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Everything posted by shimmy

  1. Great trip. I want to make it there one day. Is it overcrowded?
  2. Hey, so i am really really late to the knowledge of seat pedestals on a boat. Have always stood up or sat in a chair. When i went fishing with a guide on Sturgeon Bay, he had this awesome pedestal seat that could tighten the chair in a locked position so hook sets wouldn't spin the butt seat around. It could also raise and lower. Been looking at seats for a while. Couple questions, on a seat like this from bass pro. http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-Power-Pedestal/product/1212071537/ 1. Does a seat like this tighten the seat in place to prevent it from turning? I know the hydraulics will go up and down, but can the seat be tightened down? 2. I have seen some seats that have a lever on the post and then something to tighten at the top. Are these the only ones that can tighten the seat in place so it doesn't spin freely? Thanks all
  3. if it is a kid, then i am thinking 4.5 to 5 pounds. Saw my neice holding up a 4.15 the other day that looked like the Minnesota state record largemouth bass. If it is someone 5'10 ish or taller, i think it is a 6 pounder. Imagine that fish at full arm extension, hand fits in the mouth, thick and wide belly. Thing is give or take 6 pounds.
  4. fish calculators are ridiculous. Just don't even bother. Buy a scale and save the trouble. I had a 10.10 that was 27.5 inches lenght and 19 inch girth. Calculator puts it over 14 pounds. That is a HUUUUUUUUUGE difference. It is hard to believe that fish has a 20 inch girth...
  5. Went fishing for a couple hours July 4th weekend. Found this pretty 5 and half.
  6. The lake is very difficult and always has been. It was the tranquility that kept me coming back. It is hard from shore since so many fish stay off the shore throughout the day. Early morning and late in the evening draws the fish up shallow.
  7. Thanks kickerfish, Spending time with family on a trip like this was incredible. It has all the elements of a perfect trip. I thought about editing out all my screaming with the fish. Didn't realize how excited I sounded in the moment, but figure I would leave the real reaction to show how ecstatic a place like this can make you feel. Hope you make the journey.
  8. Contact 00 Mod. He has a good hookup with someone that does replicas and they look like the real deal.
  9. Not really any superstitions. Caught plenty of big bass with bananas in the boat. However, when the battery dies on my camera, i know we are about to catch a giant. I try to switch batteries as fast as humanly possible. I guess i have some weird observations, i have absolutely no confidence in a jig with half the skirt torn up. Secondly, i have no confidence in a jig with the paint chipped off the head. I will change jigs asap. Third, when people start making up random fishing songs to tunes of other songs in the boat, it is a sign that we need to get off the lake or move to a different spot.
  10. Hope we see you guys again. Your 12 pound mark will be freakin hard to beat.
  11. First off, this conversation is silly. Second, here is my quote from above "There was another group of 4 there that fished in two other boats. They were there the whole time we were there (and had an additional half day) and only one 10+ was caught. They also reported very few 8s and I think only one 9 between the 4 of them. A lot of it is luck and they were all great fisherman. Point being, I think my dad and I made out well" So no need to back track at all on my end. I said you all were great fisherman and i also said "a lot of it is luck." So i guess i am confused where your need to defend. By the time we left, i posted the numbers you gave me and that is what i posted here. For lunch, i remember the conversation and specifically debating with the group saying i would rather catch two 10 pounders on my first trip to Baccarac than one bigger one. Twice the memories vs one. Since this conversation reminds me of a conversation held among teenage girls, not sure i have more to add than what i have said. I was very secure and confident with my trip. I was genuinely excited for you when you caught your fish and i don't think i have written anything that states otherwise or anything degrading your groups fishing abilities. Justin, i think you and i are competitive and i think that is probably at the heart of this conversation. I respect competitiveness and it always makes fishing more fun. I caught two over 10 (i win that one). You caught the biggest (you win that one). Best of all, we both (in the hypothetical scenario we talked about at lunch), got what we wanted. Both win. Baccarac is freakin awesome. Where else can you fish that can generate stupid conversations like this one.
  12. Haha, that wasn't your best 5 by the time we left! Plus the little fact you were there nearly twice as long! Glad you had fun though man. Interesting you feel the need to show you "won" on this thread. Hope you find what you are looking for. I am just happy we saw a ten pounder in the boat every day. Shows consistency! ? Guess I won that one.
