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About jeffcpr

  • Birthday 09/05/1973

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    <p>La Habra</p>

jeffcpr's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Nice going that is what patients will do, keep up the good work. ;D
  2. x3 deeper and bigger (size matters)
  3. all look great I don't see any problem with the, but you are the creator and must live with it. None the less I must say great work.
  4. That might be a good idea, waist not want not, or so they say
  5. I have small children may be a child indangerment thing maybe I should think about this. Spend the money on bottled palstic is a better idea, plus I am sure that once I melt the first batch of used plastic the wife will devorce me . Bottle plastic it is .
  6. I have not yet started pouring baits but want to try it out soon, from what I have read yes you can re-use, but you said that you are melting down old torn up worms. Have you done this and have you had sucess melting them down. I ma going to make my own molds and customize my own lures and wanted to start with the palstics I had on hand old stuff I had.
  7. Thanks wickyman, I woud much rather use new plastics rather than used, but may give it a shot just to see what I can do. Plus I am planning on making my own molds to start with, as I learn more I will purchase more. Thanks for you comments I will be using your list soon.
  8. Thank you for the good info. 8-)
  9. Hi there I have look through this area and found some good stuff that will help me start pouring my own plastices. I am very interested in doing this over the winter as I get ready for next spring. What I could not find was using older worm as a souce of plastic. I asume that this is possible but is it worth it, I have quite a bit of worms that I do not have confidence in and would like to melt them down to creat some thing new. How do you do this, can you do this and is it a good way or at least worth a try for a first time pour. Any information would be helpful thanks in advance.
  10. Nice L a r r y that is a good catch on a slow day. I went today as well an I must say I was skunked, keep up the good work.
  11. They look nice good craftsmanship and I like the mean eyes on the baits.
  12. Backpack infact I have two one for flyfishing and the other for everything else. I think the Backpack is the best way to go, it holds everything you should need and it stays right with you all day long. Only thing I can say is a down fall and this may be just me but it is always to full hard to find somethings.
  13. How about some Robo Worms 4" to 6" color depends on the water you are fishing. As for above the Zoom work great as well, just offering a differnent brand. I like the strait tail but have got Bass on the curly tail as well.
  14. Thanks guys now I just need to land a Fat LMB to see if it truly will hold up to the fight.
  15. Ok my stuff is not as nice as some of the other thing I have seen on here, I am proud of this. I call it my 6' 9" Frankenstein rod, it was born out of older rods that were dug up from the depths of my wifes grandfathers rod. The blank is an older rod to but not as old as the other parts. Reel seat must be about 25+ years old and the cork handle 30+ plus years old and after some sanding and prepping seem to be holding up fine. The guides are some guides I found in all my left overs. First I cut down the handle and was able to cut a smaller peace of fiberglass to splice the blank and handle together. Epoxyed together of course, I did to the same to the same to attack the fighting butt. I have to say I had my doughts that this was even going to work, but once it was wrapped and flex costed I strated to think this may work out. I have since hand it out twice and it cast great, and has great feeling. But most improtantly it has help up to the hook set and fight. Let me know what you think.
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