up on the ice.
  8. Thanks jack...I'll be calling him this evening to ge the date of the meeting. I wound up going to bridgeport on friday to chase some smallies around. TEB, I'm free thursday, so if the wind isn't to bad we can get out then. i still haven't been out on the southern side of 30 yet. The wind has been keeping me on the norhtern side and its been real tough fishing up there. That side of the lake is real shallow and can't find any good deep structure. I'm still very new to the lake, so I haven't located any go to spots just yet. Only been out 3 times on it.
  9. Like everyone said. Slow it down, but for lures I go with black hair jigs and slider grubs on a darter head on those type of days.
  10. That would be great!!!! Just let me know how you planon targeting them so i can bring the right gear with me. I'll pm you my cell #. What launch do they use for this event? I have a 5 bedrrom house so if you ever need a place to stay in the area for up coming events with early take off times. Your more then welcome.I'm really looking forward to meet you and others in around here that shear the same passion for bass fishing like me. thanks again jake
  11. I'd love to meet them. and maybe evenjoin here club if they have any openings. Boater or non it doesn't matter to me as long as i'm fishing.. Let me know when you have some extra time on your hands and want to fish the lake. My boat is just a few miles from the lake and would like to fish with someone that knows the lake alittle more then me. I'm afraid to run at top end not knowing whats down there. kinda keep me limited to whee i have fished on the lake. man the wind really can kill your day there to. At least for me anyway. Like i iad I'm running a 18fter with a 110 on it and that wind gets them white caps going pretty good somedays.
  12. Thanks Jack...I haven't had much time on that lake yet. I just got my boat down here 3 weks ago and the wind has kept me on the north side of 30. I seen on the map a few road beds and rock p[iles i wanted to try ,but couldn't get to them without getting drenched.I only have a 18fter but would love to get out and fish with you sometime. I love bass fishing ,but it kinda gets boring by myself sometimes. Hoping to find a club to join so I can meet some friends to fish with.
  13. What mess this guy made of his life now that he was caught. Does anyone know what the 2nd place fish weight and will the top prize be issued to him? I just move down here from ct and live 1 mile from the lake.I almost entered this event ,but glad i did't now that i hear this has happen. How many 10+ lbers are caught each yr during tournies? give or take a few...
  14. They do bunch up good at this time of yr. I have a few different ways of targeting them. My favortie is usung a bladebait, but also love using a small black hairjigs. When looking for them try and find deep humps and work them SLOW from every angle you can. When using livebiat i just use my drop shot set up and hang that rod over the edge of the boat and work a lure at the same time until i find them. once you do find them. try a small slider grub, hairjig or bladebait. they will all work good. Make sure you only lift the bladebait up about 6in off the bottom. As soon as you feel the blade viberating let it fall again. The grub and hairjig should be working so slow you can't stand it. If you think your going slow enough..guess what your not..Slow down somemore. Small lifts with your rod tip and reeling in your slack is what seems to work best for me. That is my favorite fish and time to fish for them that time of yr. i know this may sound nuts to you, but also don't knock it. try using some of your ice fishing gear to. jigging rapela's, and hopkin spoons can be deadly once you found a good school of them. i have had some 5 fish bags in the 20lb range on average using all these tactics up in ct. best of luck finding them and when you do..Have fun bud!!! Opps..ialmost forgot about the spidergrubs!!!
  15. i'm from the northeast and just moved to texas. Smallies have been my favorite fish to target for yrs now and was wonding if Ray hubbard had any.If not are there any lakes in this area i mIght be able to find some. thanks for yuor help all!! i'm not asking where on the lake or what your using to catch them, just which lakes have them. i'm not to bad at putting a nice bag of them together once i know which lakes have them.
  16. Thanks guys..Looking forward to shearing reports from the new water I'll be fishing and hopefully meet some new friends along the way.
  17. If you can see the fish there and there not biting. They might be getting line shy. Try using a 100% flouro in the 8lb range. Also like posted already. Tr using small tubes. I personally like the mizmo slimjim. You can also give a grub a try. Fro them I like to use the slider grub. Black hair jigs also work great. Back off the fish and make long cast over the back side of them. You can also try changing the angle you are retrieving your bait over the fish. Sometimes they will get that pickie and only pick it up coming from a certain direction.
  18. Hi guys, I just wanted to introduce myself to the board. I'm originally from CT and just moved to Rockwall tx. I've been bass fishing for over 9 yrs now and love it!!!. I've always been a fisherman mostly saltwater(AKA the dark side). I think I'm in a good area of texas as far as bass fishing goes,but my boat is still up in Ct and haven't had the chance to find out for myself just yet. I live about 1 mile from the launch of Ray Hubbard res and bass pro shop. I'm hoping to meet other bass anglers in my area and shear tactics of boating as many fish and big fish. My biggest bass in ct weighted in at 7lb 7oz. We don't have many big bass up there..So thats a monster for up there. Best bag of 5 i every put together was 5 for 32.4. Which were all caught at the wrong time of day (from what the experts say..lol from 11:30 to 2:30. My many love of fishing is cold water smallie fishing. We fish in any open water we can find and sometimes make it open with jonboats if we have to...lol To me theres nothing like finding that school of 4lbers with there feed bags on. What a blast. While i hope to be a active member here and adding something to the site. Looking forward to posting some reports once I get my boat down here...Open water fishing all yr long..WAAAAHOOO!!!!..I'll still miss the ice a little
  19. Any dark color will work at night. Black seems to be the go to color for most guys. myself inclued. Bass pick up the siluette of darker colors better at night. When fishing open water (No grass or pads) fish it wacky rigged. When fishing the slop(grass or pads) fishing texas rigged. i never use a weight when fishing senko's. The fall rate is what this bait is all about. Unless your carolina rigging it for deep water (over 15ft) never use a weight.
  20. Hi, I'm new to the area and would like to join a club not to far away from Rockwall tx.I lived in ct and the lakes around there are much smaller then what I'm seeing down here. i know I'm going to miss the smallies of the north ,but heard there are a few lakes down here that have them(my specialty in colder waters). I have my own boat ,but think it might be best to join as a non boater my 1st yr down here. Just to learn the lakes in the area without killing my boat do to not knowing what I'm driving over. If anyone on here could help it would be greatly appreciated. By the way if anyone has an open seat and needs someone to help pre-fish for a tourney or just get out for a day of fun fishing..I'd be more then up for that. Thanks again Dave
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