  13. Haha, good to hear from you man! That 12 was huge. It was crazy, we were fishing some spot and all of a sudden we hear someone scream at the top of their lungs, "12.2!!" If i remember right, the name was Justin? If anyone does not know him, he is also apparently on lunkerville so we need to keep our eyes open for that. It was great seeing you guys there and it was fun hearing the stories every lunch time and dinner. And for the record Justin, you won big bass, but i got you on the 5 fish limit and my two over 10 right?! Haha. You were able to drag that jig in the weeeee hours at night and it was awesome it paid off. That place is fricken awesome. Sounds like you guys fished another 2 days and caught some more good ones. It stinks the other guys didn't get a 10. It was interesting to hear from the guide how often groups go down there and not catch a 10. I know the biggest fish i had on is still sporting a 10xd crankbait in its mouth and swimming around living it up.
  14. Hahaha, it was unbelievable. It is hard Jeff cause unless people have been there, you really don't know how amazing this place actually is. I hope the videos do some justice of triggering memory lane. I have found myself daydreaming of this place every day since i left. I want to get back as soon as possible. It would be a blast to team up with the Bassresource Baccarac crew down there. Just an unbelievable place. I want to wake up tomorrow and be at the lodge...
  15. I had the chance of getting my dad down to Mexico for the 5 night/4 day package. We ended up getting rained out on one of the evenings so we fished 4 days, 3½ nights. I wanted to do a detailed write up to share the experience with anyone who feels like reading. While this wasn’t an epic trip in the sense that we blew away Lake Baccarac records or standards, it was incredible for me and my dad. I also wanted to give a special thanks to Dwight, A-Jay, and Jeff for providing me details to consider for the trip. The flight out was long, but the destination was on your mind at all times. We flew commercial and arrived in Los Mochis around 7:30 PM on Memorial day. We had Rodrigo the cook pick us up with a cooler of drinks ready for the 2.5 hour drive back to the lodge. Rodrigo was a humble man and an incredible person to meet for the beginning of our Baccarac experience. At the lodge, Yessi and Senolida (I know I am probably not even close to spelling their names write, let alone pronouncing them right, but we tried nevertheless), had a pina colada waiting for us. They were a bit confused when we told them that we did not drink alcohol, but they quickly made a virgin pina colada and gave it to us. The adrenaline was rushing in us just being at this lodge that seemed like it was tucked away on a mountain in the middle of nowhere. But wow, you could feel the excitement that surrounded this place. We were greeted by Narlin who mostly manages the lodge now. We quickly realized that he was an incredible man and sincerely wanted us to have a great week. Despite getting in late, they made us some dinner. We walked around the dinner area and admired the pictures of giant fish and the huge mount on the side of the wall. The bass looked 30 pounds, but was just a very very big bass from the lodge. We decided to rent the poles there at the lodge instead of bringing our own. That was a tough decision, but realized, if the airport broke my rod, I would have to rent anyways and would have spent the extra couple hundred flying the poles there only to break them. We selected the rods that fit the needs of our fishing. They were really cheap rods and I am still trying to decide if that was the right decision. I believe I lost some fish because of the rods that I had selected, but I also landed some good fish with them. The rods were 10 dollars a day so I rented 3 a day. It fit my needs and quite frankly, they did the job well, just made certain styles of fishing more difficult. So we told Narlin that we wanted to fish early in the morning and requested to have Manuel (known as Mexico’s finest). He told me that we would not be able to have him but said he would have someone for me the next day early on. I was too excited to sleep. The air was hot, the lake was nearby and all I could think of was 5 hours from then, I was going to be fishing a world class lake. Comparitively speaking, I really don’t fish much (especially while getting my degree the past 11 years), and when I do, it is usually out of state in Minnesota at our cabin, so I have never had access to waters that have a lot of big bass. 5:30 AM arrives and of course I was awake before my alarm woke me up. Luckily the room had AC so I did get a catnap in. Baylar was ready to pack our bags when we walked out. We were too excited to eat breakfast so we skipped it. This seemed to confuse Rodrigo the cook, so he eventually made sandwiches and had Narlin bring them out to us on the lake around 9 AM. The drive to the launch ramp was exciting. It was dark, the road was very sketchy, but everything was just right. We arrived to the ramp to see several boats in the dark and then noticed these dark silhouettes sitting in each boat. The guides were sitting there quietly, all ready to start the day. We introduce ourselves to our guide and informed him, “no mucho pescados, yo quiero grande pescado.” In my mind it made perfect sense and in spanish, it