I'd have to disagree with you Fish Chris. I have said it before, live bait (minnows) is a whole other dimension. Heavy pressured waters and cold weather can be lit up with minnows more so than artificials. When we talk about 15 plus pound bass, how many people are tossing minnows at spawning beds hittin the banks as much as the typical artificial angler? Minnows die too fast for that so most minnow fisherman don't do that cause- minnow dies quicker and they never have enough minnows so they park in one area. If i wanted some big bass and wanted it consistantly, i would buy a bunch of minnows and toss them everywhere. I just don't believe artificials are better than the real thing. When you have to try and search for explanations how minnow fishing is not as easy, that alone should indicate your stretchin it. Big bass eat live bait. That's what they do. They didn't get so big by eating crankbaits and stinkos! But, nevertheless, i don't minnow fish, not as much of a challenge and hold no grudge to anyone who enjoys it.