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About bassmanET

  • Birthday 12/06/1971

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    Woburn, Mass

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  1. Yes my outboard is a 6hp Johnson. I've seen outboard locks & trolling motor locks too, do they work? Anyone use a battery operated alarm?
  2. Hello all, Just bought a new jon boat & trailer. Don't have a garage or gate around it. Just a coupler lock & cable wrapped threw handle on boat & locked to neighbors chain link fence. What do have to keep thieves away? How do you keep your outboard motor & trolling motor secure?
  3. Well. sold my crawdad & are now ready to buy my new boat. But, I'm seeing some reviews on Pro 120 that are not so good? Leaks around the drains & some build quality issues? Has anyone experienced these? The lakes & pond I fish are under 300 acres, so the Pro 120 looks like my best option. Thoughts? Thanks!
  4. My first post was about my trailer dilemma. So, if trailer doesn't work for me. Thinking about selling crawdad & getting a kayak. Anyone with advice about fishing kayaks & roof racks please help? Fish small local ponds & lakes & I know I want a sit-on kayak but from there don't really know what else I'm gonna need?
  5. Looking for some input, wife's car had to be replaced which had trailer hitch. New car is a lease & didn't wanna pay $1,000 for trailer hitch. So, my car is a 07 Mazda 3 & boat is a crawdad on a small utility trailer maybe combined weight of 350-400 lbs. Mazda owner's manual says 0 towing cap. But, you can find class I trailer hitches which installs easy. What are you thoughts on towing a small boat like mine with Mazda 3?
  6. Thanks for the input guys! One more thing that concerns me is, size of the live well in the sundolphin pro. Is it big enough to keep five bass alive? I fish some small boat bass tourneys when ever i can.
  7. Yes, the basstender 11.3 does look good too. If I can find one used, that's a possiblity too.
  8. Looking to get a new boat this year. Can't decide between Sun dolphin pro or a 1436 tracker jon boat? After adding up what it would cost to make a jon boat into a bass boat (decking, wiring, fuses, livewells ect..) the cost would be almost the same a buying the dolphin pro, with out all the work? Just slap a trolling motor, battery and go! Anyone have experiance on these boats? Thanks!
  9. So, finally got a new battery. But, still low on power? Anything else I could check on trolling motor before I go out & buy a new one?
  10. Have a minkota 30lb for my crawdad. It seems to have lost some of it power since I bought the boat 3 years ago. Any thoughts on what it could be? Battery or Motor? Took off the prop & cleaned it out, battery is maybe 4 years old? Thanks for nay help!
  11. I have both the silver max & the pro qualifier reels. Bought the silver max as my first bait caster & so,far like it. It is kinda noisey but, does perform well. Then bought the PQ as my crankin' reel & noticed the difference between the two right away. PQ was much smoother reel. BPS is have their spring classic sale soon, which is when I bought my PQ. It was on sale for $79 & I did the reel trade-in & got it $49 or $59! Check out the sale its definitely worth it, you can trade-in any reel as long as it works. Good luck & tight lines!
  12. Just do what this guy did!!
  13. Thanks for the info guys! I'm not looking to make my own jigs but, did look into it. Looking for already made or maybe jigs that just need paint & finishing touches? Got a local guy here in mass making jigs from tin/bismuth alloy. Just shopping around to see what else is out there.
  14. Anyone out there know where I can get lead free bass jigs, other than tungsten? Or is anyone out there in the jig making bussiness?
  15. Here in Massachusetts 2012 will be lead free. Does anyone know of any other metals I could use to pour my own jigs? Someone told me that a tin/bismuth alloy would work?
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