probably sounded stupid, but that was the best I had, and I think he understood. We always have 100 to 200 fish days in Minnesota. That experience can already be checked off my bucket list. I like hunting for relatively big fish and so does my dad so we were all in agreement. For lure selection, I had kept in contact with Terry the owner of the lodge and had read every fishing report from 2005 – 2016 in the months of Mid May to Mid June. I had decided that the swimjig, jig, and crankbait would be the bed I slept in. Of course I made sure I had a plethora of other lures as back up. Nevertheless, picking your starting lineup was almost as hard as picking the right women to marry. You finally had to make a decision and stick with it. A short 5 minute ride brought us to our first spot. Still dark outside, we passed 30 tilapia boats trying to pull in their nets for the morning. We probably passed 4 or 5 other bass fishing boats who were there from a different lodge. At our first spot, we parked adjacent to a point, cast down in 30 feet, and dragged up our baits. Dad was using his jig, I had my swimjig. Within the first 10 minutes, I had already missed a fish and had another 5 pounder jump off right next to the boat. But this was not painful. We had already decided that we will only weigh and keep track of 6+ pound looking fish. Within the next couple of minutes, I hooked into a better one and the first fish in the boat for our trip was a 7 pound 7 ounce bass. I just giggled to myself, high fived my dad, and smiled because I knew that this would be an incredible trip for us. By the end of the first day, we had probably caught a total of 25 to 30 fish combined. This would actually be the most fish we ever caught in one day. There are stories here of the 100 – 300 fish days. That will just have to be for another trip. There were some spots where we would start to catch little fish (4 pounds and under) on every cast, but would then leave those pesky fish alone and quickly leave. I think it is tempting to fish these areas and hope to catch big fish with them, but it seemed like a trap and I think our guide agreed with us. So we left and searched for other spots. Fishing with Sixto was a different experience. He was more of the run and gun type and the jig fishing I wanted to do, I soon realized that I would have very few opportunities to do so. There are so many spots on the lake and he knows that if he keeps running, we will run into spots (in theory) that will be loaded with big bass; however, we never found a spot the whole trip that produced as such. When it was lunch time, we ate quickly and were back at the ramp within the hour. I don’t think Sixto liked being back on the water so quickly, but he was a good sport. While we were fishing a point (very quickly), my dad found a good position to fish the jig that even with the boat moving, he could get a few lifts in. Using a ¾ ounce jig with a green pumpkin brush hog, he caught the first giant, a 10 lb even fish. This was the first time I had seen one in person. Let me tell you, for those who say they have caught one and never weighed it, or to those who have never caught one, they are a different looking animal. Earlier in the morning I had caught an 8 pound 5 ounce bass that I thought was 12 pounds. This fish looked different. Its body just kept going and going and it’s mouth seemed fake. Looked like a tarpon of sorts. My dad was so excited. He of course did a celebratory dance, high fives were thrown everywhere, and then length and girth measurements were taken. The fish came in at 26.5 inch length and 19.5 inches girth. What a beauty. We just wanted to hold it for a while, but knew it was time to let it go. None of the Baccarac boats had livewells, so we had to take pictures, measurements, and then let them go. We ended Day 1 with our top 5 fish being: 10 lb (dad), 8.10 (dad), 8.5 (me), 8.2 (me), and 7.7 (me). Top 5 Total= 42 lbs 5 oz Day 2 was as awesome as the first. We did not catch more than 20 fish the whole day. Sixto was confused with the numbers and let us know throughout the day that it was rare for the fishing to be this slow. We didn’t care, we were still getting a decent 5 fish limit. Perhaps my favorite fish this day was one I caught pitching a 6 inch lizard in a 40 foot forest of trees. This one came in at 9 pounds 2 oz. But of course, my dad had to out do me again. As he slow rolled a swimjig over a tree in 30 feet of water, a giant struck it again. I watched to see what would surface. I then watched this giant fish come out of the water so far, but still manage to have half of it’s body still underwater. Never had seen that before. After a good battle, he gets it in and it is a 10 lb 3 oz bass. Wow. I was becoming the paparazzi. The top 5 fish of the day: 10.3 (dad), 9.2 (me), 8.5 (dad), 7.14 (me), and 7.14 (me). Top 5 Total= 43 lbs 6 oz. Was funny, I wanted a 10 pounder so badly that when I hooked the 7.14 and got him in the boat, I had truly convinced myself that this fish was over 11 pounds since it truly looked like that to me. I would like to think I am good at guessing fish within the ounce at times, but I was playing a big boys game here with big fish and was clearly not acclimated enough to guess within 4 pounds!!! I must have sounded like an idiot to the guide. Day 3. Started real rough. We had 4 fish by 11 AM and nothing was over 4 pounds. No bueno. We pull up to a wind blown island. We cast the same time and my dad quickly hooks into a decent one. I hear him saying it is nice and to get the net. At the same time, I got a good bite, fight him for a second and then see him surface...his head was huge. It was just so big...was it my turn? Si Bueno! Get him in after shouting at the guide and I am literally shaking I am so excited. Weigh her in at 10 pounds 10 ounces! So excited. It was literally everything I had hoped for it to be and more. My dad’s fish was 6 pounds. It was our first real double of the trip. I swore to myself that i would never use the word "Grande" when in Mexico fishing since every white person says it and it must get extremely annoying to the guides and staff....but, when i started catching bigger fish, the word just kept coming out. I now no longer judge when i hear it on the Baccarac fishing videos and accept that it is a side effect of catching bigger fish down south. Later that evening, we had another double with each of us having a fish over 8 pounds. Top 5 of the day: 10.10 (me), 8.8 (me), 8.7 (dad), 8.5 (me), 7.10 (dad). Total weight = 43 lbs 8 oz. Day 4. Last day and half of the evening was rained out. It was my last day and it seemed that the fish had lock jaw. They wanted nothing unless it was dropped on their head or if it was swam past their face at lightning speed. So I went with the crankbait. My fingers were already swollen from fishing the previous 3 days. I ended up making a good choice. I fished that crankbait till it hurt and then I kept casting more. Towards the end of the night, my dad tied on the crankbait and happened to snag me in the face on the cast. Lucky and unluckily, the crankbait slid up my face and snagged my gopro and threw it in the lake. Lucky that my face was ok, unlucky that it ruined my new gopro. But, it was at the end of the trip. All my footage was already saved on my computer and the memories were already documented. I missed several of our big fish on the camera through not filming when I thought I was. But still got most on film. By the end of the day, good ol’ cranky got the job done. I ended up catching our top 5 and another grande!!!! Top 5 fish of the day was: 10 pounds 12 ounces (me), 8.12 (me), 8.5 (me), 8.3 (me), and 7.11 (me). Top 5 fish= 43.11 Again, we did not catch more than 20 fish for the day. Altogether, we caught less than 90 fish combined the whole trip. Our top 5 fish went 50 pounds 11 ounces. My top 5 fish in one day was 43.11 and my top 5 for the trip went= 47 pounds 12 ounces. A 10 pounder was seen in the boat each day. That is living for me. I know others have better luck there at times, but for it being a slow week according to the guide, my dad and I were happy. I guess I am not sure how well we could have done there. I guess all you can do is compare yourself to the other boats present at the lodge. There was another group of 4 there that fished in two other boats. They were there the whole time we were there (and had an additional half day) and only one 10+ was caught. They also reported very few 8s and I think only one 9 between the 4 of them. A lot of it is luck and they were all great fisherman. Point being, I think my dad and I made out well given the slow fishing conditions. As Sixto stated, “me fish here for 30 years, me no understand this place...no se why it is slow this week.” According to him, a couple weeks earlier was on fire. He stated that every spot had biting fish. He believed it was because the water levels stopped dropping and leveled out, which just put the fish in a weird funk. For the bigger fish we had, we went really slow or really fast. It was a grind and those bigger fish did not come for free. I loved this place. It was hot. Very hot every day and in the 100s. But, they had water and a cooler so we just kept drinking. I loved every bit of this trip. It was a dream come true. As others stated, you cannot wait to come back and just hope you arrive there when the bite is on and they are loaded at spots. Lake Baccarac should be on everyone’s bucket list. Even if you live in Florida, Texas, or California, there is just something about being in a different country, being tailored to by people who are TOP CLASS, and catching fish. I loved it. It was another life changing experience and having my dad with me was better than any fish caught. The fellowship, the fishing, the pictures, the food, the people, the culture...start saving for this place and I hope to see you there some day. We will be the ones taking short siestas. Videos Here: and Part 2
  16. Lake Frederick?
  17. I agree iceintheveins. My brother caught a 7 pounder out of Gunlock. Then they ruined the reservoir, it came back, and now idiots are trying to ruin it again. It really is mind blowing how the minority can make decisions for the majority. They ruined Utah lake as well. Do they just get bored? Are they like some policy makers who get so bored and change documents just to change them? Gunlock is part of numerous tournaments and leisure anglers. As for worrying about extinction with the trash fish, society is growing, the world continues to evolve, and some species will inevitably die off. It is a part of life. I get trying to save some species from dying, but others not so much. So, why not do what the masses want and preserve the fishery that they want?
  18. I had some luck on lake Frederick., but got some great info on the guys that consistently caught 8+ pound bass. With the hundred boats that fish the lake at a time, it gets frustrating since the lake is so small. The guys in the spring time just cruise the shoreline on those windless sunny days and site fish with their white soft plastics. That is how the 10 pounders get caught. I heard some have caught Giants in the prespawn fishing the ridges in 8 feet of water with spinnerbaits. Lastly, one guy I talked to who caught numerous Giants each year predominantly fished with the shakey head and was not always site fishing. Biggest I caught there was close to 7. I never went enough to learn the hotspots. Definitely the best big bass spot in northern VA in my opinion.
  19. Fished some lakes on Friday and Saturday in the otter tail county area. The previous 3 to 4 days of steady warming weather set the weekend up well. We ended up landing one over 6 and 7 over 5 pounds. The action was slow. Best baits were the jig in shallow water. Next best bait was the Swimjig. Spinnerbaits, chatterbaits, and crankbaits only caught smaller fish. If I lived in the west metro area, I would fish Auburn lake frequently. The few times we have fished it, we caught Giants.
  20. Drives me nuts that such a small group of people can decide for the masses. Now, they may shut the fishing down, but don't be so surprised when they allow all the young high school kids to keep rowing there since apparently that does not cause any problems to public safety but fishing does. I loved that reservoir. Wished i still lived there to fish that place again.
  21. You know, i occasionally catch some good ones on other lures, but i just can't stop fishing the jig...I would probably be a terrible tournament fisherman since i would be too stubborn to fish other baits or go for 2 to 3 pounders. It is an incredible fishery. Lower pressure and much easier to catch a limit than areas with less public lakes. Still have to work for the 5 pounders, but not really for the 4s. More importantly, we have spent enough time fishing the area to weed out less optimal waters and fish lakes that produce with a little patience. With so many adjacent lakes, the good ones can remain incognito at times.
  22. Congrats man! Fun when hard work pays off.
  23. Siebert outdoors is fantastic. I buy the lead jigs there unpainted and without the weedguard. This gives me a chance to powder coat them or paint them any way i like. Then i cure them or epoxy them. I have had him make longer hooks with some of the lighter jigs so i can still make them a big looking jig. Additional tweeking: frequently sharpening the hooks; always have at least 3 strands of skirts on them; i will make a 3/8 or 1/2 ounce jig fall real slow by spinning deer hair underneath the skirt so i can cast further in all conditions and still get the slow fall rate; for my green jigs, i will have a fleshy looking skirt strand on one edge and use permanent marker (red) to add a bleeding effect; and on another aspect, i will fish a swim jig with a swimbait trailer slow off the bottom like you would a slow moving trailer and pause on the bottom like your typical lift and drop and pause technique. This catches a lot of big bass for me. People get it in their heads that paddle tails must move at all times. So what does my presentation imitate? i have absolutely no idea. But it works.
  24. Steve, just truly remarkable. One of these days, i would love to sneak on that boat and go fish with you. If i were a betting man, i would say your favorite setup for big bass has a rage lobster on the end of it... Great fish as always,
  25. My wife just gave birth to our third child (a baby boy) and i have taken the week off. While the little nugget has slept, it has given me time to put together another video. I have been blessed to have a family cabin in Minnesota my whole life. Every year, i have made it a priority to fish there at least one week in the spring with the rest of my brosephs. We usually are able to make it out a week or two in the summer. Last year, i was able to make a fall trip for a week and plan on doing so regularly for the next few years. So, when we are there, we waste no time and get fishing. This is a video of some of the 5, 6, and 7 pounders we catch out there. With all of my footage, i have no idea how many videos i could make, but it is fun to put these things together. My wife thinks it's silly, but she supports me and that is all that matters! I would say these are big fish for Minnesota and small elsewhere. I have yet to get out fishing this year. Currently live in Wisconsin and it was in the 30s again today...this is ridiculous). Thanks for watchin, Shimmy
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